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Top 35 Social Media Trends in April

From Shareable Pizza-Inspired Lattes to AI Social Platforms

— April 30, 2017 — Pop Culture
These April 2017 social media trends incorporate viral train station proposals, smart chalkboard robots that are powered by Twitter, and connected video apps that allow people to watch YouTube with their friends.

To capitalize on the excitement of singer Lana Del Rey's recent release 'Love,' Snapchat launched a new flower crown filter. Similarly to how the singer is presented in the music video that accompanies the track, the filter covers the user's head in beautiful white flower blossoms. At the same time, a snippet of the track is played, allowing users to spread their love for the artist and most recent work.

Also featured in these April 2017 social media trends is a Facebook Live video game that was inspired by 'The Walking Dead.' The game focuses on two Dutch YouTube vloggers, whose reactions are influenced by the Facebook reaction buttons. Due to the suspenseful nature of the game and the interactive elements, the Facebook Live feed accumulated over two millions views.
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Social Event Planning Platforms
Social Event Planning Platforms
The 'vendorspace' Matchmaking Platform Connects Professionals
Issue Discussion Networking Apps
Issue Discussion Networking Apps
The 'Blaze' App Enables Social Voting to Gauge Opinions
Train Station Bulletin Proposals
Train Station Bulletin Proposals
This Proposal was Posted in a Glasgow Train Station
Social Media Fundraising Features
Social Media Fundraising Features
Facebook is Adding a 'Personal Fundraiser' Function
Crowdsourced Decision Networks
Crowdsourced Decision Networks
The 'WeeAct' Social Network Enables Users to Make Smart Decisions
Robotic Push Notification Pets
Robotic Push Notification Pets
The Soshee Social Media Dog Barks During Instagram Alerts
Contextless Video Apps
Contextless Video Apps
'Yo Stories' Shares Video from Friends Without Additional Details
Automated Social Media Platforms
Automated Social Media Platforms
The 'Socialius' Social Media Management Platform Offers Guidance
Eye-Catching Reading Campaigns
Eye-Catching Reading Campaigns
The Litbaits Campaign Encourages Reading with Unmissable Headlines
Happiness-Sharing Bots
Happiness-Sharing Bots
Bbc Earth's Chatbot Shares Personalized Videos for "Real Happiness"
Intelligent Chalkboard Robots
Intelligent Chalkboard Robots
The Chalkbot Draws Like Einstein for National Geographic 'Genius'
Augmented Reality Table Lamps
Augmented Reality Table Lamps
Lampix will Change the Way Users Work and Play
Faux Companion Photoshoot Services
Faux Companion Photoshoot Services
Real Appeal's Rental Friends Let You Show Off on Social Media
Customer-Created Taglines
Customer-Created Taglines
Emerald Nuts' New Tagline, "Yes Good," Was Inspired by a Customer Review
Shared Video-Viewing Apps
Shared Video-Viewing Apps
'UpTime' Helps People Watch YouTube Videos with Friends
Social Music Streaming Platforms
Social Music Streaming Platforms
'Vibendo' Users Can Make and Share Playlists with Friends or Fans
Social Media Shopping Tools
Social Media Shopping Tools
'Easytap' Helps Increase Conversion by Incorporating Shopping Links
Social Rewards Programs
Social Rewards Programs
Lancome's Elite Rewards Engage Consumers Across Social Media
Real-Time Zombie Games
Real-Time Zombie Games
The Walking Dead Turned Facebook Live into a Live-Action Video Game
Animated Video Editing Apps
Animated Video Editing Apps
Apple Clips Offers Fun Ways to Enhance Videos for Sharing with Friends
A.I.-Powered Restaurant Finders
A.I.-Powered Restaurant Finders
The Sure Chatbot Uses Instagram to Make Restaurant Recommendations
AI Friendship Apps
AI Friendship Apps
'Hugging Face' is a Mobile Chat Bot That Offers Companionship
Pizza-Inspired Latte Artwork
Pizza-Inspired Latte Artwork
The Pizza Latte Coffee is an Artistic Take on a Classic Food Favorite
Sensitive Content Filters
Sensitive Content Filters
Blurred Photos on Instagram Will Warn of Possibly Offensive Content
Influencer Content Platforms
Influencer Content Platforms
'Spreadee' Enables Content Sharing with Social Media Users
Dreamy Singer-Inspired Social Filters
Dreamy Singer-Inspired Social Filters
The Lana Del Rey Filter on Snapchat Features a Flower Crown
Digital 3D Smartphone Microphones
Digital 3D Smartphone Microphones
The 'Lolly' Smartphone 3D Mic Upgrades Capabilities Instantly
Analytical Social Subscriptions
Analytical Social Subscriptions
Twitter is Developing a Premium 'TweetDeck' for Professionals
Simplistic Silhouette Art
Simplistic Silhouette Art
Flavio Salsano Turns Shadows from Everyday Items into Whimsical Drawings
Social Media Drones
Social Media Drones
After Launching Spectacles, Snap is Creating the Snap Drone
AI Influencer Platforms
AI Influencer Platforms
Influential Uses AI Influencer Technology to Help Brands and Agencies
Meme-Inspired Limited-Edition Candies
Meme-Inspired Limited-Edition Candies
The Limited-Edition All-Pink Starburst Packs are a Fan Fave
Flowery Java Art Pieces
Flowery Java Art Pieces
La Fee De Fleur Turns Morning Coffee Into Elegant Floral Arrangements
Puppy Proposal Photoshoots
Puppy Proposal Photoshoots
The Sebastian Loves Luna Engagement Album Showcases Canine Love
Meme-Inspired Fashion Ads
Meme-Inspired Fashion Ads
Gucci Partners with Viral Meme-Makers for a New Set of Creative Ads