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Top 100 Toy Trends in 2016

From Programmable Owl Robots to Modern Life-Sized Playhouses

— January 29, 2017 — Life-Stages
The 2016 toy trends that are most prevalent are toys that work to engage and educate children, as well as products that are more modern and sophisticated for children to interact with.

The 'Oomiyu' robotic owl has an endearing design that appeals to children's visual preferences while also giving them a unique opportunity to learn. The owl can be programmed by children to perform different behaviors and games, and gives them a playful introduction to S.T.E.M fields that are so crucial in innovation today.

Doherty Design Studio created a life-sized playhouse for children that rivals some homes with its contemporary design. The playhouse is complete with pivoting circular doors, a mesh loft and plenty of lounge and play space.

For more insights into the toy trends that will dominate the upcoming year, Trend Hunter's 2017 Trend Report dives into many different subjects.
Lovestruck Doll Commercials
Lovestruck Doll Commercials
This McDonald's Christmas Ad Follows a Vintage Toy Looking for Love
Holiday Retail Selfie Booths
Holiday Retail Selfie Booths
Walmart Encourages Experiential Retail with Interactive Stores
Curated Scientist Subscription Boxes
Curated Scientist Subscription Boxes
The Maker Box Picked By Bill Nye Include Experiment Kits
Child-Centric Creator Apps
Child-Centric Creator Apps
The Skylanders Imaginators App Lets Kids Create Physical Toys
Inflatable Origami Materials
Inflatable Origami Materials
Tangible Media Group's Aeromorphs are Used for Transforming Designs
Presidential Candidate Response Toys
Presidential Candidate Response Toys
The 'Pocket Donald' 20-Sided Die Offer Donald Trump Quips
Presidential Candidate Dolls
Presidential Candidate Dolls
Hashtag Collectibles' Doll is Based on the Texts from Hillary Meme
Organic Catnip Satchels
Organic Catnip Satchels
West Paw Designs Specializes in Making USDA-Certified Catnip
Flexible Toy Bricks
Flexible Toy Bricks
Flexo Allows for Greater Diversity in the Creations It Can Be Used to Make
Hybrid Aerospace Toys
Hybrid Aerospace Toys
This Rocket Builder Toy Comes to Life in Mickey's Magical Math World App
Maze-Running Robot Toys
Maze-Running Robot Toys
Kids Can Program Micro Bugs Through Mazes with the 'nano Nitro Slingshot'
Commemorative Toy-Building Promotions
Commemorative Toy-Building Promotions
This In-Store Promotion Celebrates National Teddy Bear Day
Transforming Fire Truck Toys
Transforming Fire Truck Toys
Firefighter Blaze Comes Equipped with Sirens, a Water Cannon and More
Plasticine-Animating Toys
Plasticine-Animating Toys
The Play-Doh Touch App and Studio Bring Children's Creations to Life
Modeling Clay Advent Calendars
Modeling Clay Advent Calendars
This Toy Advent Calendar Inspires Kids to Create Each Day
Battling Robot Toys
Battling Robot Toys
'Ganker' Robots Fight Without the Need for Programming Knowledge
Disc-Launching Toy Guns
Disc-Launching Toy Guns
The Pocket Shot Disc Launcher is a Safer Alternative to Gun Toys
Bouncing Meteor Toys
Bouncing Meteor Toys
This Dollar Store Space Toy for Kids Creates Gold and Silver Meteorites
Pop Culture Merchandise Subscriptions
Pop Culture Merchandise Subscriptions
The Geek Fuel Monthly Boxes Provide Ample Franchise Gear
Pop Star Zombie Dolls
Pop Star Zombie Dolls
'Zomby Gaga' is a New Monster High Character by Lady Gaga
UV Baby Product Sterilizers
UV Baby Product Sterilizers
The 'UviCube' UV Light Sterilizer Cleans Baby Bottles, Pumps and More
Fruity Fast Food Toys
Fruity Fast Food Toys
McDonald's New Toys Feature Sanrio Characters in the Shape of Various Fruits
Phone-Shaped Water Games
Phone-Shaped Water Games
The Shape of 'Water Fun' Puts a New Spin on Classic Water Toys
Connected Building Block Kits
Connected Building Block Kits
The 'ROKduino' Robot Building Blocks are an Educational Form of Play
Fridge Interior Robot Toys
Fridge Interior Robot Toys
The Star Wars BB-8 Robot Fridge Toy Interacts When the Door is Opened
Robotic Coding Kid Toys
Robotic Coding Kid Toys
The Xiaomi Toy Block Allows Kids to Create Customized Robots
High-End Children's Boutiques
High-End Children's Boutiques
Montreal's Billie le Kid Offers Designer Children's Apparel
Monstrous Engineering Toys
Monstrous Engineering Toys
These Fort-Building Toys Double as Other Useful Household Items
Superhero Nesting Dolls
Superhero Nesting Dolls
The Avenger Characters are Depicted Here as Stackable Wooden Toys
Advent Calendar Playsets
Advent Calendar Playsets
VTech's Toy Advent Calendar Includes a Road, Cars and a Storybook
Educational Programmable Owl Toys
Educational Programmable Owl Toys
The 'Oomiyu' Robot Owl Maker Kit Teaches STEM with a Fun Project
Simplistic Building Blocks
Simplistic Building Blocks
Edo's Cardboard Blocks Give Children Limitless Creation Opportunities
Faceless Porcelain Bears
Faceless Porcelain Bears
Medicom's Handmaid Porcelain Collectibles are Its Most Simple Yet
Boy Action Dolls
Boy Action Dolls
These Boy Dolls are Crushing Old Gender Stereotypes with Fun for All Kids
Hide-and-Seek Stuffed Toys
Hide-and-Seek Stuffed Toys
The Hide-N-Seek Stuffed Panda Gives Clues to its Location
Heatless Campfire Food Toys
Heatless Campfire Food Toys
This Children's Toy Set Helps Kids to Make S'mores Indoors
Kid-Focused 3D Printers
Kid-Focused 3D Printers
'Yeehaw' Lets Kids Select and Print Their Own Toys
Food-Inspired Collectible Keychains
Food-Inspired Collectible Keychains
Kidrobot Shrunk Down and Accessorized Its Vinyl 'Labbit' Toys
Interactive Toy Blocks
Interactive Toy Blocks
These Toys Aim to Help the Social Problems That Arise from Autism
Medical Teaching Toys
Medical Teaching Toys
The Gomo Doll Helps Doctors Teach Kids About Their Ailments
Children's Language Games
Children's Language Games
Ligumi Play Teaches Children Languages with Augmented Reality Toys
Children's Cross-Stitch Kits
Children's Cross-Stitch Kits
Seedling's Cactus Embroidery Kit Encourages Hands-On Play
Remote Control Bumper Cars
Remote Control Bumper Cars
The 'Galaxy Zega' Toys Pit Miniature Tanks Against One Another
AR-Powered Doll Displays
AR-Powered Doll Displays
Mattel's App-Connected Barbie Display Features Scannable Products
Fantasy Film Drone Toys
Fantasy Film Drone Toys
Spin Master's Star Wars-Themed Drones Let Kids Shoot Down the Death Star
Programmable Robot Toys
Programmable Robot Toys
Marty is a Robot for Kids That Teaches Coding in a Fun Way
Elegantly Technicolor Block Toys
Elegantly Technicolor Block Toys
The KUUM Wooden Puzzles are Geared to Both Children and Adults
Woven Wood Bear Toys
Woven Wood Bear Toys
Medicom Toy and Karimoku Collaborated for a Woven Wood Bearbrick Edition
Finger Puppet Toothbrushes
Finger Puppet Toothbrushes
'The Brushies' are Toys That Helps Parents Brush Their Kids' Teeth
Children's Lifestyle Retailers
Children's Lifestyle Retailers
Kira Kids Fun Merchandise Like Graphic Tees and Collectible Toys
Trap-Setting Invention Toys
Trap-Setting Invention Toys
The littleBits 'Rule Your Room' Kit Lets Kids Set Harmless Booby Traps
Anatomical Aquatic Plush Toys
Anatomical Aquatic Plush Toys
The Morris the Reversible Fish Plush Toy is Educationally Artistic
Monstrous Dental Games
Monstrous Dental Games
This Godzilla Toy is Modeled After a Classic Dentist Game for Kids
Fast Food Pedometers
Fast Food Pedometers
McDonald's Newest Happy Meal Toy is a Step Counter
Convertible Kid Scooters
Convertible Kid Scooters
The Globber Adjustable Child Scooter Features a Five-in-One Design
Kid-Drawn Stuffed Toys
Kid-Drawn Stuffed Toys
Ikea's 'Sagoskatt' Toys are Replicas of Real Kids' Drawings
Robotic Beer Pong Toys
Robotic Beer Pong Toys
Pongbot Adds a Challenge to the Classic College Game
Customizable Baking Kits
Customizable Baking Kits
The Crayola Baking Kits Allow Kids to Customize Their Own Desserts
Outdoor Winter Castle Toys
Outdoor Winter Castle Toys
This Snow Fort Building Set Enables Kids to Create Sturdy Snow Castles
Talkative Smartphone Toys
Talkative Smartphone Toys
The Smapon Communication Toy Works in Tandem with a Phone
Flying Genie Toys
Flying Genie Toys
The Shimmer and Shine Magical Flying Carpet Toy Swiftly Glides Across the Floor
Pitched Roof Designer Dollhouses
Pitched Roof Designer Dollhouses
The A-Frame Dollhouse Toy is Crafted from Premium Materials
Educational Space Station Toys
Educational Space Station Toys
The Playmobil Space Rocket with Launch Site Toy is Built by Kids
Superhero Science Kits
Superhero Science Kits
The Spider-Man Web Creator Lab Lets Kids Create Their Own Spider Webs
Canine Companion Robots
Canine Companion Robots
Hasbro's 'Joy For All' Companion Pets for Seniors Now Includes a Dog
Mysterious Digital Egg Toys
Mysterious Digital Egg Toys
'Hatchimals' Digital Toys are an Interactive Companion for Kids
Anime Beauty Boutiques
Anime Beauty Boutiques
Bandai's 'Otona Joshi Biyori' Appeals to Adult Women with Cute Cosmetics
Expressive Coding Toys
Expressive Coding Toys
Little Robot Friends Respond to Interactions with Cute Reactions
Stylish Toy Rocking Animals
Stylish Toy Rocking Animals
The Enko Creatio 'Enzoo' is Chicly Designed for Modern Homes
DIY Kid's Figurines
DIY Kid's Figurines
The Kidrobot Crayola Washable Vinyl Toys Can Be Customized
Educational Toy Mechanic Kits
Educational Toy Mechanic Kits
The Theo Klein Service Car Station Simulates Car Repair for Kids
Retro Miniature Car Sets
Retro Miniature Car Sets
Candylab Toys' New Campaign is an Homage to Mid-Century American Autos
AI-Assisted Racing Toys
AI-Assisted Racing Toys
'Hot Wheels AI' is a Modernized Version of the Classic Race Car Toys
Novelty Inflatable Unicorns
Novelty Inflatable Unicorns
Firebox's 'Giant Inflatable Unicorn' is a Mythical Novelty Decor Item
Spontaneous Miniature Robots
Spontaneous Miniature Robots
The Cozmo Was Designed To Feel Emotions Based on Its Environment
Collectible Chess Sets
Collectible Chess Sets
These Toys Can be Collected to Form a Chess Set
Upcycled Dinosaur Earrings
Upcycled Dinosaur Earrings
OOO Workshop's Earrings are Made from Retro Dinosaur Toys
Backpack Water Gun Toys
Backpack Water Gun Toys
These Water Guns are a Fun Toy for Hot Summer Days
Personalized LEGO Figurines
Personalized LEGO Figurines
These Framed LEGO Characters Match the Owner's Appearance
Hand-Felted Cat Toys
Hand-Felted Cat Toys
House of Cat's Alpaca Wool Pet Accessories are Catnip-Infused
Serene Toy Store Environments
Serene Toy Store Environments
Toys R Us Stores' 'Quiet Hour' is for Children Affected by Autism
Bluetooth-Connected Robot Toys
Bluetooth-Connected Robot Toys
The New Furby Connect Puts a High-tech Spin on the Popular 90s Toy
Moldable Soap Toys
Moldable Soap Toys
'Sudsy Dough' is a Bath Toy for Kids That Dries in Air & Dissolves in Water
Screen-Free Coding Toys
Screen-Free Coding Toys
The 'Plobot' Play Robot Lets Children Learn to Code without Screens
Rescue Dog Photography
Rescue Dog Photography
These Photos of a Puppy and Baby Sleeping Show the Soft Side of Rescues
Tangible Coding Toys
Tangible Coding Toys
Google's 'Project Bloks' Uses Toys to Teach Kids How to Code
Antique-Inspired Modern Toys
Antique-Inspired Modern Toys
The Tomogram Toy Incorporates the Aesthetic of Yesteryear and Today
Architectural Nesting Blocks
Architectural Nesting Blocks
These Nesting Toys are Based on the Russian Matryoshka
Treat-Dispensing Dog Toys
Treat-Dispensing Dog Toys
Leaps & Bounds' Cog Ball Toy Features a Dual-Purpose Design
Empathy-Building Playsets
Empathy-Building Playsets
'The Empathy Toy' Set for Kids is a Unique Family Puzzle Game
DIY Slingshot Toys
DIY Slingshot Toys
Pied Piper's Build-Your-Own Slingshot Kit Revives a Retro Pastime
Marvellous Postmodern Playhouses
Marvellous Postmodern Playhouses
This Elaborate Cubby House Harbors Big Imaginations
Intricate LEGO Sculptures
Intricate LEGO Sculptures
An Artist Created LEGO Animals That Act as Pieces of Art
Giant Marble Decorations
Giant Marble Decorations
These Large-Size Marbles Were Designed to Act as Home Decor
Robotic AI Toys
Robotic AI Toys
The 'Woobo' Looks Like a Furry Monster but It's Also an Educational Toy for Kids
Inspirational Pet Toy Packaging
Inspirational Pet Toy Packaging
PEATAI PET TOYS' Brand Identity Spotlights Insightful Quotes
Wheelchair Hoverboard Attachments
Wheelchair Hoverboard Attachments
HoverSeat Turns Hoverboard Toys into a Rolling Beach Chair
Toy Canine Carry-On
Toy Canine Carry-On
This Cute Kids' Luggage Serves a Second Function as a Plaything
Intuitive Dinosaur Toys
Intuitive Dinosaur Toys
The CogniToys Dino Combines Fun and Learning in a High-Tech Way
Professional Focus-Oriented Toys
Professional Focus-Oriented Toys
The 'Sphidget' Spinner Toy Offers Something to Fidget With