Content and document summarization platforms are on the rise
Trend - The use of automated content or document summarization platforms is on the rise, and allowing consumers to review only important information that is pertinent to their personal or professional lives.
Insight - Now that consumers have increased access to information because of the expansion of the Internet, they have available to them expertise and education on a range of subjects. Popular platforms like Twitter have made it so that consumers are now accustomed to receiving information in short soundbites so they can avoid being overwhelmed and maintain their attention. Thus, people are increasingly drawn to platforms that mimic this format.
Insight - Now that consumers have increased access to information because of the expansion of the Internet, they have available to them expertise and education on a range of subjects. Popular platforms like Twitter have made it so that consumers are now accustomed to receiving information in short soundbites so they can avoid being overwhelmed and maintain their attention. Thus, people are increasingly drawn to platforms that mimic this format.
Workshop Question - How could your brand simplify its branding/content?
Trend Themes
1. Automated Content Summarization - The rise of automated content or document summarization platforms is allowing consumers to review only important information that is pertinent to their personal or professional lives.
2. Mobile App Chatbots - Document-summarizing chatbots are being developed to help users consume more by reading less.
3. AI-powered Automated Content Solutions - Content summarization solutions and AI-powered algorithms will continue to aid users in making sense of overwhelming content.
Industry Implications
1. Information Technology - Automated content summarization solutions and machine learning will revolutionize the IT field by saving consumers time while providing accurate and concise information.
2. Media and Journalism - Automated content summarization and content aggregation solutions are the key to help journalists sift through the daily buzz and provide more value to readers.
3. Artificial Intelligence - AI-powered chatbots and automated content summarization algorithms are transforming the way humans interact with machines.