Kelp Seaweed serves as a nutrient-packed option
Trend - Typically eaten in the form of sushi or dried nori sheet snacks, seaweed is now being infused into alternative food products. This ingredient is being positioned as a health ingredient, similar to past positioning of kale or turmeric.
Insight - The concept of healthy eating has transformed throughout the years. Whereas in the 90s and early 2000s, consumers were interested in more restrictive eating, today's consumer is more interested in ingredients that can be added to the diet to increase wellness. This is why "star ingredients" tend to be met positively, especially when said ingredient is natural or exotic.
Insight - The concept of healthy eating has transformed throughout the years. Whereas in the 90s and early 2000s, consumers were interested in more restrictive eating, today's consumer is more interested in ingredients that can be added to the diet to increase wellness. This is why "star ingredients" tend to be met positively, especially when said ingredient is natural or exotic.
Workshop Question - How can your brand leverage sustainable materials and combine them with existing products to target a niche audience?
Trend Themes
1. Seaweed-infused Foods - Seaweed is being infused into alternative food products, positioning itself as a health ingredient.
2. Plant-based Alternatives - Seaweed-based alternatives are emerging as a flavorful, mineral-rich addition to a range of food products.
3. Probiotic Pickled Products - Pickled products are capturing the interests of consumers for their probiotic benefits, bold flavors and digestive health support.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can look at infusing seaweed into various products, offering plant-based alternatives and exploring pickle-based products with probiotic benefits.
2. Alternative Health Industry - The alternative health industry can look at promoting the health benefits of seaweed and probiotic pickled products for improved nutritional balance and digestion.
3. Sustainability Industry - The sustainability industry can look at promoting the benefits of seaweed farming that require no land for growth, reducing carbon footprint and offering a sustainable food source.