Prebiotics are infused into deodorants and antiperspirants
Trend - In order to ensure their products stand out in a competitive market, hygiene brands are offering deodorants that are infused with prebiotics. When applied topically, prebiotics are able to balance bacteria and soothe skin.
Insight - The personal care industry continues to grow and as a result, consumers are now faced with many choices in this space that can leave them feeling overwhelmed. These consumers turn to brands that are able to stand out, whether that's through branding, benefits offered, or distinct ingredients.
Insight - The personal care industry continues to grow and as a result, consumers are now faced with many choices in this space that can leave them feeling overwhelmed. These consumers turn to brands that are able to stand out, whether that's through branding, benefits offered, or distinct ingredients.
Workshop Question - How does your brand stand out among its competitors?
Trend Themes
1. Prebiotic-infused Personal Care - Hygiene brands are offering deodorants that are infused with prebiotics to balance bacteria and soothe skin.
2. Cruelty-free Probiotic Hygiene Products - Brands such as Hume Supernatural are innovating probiotic deodorant formulas to nurture healthy skin microbiomes.
3. Prebiotic Layered Deodorants - Rustic MAKA's Deo Duos feature two scents per container that appeal to health-conscious individuals.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - Prebiotic and probiotic hygiene products are disrupting the personal care industry and meeting the growing demand for natural and holistic skincare.
2. Athletic and Fitness - Hygiene brands such as OffCourt are catering to active lifestyles with deodorants that provide lasting post-workout protection.
3. Sustainability - Rustic MAKA's Deo Duos and other eco-friendly deodorants are disrupting the hygiene industry by using recyclable, aluminum-free, and synthetic fragrance-free ingredients.