Brands help consumers prevent allergies, or symptoms of them, from forming
Trend - Brands are using different methods to help prevent allergy onsets for consumers, or at least prevent the onset of symptoms for people who already have allergies. These brands are using methods that range from allergen introduction kits to monitoring apps that help users prevent contact with known allergens.
Insight - Prevention has become a major focus by consumers who are prioritizing their personal health. This shift has been enhanced by the growing focus on "wellness," which prioritizes holistic and preventative self-care for individuals. Now, consumers don't just expect brands to treat their health concerns, but also help prevent issues from popping up.
Insight - Prevention has become a major focus by consumers who are prioritizing their personal health. This shift has been enhanced by the growing focus on "wellness," which prioritizes holistic and preventative self-care for individuals. Now, consumers don't just expect brands to treat their health concerns, but also help prevent issues from popping up.
Workshop Question - How is your brand prioritizing prevention?
Trend Themes
1. Preventive Health - Prioritizing personal health through preventative measures and wellness has become a major focus for consumers, creating a need for brands to offer preventive care solutions.
2. Allergen Introduction - Early allergen introduction has been shown to be valuable in preventing allergies, leading to brands offering products that safely introduce babies to common allergens.
3. Real-time Monitoring - Real-time allergy monitoring apps and tools that deliver information to users are appealing to those who have acute or debilitating reactions to seasonal allergies and would benefit from immediate reports.
Industry Implications
1. Health & Wellness - A growing focus on personal health and preventative measures is driving demand for wellness and health solutions.
2. Food & Beverage - Brands offering allergen introduction products for babies and children are disrupting the food and beverage industry.
3. Health Tech - New technologies, such as early allergen prediction tools, are disrupting the health tech industry with AI-powered solutions for health conditions.