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Founder, CEO/CCO World's Best
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Jan 2009
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Java-Holding Literature
Java-Holding Literature
Lawrence Watt-Evans Prints His Novel on Coffee Mugs
We are all aware of the big shift from printed books to electronic books in the past few years, but if it were up to author Lawrence Watt-Evans, another form of publishing to people would increase... MORE
Ripped Reading Guides
Ripped Reading Guides
The 'Best Booze for Bestsellers' Infographic by Ryan Gielen is Buzzed
If you’ve ever wondered what liquor to drink with your bestseller, you’ll be happy to know that Ryan Gielen compiled a list of what booze go with what bestseller. What really stood out... MORE
Intergenerational Poverty Ads
Intergenerational Poverty Ads
Girl Hub in Nigeria Promotes Speech Without Words
These ads for Girl Hub in Nigeria are extremely creative and work great in print and billboards due to their clever use of speech bubble icons acting as the silhouettes of girls’ faces. The... MORE
Bike Wheels as Halos
Bike Wheels as Halos
City Bike Depot Campaign Uses Unbelievable Imagery
These ads for Australia’s City Bike Depot use shocking yet stunning photography to deliver their tagline “Biking is believing” using Jesus, an alien spaceship, and a fairy, each outfitted outrageously… MORE
Twitter Pizza Promos
Twitter Pizza Promos
Kraft's DiGiorno Delivers Free Flatbread Pizza to Tweetups
Kraft is launching a flatbread version of their best-selling DiGiorno pizza brand using the usual television and print outlets. In order to utilize the ever-increasing power of social media, however, they… MORE
Gratis Sandwiches for Goodwill
Gratis Sandwiches for Goodwill
On April 8, Denny's Will Give Out Freebie Breakfasts Once More
Denny’s restaurant has extended an offer to its regulars to bring in a friend who could use a free meal. The casual dining chain offered free sandwiches earlier this year, and the promotion's success was… MORE
Flip-Flop Footwear Fusion
Flip-Flop Footwear Fusion
Sanuk Pick Pocket Sidewalk Surfer Combines Sandal & Shoe
If you want the comfort of a flip-flop sandal but the year-round comfort and practicality of a shoe, these Sanuk Pick Pocket Sidewalk Surfers combine the best of both worlds. The footwear is designed with… MORE
Ocean Liner Floor Lamps
Ocean Liner Floor Lamps
'Sealight' Channels Opulent Elegance of the RMS Titanic
No worries about sinking with this Sealight Floor Lamp! The lamp replicates a 19th-century British marine light which was used to transmit Morse code. It is constructed from solid cast-aluminum with a… MORE
Daredevil Renovations
Daredevil Renovations
Totalgaz Ads Illustrate Extreme Home Renos
These ads for Totalgaz are an absolute hoot! The tagline for the campaign reads, “Otherwise, it would be too easy to install.” The accompanying images for the three print ads feature a man ready to jump… MORE
YouTube Confessionals
YouTube Confessionals
SoulWow Campaign Aims to Get Catholics to Confess Their Sins
The Catholic Church has hundreds of priests in the Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island areas ready to listen to your confessions this coming Holy Week. The Catholic Dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Center… MORE
Charitable Gun Flower Shirts
Charitable Gun Flower Shirts
Paul Smith Tees to Benefit Children in War Zones
Designer Paul Smith has designed tee shirts to be sold for charity to help children who live in war zones worldwide. The tee shirts feature powerful gun flower graphics and come in 3 super colors, each… MORE
Credit Crunch Competition Bashing
Credit Crunch Competition Bashing
Windows Offers More Bang For Your Buck Than Mac
This commercial for Windows PC has a woman named Lauren in search of a laptop computer for under $1000 after she fails to find a Mac within her budget. If she finds it, she keeps it. The ad stresses… MORE
Youth Lip-Sync Messages
Youth Lip-Sync Messages
BBC Young Orators Recite Famous Martin Luther King Speech
This commercial for BBC Young Orators uses children preaching the iconic Martin Luther King speech. The commercial is very well filmed and the children certainly take command of their individual space.… MORE
Football Field Laptops
Football Field Laptops Ads Show They Report News Instantly, On Site
These ads for show us just how quickly and instantaneous the latest breaking news is ready for you to read on their site, “Straight from the source." My favorite one is the sports ad… MORE
Heart-Rending Real-Life Ads
Heart-Rending Real-Life Ads
Breast Cancer Awareness Commercial Evokes Genuine Emotions
This truly heartfelt commercial for breast cancer is based on a true story. The commercial begins with Maria Elizabeth walking out of a doctor’s office crying hysterically. We later find out that the reason… MORE
Singing Eco-Activists
Singing Eco-Activists
Obama Girl Shows President Obama We're Ready to Save Energy
“Walking to work is so damn sexy,” says Obama Girl in just one of the hilarious lines from the song in this commercial for the America’s Greenest Campus competition. Obama Girl wants you to post… MORE
Stains as Prisoners
Stains as Prisoners
Persil Sets Your Stains Free From Clothing
These charming ads for Persil laundry detergent give the impression of actual stains behind prison bars due to the stripes in the shirts, table cloth and apron. These ads may not win an award for expert… MORE
Blogs About Old Hollywood Art
Blogs About Old Hollywood Art
‘The Gay Philospher' is Dedicated to the Works of Henry
What a fun blog dedicated to the artist Henry Major (1889-1948) and his character The Gay Philosopher. I really like the old Hollywood caricatures, which feature icons like Mae West, Fred Astaire, Humphrey… MORE
Life-Changing Phone Ads
Life-Changing Phone Ads
Fonecta Directory Services Proves Not Answering Can Cost You
This commercial for Fonecta's directory services shows us that not answering an unknown phone call can cost you money--and can actually cost you millions, as you will see in the commercial. I wonder… MORE
Immortal Auto Battery Ads
Immortal Auto Battery Ads
Koba Batteries Will Live Longer Than Your Car
These ads for Koba car batteries want us to remember that their brand is long lasting, and so long lasting that they'll provide energy after your car has been in a river for years or been dumped in a junkyard.… MORE
Quirky Circus Photography
Quirky Circus Photography
Matt Hoyle Shows the Human Side of Circus Performers
The photography of Matt Hoyle is a must-see for anyone who enjoys fine photography. I just love his sharp black-and-white renditions of circus performers in his 'Barnumville' series. The assortment of… MORE
Facebook Contests for Moms
Facebook Contests for Moms
Mothers Weigh in On Economy for Sears' “Busted Moms”
Is anyone not on Facebook these days? In order to reach a younger and hipper market, Sears has launched a contest called "Busted Moms" on Facebook that asks moms to tell Sears how the slowed-down economy… MORE
Provocative Chocolate Ads
Provocative Chocolate Ads
Mars' Sensual Campaign for ‘Fling,' a Candy Bar for Women
The last time Mars launched a new candy bar was 20 years ago with the very popular Twix bar. As of next week, Fling, a low-calorie chocolate bar aimed at women, will hit the store shelves. The Fling… MORE
Recession-Friendly Greeting Cards
Recession-Friendly Greeting Cards
Hallmark Wants You to Feel Better for Under a Dollar
With the terrible economic downturn affecting us all, we've noticed increased marketing efforts aimed at saving money for everything from cars to computers and fast food. Hallmark is now introducing 99-cent… MORE
Geeky Pop Star Endorsements
Geeky Pop Star Endorsements
Super Mario-Loving Beyonce As Nintendo ‘Rhythm Heaven' Spo
Not only is Beyonce crazy, crazy in love, she is also crazy, crazy about Nintendo’s Super Mario. Beyonce has signed up as the spokesperson for Nintendo’s new game, Rhythm Heaven, due for release on April… MORE
Automotive Animations
Automotive Animations
Honda Conveys Sunny Message With Hybrid Car Smiles
This charming commercial for Honda hybrid automobiles uses the song “let it shine” and thousands of car headlights opening and closing to create happy faces until the sun comes up to make us realize… MORE
Skydiving Elevators
Skydiving Elevators
Swiss Skydive Uses Simulation To Get You In The Mood For Jumping
Wow, this ad for the Swiss Skydive school reminds me of my trip to the CN Tower in Toronto. With a limited advertising budget, advertising agency Wirz/BBDO, Switzerland placed miniature buildings on the… MORE
Social Reality Weddings
Social Reality Weddings
From Online Dating to the 'Married on MySpace' Show
It seems that the success of ABC’s The Bachelor and Bachelorette has affected the marketing honchos over at MySpace. The social networking site is creating a reality dating web series which is presently… MORE
Supercar Heartbeats
Supercar Heartbeats
Lamborghini Murcielago Superveloce Shows The Art Of Speed
The latest commercial for the new Lamborghini Murciélago Superveloce is an absolute thrill ride for any fan of the classic Italian sports car. I just love the heart pounding sounds as the numbers begin… MORE
Chicken Filled Potholes
Chicken Filled Potholes
KFC Gets Into The Pothole Repairing Business
I’ve always thought of KFC as finger lickin’ good chicken, but now we may think of them as street fixin’ good. KFC is helping out with the overwhelming pothole problem in Louisville, Ky. All KFC… MORE
Spring Mounted Bodies
Spring Mounted Bodies
Joyent Ayurvedic Pain Remover Literally Removes Body Aches
These ads for Joyent Ayurvedic Pain Remover show us that their brand of rub-on pain reliever not only removes the pain, but actually replaces it with a slinky toy. They may want to consider marketing… MORE
Human Rights Graphics
Human Rights Graphics
Amnesty Portugal Uses Animation To Catch Your Attention
This stunning commercial for Amnesty Portugal uses black and white live action with illustrated pieces. The sharp graphics get your attention from the very first second till the last. The commercial… MORE
Psycho-delic Advertising
Psycho-delic Advertising Uses Alfred Hitchcock To Scare You Into Action
The latest commercials for clean water preservation include a “Psycho” inspired original video from GOOD. The message is that American culture wouldn’t have been the same without clean water. The… MORE
Funeral Visualization
Funeral Visualization
Monuta Helps You Imagine Your Funeral
Let’s be honest, we would all love to be a fly on the wall at our own funerals, we want to see who will cry and who will care less?. Monuta Funeral Services’ latest commercials have everyday people… MORE
Telecommunication Choirs
Telecommunication Choirs
Cosmote Telecom Uses Opera To Deliver Message
I just love this commercial for Smart Play by Cosmote, a major telecom provider in Greece. The choir includes men and women with mobile, landline phones and laptops all producing an operatic melody. My… MORE
Simulated Crashes
Simulated Crashes
Hudson River Plane Landing Recreated By Computer Animation
We usually have pictures and videos to remind us of a great vacation, now has created a professional 3D animation which reenacts the whole Hudson River Plane Landing, US Airways 1549 on… MORE

Featured Ideas

Graphic Bibles
Graphic Bibles
Wolverton Bible Has Vintage Cartoons Even The Non-Religious Will Like
Cartoonist Basil Wolverton, was commissioned by the church from 1953 through 1974 to write and illustrate short stories of the Old Testament. Now you can get his stunning work collected in one 304 page… MORE
Numberless Watches
Numberless Watches
This Timeless Timepiece Ensures Your Schedule Stays Open
This unique 'Free Time' watch designed by Laurinda Spear is supposed to keep you free of time with its numberless design. I think it’s a great excuse for never being late--or never being early--but imagine… MORE
Funeral Visualization
Funeral Visualization
Monuta Helps You Imagine Your Funeral
Let’s be honest, we would all love to be a fly on the wall at our own funerals, we want to see who will cry and who will care less?. Monuta Funeral Services’ latest commercials have everyday people… MORE
Cinematic Shockvertising
Cinematic Shockvertising
Motor Neurone Disease Association Ad Is Like a Horror Movie
This ad for the Motor Neurone Disease Association of the UK uses cinematic editing and special effects to show how it feels to live with this disease and to help them eliminate it. Is this ad unpleasant… MORE
Ads With Classic Couples
Ads With Classic Couples
Goobers Compares PB & J's to JFK and Jackie O
These ads for Goobers Peanut Butter and Jelly use iconic couples to illustrate the perfection of this popular pairing. Couples in the ads include Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers,… MORE
Time-Traveling Car Wash Ads
Time-Traveling Car Wash Ads
Amway Will Literally Shine Your Car Like New
This ad for Amway Thailand had me guessing for quite a while. You need to play close attention to the front and back of the Volkswagen to notice that the front is the latest edition of the car and the… MORE
Charitable Gun Flower Shirts
Charitable Gun Flower Shirts
Paul Smith Tees to Benefit Children in War Zones
Designer Paul Smith has designed tee shirts to be sold for charity to help children who live in war zones worldwide. The tee shirts feature powerful gun flower graphics and come in 3 super colors, each… MORE
Untimely GPS Ad Campaigns
Untimely GPS Ad Campaigns
Garmin Warns of the Consequences of Being Lost & Late
It’s true that life can sometimes take you in the wrong direction; these ads for Garmin GPS really make that message loud and clear. I love the sense of humor used in all three ads. The young man who arrived… MORE
Freakishly Strong Absorbing Cloths
Freakishly Strong Absorbing Cloths
Paper Towels So Strong They Suck Up Kitchen Sinks
Wow, these towels are so absorbent, they suck up both kitchen sinks. Creative, original and funny all at the same time, those are the key ingredients to any successful ad. I think the company who produces… MORE
Stop-Motion Milk Ads
Stop-Motion Milk Ads
Cravendale Dairy Bull is Addicted to Milk
Cravendale Dairy claims that "milk matters," and uses an angry bull to deliver this message loud and clear. The bull can certainly be compared to a drunken sailor who can't get enough beer, only his top… MORE
Disturbing Animal Testing Ads
Disturbing Animal Testing Ads
Morbid NOAH Campaign Uses Faux Fragrances with Dead Critters
NOAH is an organization devoted to the prevention of animal testing. The elegant images and sharp copy are enough to put the guilt in all of us. I find these ads very effective in getting their message… MORE
Retro Footwear
Retro Footwear
Pin-Up Pumps and Cha Cha Heels Reign Supreme for Spring
As with music, movies, and fashion, everything old is new again. As I get older, I have really become to appreciate the originality and hard work that went into creating almost everything from the 1930’s… MORE
Stereotypical Cosmetics Ads
Stereotypical Cosmetics Ads
Biocorner Biodegradable Cosmetics Prove Greenies Can Be Hotties
This ad for Biocorner, a Belgium biodegradable cosmetics manufacturer, makes the statement that you don’t need to look repulsive in order to be an environmental activist. The print ad uses before-and-after… MORE
Ocean Liner Floor Lamps
Ocean Liner Floor Lamps
'Sealight' Channels Opulent Elegance of the RMS Titanic
No worries about sinking with this Sealight Floor Lamp! The lamp replicates a 19th-century British marine light which was used to transmit Morse code. It is constructed from solid cast-aluminum with a… MORE