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Top 100 Unique Ideas in 2018

From Gelatinous Dessert Cubes to Nap-Enabling Apparel

— January 27, 2018 — Unique
Energy drink-infused sausages, haute couture wetsuits and color-changing cosmetic blushes are among some of the unmistakably unique ideas in 2018.

While many of these ideas may be simply written off as unconventional designs and quirky concepts, many of these thoughtful experiments aim to tackle pressing issues. Some of the best examples of the latter are the food-based, edible coffee cups served by cafes. While Sydney's Locals Corner offers a "carrot latte" served in a hollowed-out carrot drinking vessel, Truman Cafe's 'Avolatte' is presented to consumers in the skin of an avocado. While both cafes were quick to capture attention on social media, they also sparked meaningful dialogues about the future of food waste and single-use packaging.

Some of the other unconventional items to look out for in the year ahead include unconventional denim styles, odd food hybrids and niche workout classes.
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Musical Produce Attachments
Musical Produce Attachments
These 3D-Printed Pieces Make DIY Musical Instruments from Fruits & Veg
Florescent Green Beers
Florescent Green Beers
This Green Glowing Beer Was Made with Genetically Modified Yeast
Contoured Wine Chalices
Contoured Wine Chalices
The Wine Glass Mask Accentuates the Aromas of Wine
Trophy Head Vases
Trophy Head Vases
Kate Kuhar's Deer Antler Vases Provide Cruelty-Free Design Alternatives
Crabby Ecology Centers
Crabby Ecology Centers
The Ecology Center on Yangcheng Lake is Inspired by the Lake's Top Delicacy
Milk Bottle-Shaped Lamps
Milk Bottle-Shaped Lamps
'Milk Light' is a Unique Illuminator Disguised as a Dairy Product
Edible Sushi Sneakers
Edible Sushi Sneakers
Artist Yujia Hu Creates Sushi Sculptures That Resemble Footwear
Holographic 3D Printers
Holographic 3D Printers
Daqri's Additive Manufacturing Machine Cures with Complex Light Fields
Costly Pizza-Based Bikinis
Costly Pizza-Based Bikinis
Made with Real Pizza Ingredients This Pizza Bikini Will Cost You $10k
Shopping Bag-Inspired Sneakers
Shopping Bag-Inspired Sneakers
These Custom IKEA Sneakers Were Created by FRE Customs
3D-Printed Multifunctional Walkers
3D-Printed Multifunctional Walkers
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Kitschy Furniture Brand Caps
Kitschy Furniture Brand Caps
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Marijuana-Topped Festival Accessories
Marijuana-Topped Festival Accessories
The Cannabis Flower Crown Arrives Just in Time for Coachella
Fashionably Fake Work Pants
Fashionably Fake Work Pants
The Nordstrom Faux Muddy Jeans Let You Look Like You've Worked Outside
Spy-Themed Bars
Spy-Themed Bars
The Bletchley Requires Patrons to Crack Tricky Codes to Get Drinks
Bird-Based City Cleaning Initiatives
Bird-Based City Cleaning Initiatives
The 'Crow Bar' Teaches Crows to Clean Up Cigarette Butts
Churro Ice Cream Cones
Churro Ice Cream Cones
Garden Creamery Serves Its Ice Cream in Churro Cones
Washing Machine Meal Pouches
Washing Machine Meal Pouches
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Autonomous Hearse Coffins
Autonomous Hearse Coffins
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Helicopter Hotel Rooms
Helicopter Hotel Rooms
Helicopter Glamping Lets Couples Stay in a Converted SeaKing Helicopter
Lifelike Felt Pets
Lifelike Felt Pets
Japanese Artist Yomoko888 Creates Incredibly Realistic Dogs and Cats
Cucumber-Based Instruments
Cucumber-Based Instruments
Hendrick’s Gin is Inviting Consumers to Make Music with Vegetables
Interactive Fishing Restaurants
Interactive Fishing Restaurants
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Realistic Puppy-Shaped Desserts
Realistic Puppy-Shaped Desserts
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Bed-Based Workout Classes
Bed-Based Workout Classes
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Avocado Latte Cups
Avocado Latte Cups
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Battery-Operated Espresso Machines
Battery-Operated Espresso Machines
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Cubed Meat Packaging Concepts
Cubed Meat Packaging Concepts
Path Designed Packaging Concepts for Lab-Grown Meat Cubes
Bread-Smashing Jewelry Ads
Bread-Smashing Jewelry Ads
'Bread Face' Created an ASMR Ad for Sydney Garber's High-End Jewelry
Pizza Delivery Races
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Polar Fleece Streetwear
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Bag-In-Box Water Packages
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Color-Changing Blushes
Color-Changing Blushes
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Energy Drink-Infused Sausages
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Wheel-Like Eyeliner Applicators
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MAC Cosmetics' Newest Eyeliner Tip Resembles a Pizza Cutter
Artificial Intelligence Brides
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Bloodied Clothing Stores
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3D-Printed Water Treatment Systems
3D-Printed Water Treatment Systems
This Home System Can Produce 35 Liters of Drinking Water a Day
Unconventional Double Denim Pants
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3D-Printed Concrete Canoes
3D-Printed Concrete Canoes
ETH Zurich Developed an Ultra-Lightweight 3D-Printed Canoe
Featherlight Floating Cakes
Featherlight Floating Cakes
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App-Enabled LED Jackets
App-Enabled LED Jackets
'LitJackets' from LumoSquid Can Change Color in Tandem with Music
Color Therapy Yoga Classes
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Latex Sock Stilettos
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Hybridized Rainwear Accessories
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The Umbrella Raincoat a Fusion Between Two Rainy Day Staples
Leak-Proof Workout Shorts
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Produce-Based Coffee Cups
Produce-Based Coffee Cups
The Locals Corner Cafe Serves Coffee Beverages in Carrot and Apple Cups
Cauliflower Burger Pranks
Cauliflower Burger Pranks
KFC Pokes Fun at Extremely Healthy Eating with Its #CleanEating Burger
Special Occasion Cannabis Bouquets
Special Occasion Cannabis Bouquets
Lowell Smokes Bouquet is Made with California Cannabis
Scented Canned Socks
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Purposefully Unusual Eyewear
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Suspended Mini Homes
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Surreal Cartoon-Integrated Art
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Shaving Gel Bars
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Magnetic False Eyelashes
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Newfangled String Instruments
Newfangled String Instruments
This Yamaha Electric Violin Gives Time-Honored Sound a New Form
Celebrity Backside Floaties
Celebrity Backside Floaties
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Unconventionally Cut-Out Jeans
Unconventionally Cut-Out Jeans
These High-Waisted Jeans from ASOS Boast an Unusual Back Detail
High-Top Sock Sneakers
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These New Fendi Sneakers Have an Unconventionally Modern Design
Eccentric Castle Offices
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Gelatinous Dessert Cubes
Gelatinous Dessert Cubes
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Fried Chicken Bouquets
Fried Chicken Bouquets
KFC New Zealand Handed Out 20 Bouquets for Valentine's Day
Ice Cream-Filled Donuts
Ice Cream-Filled Donuts
B Sweet Dessert Bar Makes Heat-Sealed Donuts Called 'Halos'
Inside-Out Denim Trousers
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Unravel Project's Inside Out Jeans Reveal Exposed Seams and Raw Details
Nap-Enabling Apparel
Nap-Enabling Apparel
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Unconventional Geometric Jewelry
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Surreal Mixed-Media Plants
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Color-Changing Hair Dyes
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UV Handrail Sterilizers
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Immersive Elevator Experiences
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Roller-Skate Stilettos
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Human Clock Faces
Human Clock Faces
This Clock Uses a Human Eye to Represent the Passing of Time
Hoodie Drawstring Jewelry
Hoodie Drawstring Jewelry
Hannah Jewett Makes Pullovers with Decorative Hoodie Strings
Paper-Thin Watercolor Palettes
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Obscure Streetwear Accessories
Obscure Streetwear Accessories
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Bubbling Clay Face Masks
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Versatile Detachable Jeans
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Y/Project Designed a Pair of Jeans That Can Be Turned into Shorts
Transportable Hotel Rooms
Transportable Hotel Rooms
The Hyperloop Hotel Concept Moves Hotel Rooms Between Cities
Intimate Pop-Up Concerts
Intimate Pop-Up Concerts
Toronto's 'Pocket Concerts' Brings Live Music to Private Homes
Moving Ferris Wheel Apartments
Moving Ferris Wheel Apartments
Travelers Can Now Spend a Night in a Transformed London Eye Capsule
Lightweight Metal Die
Lightweight Metal Die
The 'Hollow Dice' is Only 1.5 Grams in Weight
Swedish Furniture-Inspired Bralettes
Swedish Furniture-Inspired Bralettes
The Fankie Collective Launched an Affordably Priced IKEA Bra
Modular Construction Systems
Modular Construction Systems
BeamCNC Can Turn Lumber into a Useful Construction System
Geological Food Shops
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The Usaginonedoko Cafe Creates Food Inspired by Rocks and Minerals
Immersive Ice Cream Museums
Immersive Ice Cream Museums
L.A.'s Whimsical Ice Cream Museum Attracts Social Media Users
Wearable Privacy Pods
Wearable Privacy Pods
The Sharkman is a Wearable Piece of Furniture for People Looking for Privacy
Coffee-Making Phone Cases
Coffee-Making Phone Cases
The 'Mokase' is an Ultra-Compact Espresso Machine
Crystal-Infused Water Bottles
Crystal-Infused Water Bottles
Glacce Bottles Help to Make Healing Crystal Elixirs on the Go
Humanoid 3D Cartoon Adaptations
Humanoid 3D Cartoon Adaptations
Miguel Vasquez Created Eerie 3D SpongeBob and Patrick Renditions
Holographic Display Smartphones
Holographic Display Smartphones
RED Has Designed the World's First Glasses-Free Holographic Phone
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Empowering Inclusive Runways
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Sweat-Preventing Bras
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The Ta-Ta Towel Was Designed to Combat One of Summer's Challenges