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Top 80 Health Trends in September

From Stress-Reducing Airline Food to Adult Jungle Gyms

— September 29, 2017 — Eco
September 2017 health trends reveal enhancements that seek to encourage both mental and physical wellness in relatively common aspects of different industries.

One example of this is Monarch Airlines' introduction of its 'Monarch Mood Food' program, which offers food that was created by molecular chefs. This food was carefully designed to target the various health-related ailments that can occur on planes, with food that counters everything from stress and anxiety, to cold symptoms.

Another example is Kompan Functional Training Systems' reinterpretation of the traditional jungle gym. Instead of being designed for children, this jungle gym was created as a playful outdoor gym for adults. The gym can be used for a variety of purposes – whether those are training sessions, bootcamps, or street workouts.
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Fermented Sugar Sweeteners
Fermented Sugar Sweeteners
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Informed Consumer Apps
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