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35 Examples of Memorable Commercials

From Empowering Feminist Ads to LGBTQ Snack Campaigns

— July 27, 2015 — Marketing
These memorable commercials range from empowering feminist ads to snack campaigns that encourage equality for the LGBTQ community. As major brands continue to embrace non-traditional marketing tactics, shock value and inspirational themes are not the only ways that companies are making a difference through their advertisements.

Whether addressing important social issues -- Honey Maid's latest ad encourages American media to feature more disabled cast members in their commercials -- or using suggestive imagery to sell candy, these examples change the way we experience TV advertising.

Pushing boundaries both through theme and visuals, these examples celebrate diversity, encourage viewers to live their dreams and suggest that the impossible will one day be reality with the help of modern technology -- as seen in the latest software commercial for Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system.

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Healthy Junkfood Commercials
Healthy Junkfood Commercials
UNREAL Candy is Endorsed by Actors, Athletes and Supermodels
Generational Software Campaigns
Generational Software Campaigns
The Windows 10 Commercial Connects the World Through Technology
Animated LGBT Campaigns
Animated LGBT Campaigns
Android's 60-Second Ad Features Celebrities for World Pride Month
Wholesome Snack Branding
Wholesome Snack Branding
Honey Maid's Latest Commercial Depicts Real American Families
Humorous Athlete Ads
Humorous Athlete Ads
Eli Manning Channels a Bad Comedian in DirecTV's Latest Commercial
Obnoxious Phone Upgrade Ads
Obnoxious Phone Upgrade Ads
Joel McHale Promotes T-Mobile’s Anytime-Upgrade Option in This Ad
Backtalking Beauty Ads
Backtalking Beauty Ads
Vichy's Newest Commercial Urges Consumers to #ForgetFlawless
Exploration Baby Ads
Exploration Baby Ads
This Airbnb Ad Features a Curious Baby That Encourages Cultural Travel
Revolutionary Art Commercials
Revolutionary Art Commercials
Toshiba Teams Up with a Japanese Artist to Challenge the Impossible
Speedy Sneaker Commercials
Speedy Sneaker Commercials
The Nike Air Zoom Elite Commercial Gets on the Fast Track
Scandalous Snack Commercials
Scandalous Snack Commercials
The Newest M&M's Ad Mixes Humor With Suggestive Themes
LGBT-Friendly Yogurt Ads
LGBT-Friendly Yogurt Ads
The Chobani Love This Life Campaign Focuses on Modern Day Relationships
Motherly Soccer Match Security
Motherly Soccer Match Security
Ogilvy Brazil Had Moms Patrol a Sport Club Do Recife Match
Comical Banking Commercials
Comical Banking Commercials
Isla Fisher Creates a Humorous Brand Endorsement for ING Direct
Flatulating Baby Commercials
Flatulating Baby Commercials
This Ad Titled 'Pooface' Features Babies Making Silly Bathroom Faces
Dream-Encouraging Auto Ads
Dream-Encouraging Auto Ads
This Honda CR-V Commercial Encourages One to Make Dreams a Reality
Sapphic Fashion Ads
Sapphic Fashion Ads
Anouk's 'Bold is Beautiful' Fashion Ad Celebrates Lesbian Love in India
Male-Targeted Skincare Ads
Male-Targeted Skincare Ads
Garnier's Acno Fight Ad Presents an All-In-One Skincare Remedy for Men
Zero Gravity Whisky Experiments
Zero Gravity Whisky Experiments
The Ardbeg Space Experiment Will Access the Affect of Zero Gravity
Bacon Diversity Ads
Bacon Diversity Ads
This Wendy's Thick Cut Bacon Ad Personifies the Meaty Snack
Transformative Iced Tea Ads
Transformative Iced Tea Ads
This Iced Tea Drink Campaign Stars Mr. T as the Bold Face of FUZE
Empowering Feminist Female Ads
Empowering Feminist Female Ads
The #LikeaGirl Ad Teaches Girls They Cannot Be Defined by Gender
Silent Storytelling Ads
Silent Storytelling Ads
This Voiceless HSBC Commercial Takes Place Entirely in an Elevator
New Dad Ads
New Dad Ads
Dove's Men+Care Commercial Captures Reactions to News of Becoming a Father
Nostalgic Car Campaigns
Nostalgic Car Campaigns
This Heartwarming Subaru Ad Encourages 'Making Memories' with Loved Ones
Awkward First Date Ads
Awkward First Date Ads
This Ad Shares One Couple's Awkward Date Ending with a McDonald's Big Mac
Musical Software Ads
Musical Software Ads
A Woman Finds the Magic of Youth in This HP Sprout Commercial
Childhood Imagination Commericials
Childhood Imagination Commericials
This S7 Airlines Commercial Makes Kids Wildest Dreams a Reality
Revolutionary Music Commercials
Revolutionary Music Commercials
The Apple Music Ad Campaign Puts Its App on a Historic Level
Family Diversity Ads
Family Diversity Ads
Tylenol's #HowWeFamily Commercial Celebrates Same-Sex and Interracial Bonds
Patriotic Battery Ads
Patriotic Battery Ads
Duracell's 4th of July Commercial Celebrates a Real Father-Daughter Story
Sobbing Children Ads
Sobbing Children Ads
This Ad For the #MakeAChildCry Campaign Promotes Healthcare Among Youth
Interactive Drinking Ads
Interactive Drinking Ads
With a Smartphone and Shazam, People Can "Drink" These Coca-Cola Ads
Cursing Child Commercials
Cursing Child Commercials
'Swearing Kids' Urges Parents to Buy a Smart Car So Kids Don't Curse