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29 Creative Literary Campaigns

From Eco-Conscious Book Campaigns to Fictional World-Blending Ads

— August 30, 2013 — Marketing
Encouraging literacy amongst youths and teens can be a challenge, but these creative literary campaigns have utilized unique marketing techniques and outside-the-box themes in order to promote reading in a thought-provoking way.

While reading books and stories are all things that are featured in school at a very early age, youngsters can easily get distracted by other more engaging outdoor activities and technological devices. That's why these creative literary campaigns have sought to utilize unique and thought-provoking techniques to help draw in more people and promote the importance of reading and literary.

From literary ads that feature classic fairytale characters engaged in realistic situations to immersive fiction campaigns and distracted dragon ads, these creative techniques are striving to demonstrate just how important and essential literacy can be, especially to a younger generation.
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Immersive Fiction Ads
Immersive Fiction Ads
The Wordsworth Books Campaign Asks "Where will the next page take you?"
Fictional Male Character Ads
Fictional Male Character Ads
The Men’s Health Campaign States “Welcome to the Real Men
Fantastical Bookvertising
Fantastical Bookvertising
The Saida de Emergencia 'Walking Head' Will Take You Away
Literary Legend Campaigns
Literary Legend Campaigns
The Washington Post Newsroom Stars in Newspaper iPad App Commercial
Typographic Literary Campaigns
Typographic Literary Campaigns
The ‘Read More Movies' Whicoulls Ad Strongly Encourages
Literary Production Videos
Literary Production Videos
'Birth of a Book' Shows the Behind-the-Scenes Creation of Making Books
Literary Snoozing Ads
Literary Snoozing Ads
BBDO's Dr Gav Mattresses Ad Features the Book 'Around the World in 80 Days'
Eco-Conscious Book Campaigns
Eco-Conscious Book Campaigns
These Libreria Norma Ads Feature Adam and Eve in the Modern World
Distracted Dragon Ads
Distracted Dragon Ads
This Corre Cutia Bookstore Campaign Stresses a Universal Interest in Reading
Hardcover Character Campaigns
Hardcover Character Campaigns
These Book Bienial of Pernambuco Ads Promote a Literary Lifestyle
Imaginative Braille Ads
Imaginative Braille Ads
This Comeco de Vida Campaign Brings Life to Classic Literary Characters
Bizarre Newspaper Ads
Bizarre Newspaper Ads
The Metro Everyday Nonsense Campaign Explains Strange Situations
Alternate Destiny Ads
Alternate Destiny Ads
See the Influence of Books in this Penguin China Campaign
Fictional World-Blending Ads
Fictional World-Blending Ads
The Madrid Book Publisher Association Campaign Encourages Reading
Literal Literary Life Campaigns
Literal Literary Life Campaigns
Penguin Audiobooks Ads Make Everyday Activities More Adventurous
Novel Life-Changing Ads
Novel Life-Changing Ads
The Arrebato Libros Campaign Morphs People into Book Characters
Fictional Morning-After Ads
Fictional Morning-After Ads
This Series of Book Ads Shows Readers Sleeping with Iconic Characters
Fictional Character Book Readings
Fictional Character Book Readings
‘Find Your Book' Puts Novels in Protagonists' Hands
Homeless Fable Character Ads
Homeless Fable Character Ads
The So Acao Solidarity Movement Campaign Encourages Book Donations
Trippy Author Advertisements
Trippy Author Advertisements
Hunter S. Thomson-Inspired Advertisement for Good Books is a Trip
Protagonist Portrait Campaigns
Protagonist Portrait Campaigns
Mint Vinetu Bookstore Wants You to Become Someone Else
Literary Workout Ads
Literary Workout Ads
Federal Agency of Publishing and Mass Communication Campaign Promotes Reading
Hungry Brain Ads
Hungry Brain Ads
The Penguin 'Jamie's 30 Minute Meals' Campaign Satisfies Two Different Cravings
Versatile Literary Logo Ads
Versatile Literary Logo Ads
The Penguin Books 'Books for Every Interest' Campaign Appeals to Many
Classic Fairytale Book Ads
Classic Fairytale Book Ads
The Gandhi Bookstores Ogilvy Ads are Immersed in Fantasy
Purely Pictographic Publications
Purely Pictographic Publications
The Stephen McCarthy 'Pictograms: The Newspaper' is Concise
Literal Book Ads
Literal Book Ads
The Gonvill Campaign by Alessandro Volpi is Full of Real Life Adventure
Literary Companion Campaigns
Literary Companion Campaigns
These Steimatzky Books Ads Lets You Snuggle Up to Gandalf and Stalin
Using Fairytale Heroes to Promote Reading
Using Fairytale Heroes to Promote Reading
Literacy Foundation Ads