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34 Inventive Beer Branding Techniques

From Bagged Booze Branding to Retro Pop Packaging

— June 4, 2013 — Marketing
With the amount of alcoholic retailers on the market, companies are beginning to think outside-the-box when it comes to their packaging, and these inventive beer branding techniques are some great examples of quirky designs meant to attract consumers.

Beer has always been a popular go-to option for those looking to have a drink or two with their buddies, but with so many different options available these days to choose from, designing a clever label and name is something that can make all the difference. From beer companies that have bottles that amazingly light up in the dark to labels that feature pop culture references and comical catch phrases, these inventive techniques aim to target a much more youthful market looking for something more unique and tailored to their tastes.
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Bomb-Inspired Beer
Bomb-Inspired Beer
Smashbomb Beer Has Been Deemed too Violent for Stores
Boy Band Beer
Boy Band Beer
Hanson MMMHop India Pale Ale is Set to Release Next Year
Facial Hair-Infused Libations
Facial Hair-Infused Libations
Rogue Beard Beer is Made From Brewmaster John Maier's Beard Yeast
Whimsical Beer Branding
Whimsical Beer Branding
Hopper Whitman Sports Labels With a Drunk Eccentric Cricket
Curvaceous Beer Branding
Curvaceous Beer Branding
The Nijenrode Packaging Lets the Brand's Outrageous Bottle Do the Talking
Hip Happy Hour Branding
Hip Happy Hour Branding
The Classic Hatuey Beer Undergoes a Contemporary Package Makeover
Hip Herringbone Booze Branding
Hip Herringbone Booze Branding
Hillards Beer Cans are Fabulously Fashion Forward
Theatrical Alcoholic Beverages
Theatrical Alcoholic Beverages
The TicketyBrew Beer Takes Cues from the Stage
Boozy Rock Band Beverages
Boozy Rock Band Beverages
KISS Beer Blends Rockstar Swagger with Easy Drinking Taste
Glow-in-the-Dark Lager Labels
Glow-in-the-Dark Lager Labels
The Interactive Heineken Beer Bottle Illuminates When People Cheers
Butcher Beer Branding
Butcher Beer Branding
Blood Alley Bitter Ale Packaging Features a Cut-Lined Porker
Tiny Take-Anywhere Kegs
Tiny Take-Anywhere Kegs
‘Tapje' Keg Allows Consumers to Drink Draft Beer at Home
Dripping Brew Branding
Dripping Brew Branding
Porter de Glace Beer Packaging Experiments with Messy Merchandizing
Cottagey Brew Branding
Cottagey Brew Branding
Geneva Lake Beer Packaging Takes its Inspiration from Cottage Country
Folded Booze Labels
Folded Booze Labels
Origami Beer Bottles are Decorated With Self-Folded Lilies
Brash Beer Branding
Brash Beer Branding
Austin Beerworks is Swathed in Boldly Vibrant Packaging
Dapper Beer Cans
Dapper Beer Cans
Iconic Beer Brand Budweiser Introduces a Bow Tie-Shaped Can for 2013
Pop Culture Beer Branding
Pop Culture Beer Branding
These Cool Beer Bottles are from Swedens Church of the Atom
Retro Pop Packaging
Retro Pop Packaging
The SANS Natural Diet Soda is All Natural & Brilliantly Branded
Scannable Beer Labels
Scannable Beer Labels
Digital IPA Offers a QR Code That Takes Drinkers to Brewing Instructions
Bumpy Beer Branding
Bumpy Beer Branding
The New Packaging Design for Mac's Brewery Beer Selections is Seriously Groovy
Radiant Beer Packaging
Radiant Beer Packaging
The 'SOL' Beer Packaging Design Glows Like the Sun
Secret Beer Code Beverages
Secret Beer Code Beverages
The Guinness QR Cup Reveals Hidden Message When Filled With Dark Liquid
Literal Beer Branding
Literal Beer Branding
New Pabst Blue Ribbon Packaging is Inspired by the Product's Name
Fantasy Beer Packaging
Fantasy Beer Packaging
The 'satansbrand' Game of Thrones Alcohol Logos are Hilarious
Jam Jar Booze Branding
Jam Jar Booze Branding
Super Beer Packaging Serves Up a Quirky and Casual Impression
Doodled Booze Branding
Doodled Booze Branding
Au Yeah! Beer Packaging Contents Quench a Casual Craving
Novel Booze Branding
Novel Booze Branding
Captain Ahab Lager Packaging Brings the Drinker into the Book
Topless Beer Can Designs
Topless Beer Can Designs
Sly Fox's Unconvential Packaging Turns Beer Cans into Cups
Underrated Booze Branding
Underrated Booze Branding
Bloody Good Wine is Marketed to Anti-Connoisseur Consumers
Blatant Booze Branding
Blatant Booze Branding
The John Hollows Ginger Beer Image has Nothing to Hide
See-Through Beer Cans
See-Through Beer Cans
Naked Premium Beer Packaging Provides a Look at the Product Inside
Honeycomb Booze Branding
Honeycomb Booze Branding
Nectar Honey Beer Packaging Takes the Form of its Sweetest Ingredient
Bagged Booze Branding
Bagged Booze Branding
Leuven Beer Packaging Greatly Increases the Portability of Your Pale Ale