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100 Gifts for Dog Owners

From Dog-Friendly Streetwear to Pet Treadmills

— December 15, 2018 — Lifestyle
Buying a gift for dog lovers is a treat as typically, those with furry friends are more than happy to receive a present that benefits their pup instead of just themselves, and this list of gifts for dog owners has plenty of options.

Streetwear has been extended to canines, enabling pups to look as stylish as their owners. This year, Moschino collaborated with H&M to create dog-friendly iterations of some of their most popular pieces, like vests, jackets and collars. While walking in style is fun, others may be looking to elevate their workout experience, which is why the Doggy Health Run Pet Owner Exercise Treadmill is an ideal gifting option for those looking to include their pets when breaking a sweat.

Also included in this list of gifts for dog owners are a plethora of organic, and uniquely flavored treats that dogs are sure to enjoy. Primes examples include Pawsitively Fresh's Coconut Dill treats, or Nulo's 'Mix-It Meals,' which were inspired by culinary recipes.
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Game Meat Pet Foods
Game Meat Pet Foods
RAW WILD Makes High Quality Pet Food With Premium Deer and Elk Meat
Flame-Grilled Dog Bones
Flame-Grilled Dog Bones
Burger King's 'Dogpper' Provides a Treat for Whopper Lovers' Pets
Pet-Analyzing Apps
Pet-Analyzing Apps
The New Google Lens Feature Lets Pet Owners Scan Their Furry Friends
Accurate Canine Activity Trackers
Accurate Canine Activity Trackers
PoochPlay Monitors Pets and Suggests Diet Plans
Puppy-Presenting Weather Apps
Puppy-Presenting Weather Apps
'Weather Puppy' Keeps People Happy When They Check the Forecast
Dog Training VR Programs
Dog Training VR Programs
'Dog Trust' Lets Users Understand the Signs of Aggressive Canines
Celebratory Zodiac Memorabilia
Celebratory Zodiac Memorabilia
China Post is Sharing a Year of the Dog Stamp, Envelopes & Drawings
Spicy Seasoning Vials
Spicy Seasoning Vials
The Portable 'Mad Dog 357 Pain on a Chain' Holds a Gram of Hot Pepper Powder
Nutritious Homemade Dog Food
Nutritious Homemade Dog Food
The Happy Mealz Subscription Service is Healthy and Protein-Rich
All-In-One Dog Supplements
All-In-One Dog Supplements
Happy Go Healthy's Dog Health Supplement Supports Joints, Skin & More
Dog-Friendly Office Designs
Dog-Friendly Office Designs
BARK's Office Boasts an Interior Pets and Humans can Enjoy
Watercolor Animal Tote Bags
Watercolor Animal Tote Bags
HEAD PORTER's New Tote Bags Feature Rop Van Mierlo's Artwork
Condition-Specific Dog Supplements
Condition-Specific Dog Supplements
Halo's Supplemental Foods for Pets Support Healthy Aging
Painted Animalistic Accessories
Painted Animalistic Accessories
The HEAD PORTER 20th Anniversary Taps Rop Van Mierlo
Five-in-One Dog Supplements
Five-in-One Dog Supplements
SmartyPaws' Multifunctional Formulas Support Immunity, Skin & More
AR Pet Bed Previews
AR Pet Bed Previews
'Treat A Dog' Implemented Shopify AR to Help Pet Parents with Buying a Dog Bed
Convenience Store Slurpee Promotions
Convenience Store Slurpee Promotions
7-Eleven Offers Consumers Free Small Beverages on Slurpee Day
Wholesome Dill Dog Treats
Wholesome Dill Dog Treats
Pawsitively Fresh's Healthy Treat for Dogs Comes in a Compostable Pouch
Collapsible Dog Crates
Collapsible Dog Crates
Diggs Designed the Revol with Simple Storage Solutions in Mind
Automotive Pet Accessory Packs
Automotive Pet Accessory Packs
Land Rover's 'Pet Packs' Offer Dog-Friendly Travel Solutions
Charitable Pet-Centric Coffees
Charitable Pet-Centric Coffees
The Puppy Bowl's Coffee for Charity Supports Shelter Pets
Customized Dog Socks
Customized Dog Socks
PupSocks Helps Pet Owners Sport the Image of Their Furry Best Friend
Refreshing Dog-Friendly Desserts
Refreshing Dog-Friendly Desserts
Shake Shack Now Offers the 'Pooch-ini' as a Dog Dessert
Fungi-Based Dog Treats
Fungi-Based Dog Treats
Wild Earth's Good Protein Dog Snacks with Koji Avoids the Use of Meat
Grain-Free Dog Treats
Grain-Free Dog Treats
Old Mother Hubbard's Oven-Baked Biscuits Suit Dogs with Grain Sensitivities
All-In-One Pet Apps
All-In-One Pet Apps
ScritchSpot Offers a Wealth of Fun and Useful Resources for Pet Parents
Live-Streaming Canine Health Trackers
Live-Streaming Canine Health Trackers
The 'TailTale' Dog Tracker Keeps an Eye on Important Vitals
Convenient On-the-Go Pet Feeders
Convenient On-the-Go Pet Feeders
POGO is a Portable Pet Feeder That is Perfect for Traveling
Organic Fresh Pet Foods
Organic Fresh Pet Foods
The Grateful Dog Creates Well Balanced Meals with Nutritious Ingredients
Satirical Canine Games
Satirical Canine Games
The Dogness Game Has Players Breed the Perfect Canine Companion
Nutritious Fresh Pet Foods
Nutritious Fresh Pet Foods
Primal Pet Foods Refines Homemade Recipes for Dogs and Cat Consumption
Puppy-Themed Cosmetic Releases
Puppy-Themed Cosmetic Releases
Too Faced Announces Its Adorable Clover Collection
Sustainable Canine Brunch Menus
Sustainable Canine Brunch Menus
Ray's and Stark Bar's 'Barky Brunch' Uses Food Scraps for Dog Food
Culinary-Inspired Pet Meals
Culinary-Inspired Pet Meals
Nulo's 'Mix-It Meals' Introduce Premium Recipes for Dogs and Cats
Robotic Puppy Toys
Robotic Puppy Toys
Spin Master's Zoomer Playful Pup Can Perform More Than 20 Tricks
Luxe Botanical Dog Shampoos
Luxe Botanical Dog Shampoos
This Dog Shampoo by Malin+Goetz Contains Hydrating Amino Acids
Swimming Pet Events
Swimming Pet Events is Hosting Britain’s First-Ever Dog Swimming Gala
Canine Smartphone Communicators
Canine Smartphone Communicators
The 'Moxie' Dog Smartphone Connects Canines to Their Masters
Bagless Pet-Friendly Vacuums
Bagless Pet-Friendly Vacuums
The Miele Blizzard CX1 Vacuum Enables World-Class Cleaning
Animal-Printed Face Towels
Animal-Printed Face Towels
Online Retailer Firebox Launches Cute Animals Face Flannels
High-Quality Homemade Pet Food
High-Quality Homemade Pet Food
YaDoggie Fresh Offers Pet Food You're Supposed to Cook
Socially Responsible Bedding Companies
Socially Responsible Bedding Companies
Parachute Uses Non-Toxic & Natural Fibers for Its Products
Temperature-Sensing Dog Harnesses
Temperature-Sensing Dog Harnesses
The 'Dawg Tag' Harness Protects Canines from Heat Stroke
Connected Automatic Pet Feeders
Connected Automatic Pet Feeders
The PetABC iTreater Provides Fresh Food for Your Pet Each Day
Dog-Friendly Dating Apps
Dog-Friendly Dating Apps
The 'Dig' Dating App Connects Canine Lovers Together
Bold Dog-Friendly Streetwear Lines
Bold Dog-Friendly Streetwear Lines
Heron Preston and Vip Released Streetwear for Dogs
DIY Canine Cookbooks
DIY Canine Cookbooks
'Feed Me: 50 Home Cooked Meals for Your Dog' Ensures Optimal Nutrition
Multifaceted Smart Collars
Multifaceted Smart Collars
The Wagz Explore Smart Collar Solves Many Pain Points for Pet Parents
Eco Pet Wellness Products
Eco Pet Wellness Products
'Happy Pet' Approaches Dog Health with a Sustainability Focus
Friendly Animalistic Cooling Fans
Friendly Animalistic Cooling Fans
This Playful Fan Turns the Appliance into a Charming Character
Dog-Training Doorbells
Dog-Training Doorbells
The Mighty Paw Smart Bell Lets Dogs Let You Know When it's Time for a Walk
Handsfree Athlete Dog Leads
Handsfree Athlete Dog Leads
The Ruffwear Trail Runner System Keeps Fido by Your Side
Geometric Treat-Dispensing Pet Toys
Geometric Treat-Dispensing Pet Toys
The Ruffwear 'Gnawt-a-Rock' Toy Bounces Unpredictably
Accessible Pet-Focused Homes
Accessible Pet-Focused Homes
The Atelier Dog House Features Design Elements to Aid a Disabled Dog
Protective Outdoor Canine Eyewear
Protective Outdoor Canine Eyewear
The Rex Specs Dog Goggles Protect Against Debris and UV Rays
Sustainable Dog House Parades
Sustainable Dog House Parades
House of Dogs Tasked Designers with Creating Sustainable Dog Houses
Sous-Vide Dog Food
Sous-Vide Dog Food
'Grocery Pup' Connects Pet Owners to Fresh-Prepared, Human-Grade Dog Food
Automated Indoor Canine Toilets
Automated Indoor Canine Toilets
The 'BrilliantPad' Dog Pad Collects and Seals Pet Waste
High-Tech Canine Toothbrushes
High-Tech Canine Toothbrushes
The Mira-Pet Ultrasound Dog Toothbrush Destroys Bacteria
AI-Powered Robotic Pets
AI-Powered Robotic Pets
Sony's Aibo Robot Dog Acts Like a Real Living House Pet
Specialized Pet Shampoos
Specialized Pet Shampoos
Mikki Offers Pet Grooming Products for "Seriously Dirty" Dogs and More
Ultra-Realistic Puppy Toys
Ultra-Realistic Puppy Toys
'Ricky the Trick-Lovin Pup' is a Highly Convincing Companion Toy
Pet Pool Floats
Pet Pool Floats
BARK and FUNBOY Have Released Mini Pool Floats for Pooches
Home-Cooked Dog Food Subscriptions
Home-Cooked Dog Food Subscriptions
Butternut Box Offers Gourmet Treats for the Furry Companion
Food-Inspired Gift Ideas
Food-Inspired Gift Ideas
foodora Boasts a Delicious Hot Dog-Themed Father's Day Special Offer
Futuristic Flatpack Dog Houses
Futuristic Flatpack Dog Houses
The 'Touffu' Pet House is Simple to Assemble without Tools
Long-Lasting Dog Leashes
Long-Lasting Dog Leashes
The Lifetime Leash from Atlas Pet Company Was Made from Climbing Rope
Canine Waste-Collecting Cannisters
Canine Waste-Collecting Cannisters
The 'PawPail' is an All-in-One Waste Station for Pet Owners
Fitness-Focused Pet Robots
Fitness-Focused Pet Robots
The 'VARRAM' Robot Keeps Your Cat or Dog in Tiptop Physical Shape
Quirky Cartoon-Inspired Dog Outfits
Quirky Cartoon-Inspired Dog Outfits
Disney Launches a Funny and Adorable Collection for Dogs
Canine Car Interior Protectors
Canine Car Interior Protectors
The Ruffwear Dirt Bag Protects Car Interiors from Dirty Dogs
Treat-Maximizing Dog Accessories
Treat-Maximizing Dog Accessories
The 'Bully Buddy' Ensures Dogs Don't Swallow Treats Whole
Streetwear-Style Dog Accessories
Streetwear-Style Dog Accessories
'Fresh Pawz' Makes Stylish Dog Accessories & Supports Charity
Dog-Inspired Youth Accessories
Dog-Inspired Youth Accessories
Smoko's New Milo Corgi Collection Offers a Backpack and a Diffuser
Canine-Friendly Bathtub Accessories
Canine-Friendly Bathtub Accessories
The 'Bath Cradle' Makes it Easier to Keep Your Dog Clean
Canine Owner Workout Machines
Canine Owner Workout Machines
The Doggy Health Run Pet Owner Exercise Treadmill Accommodates Dogs
Smart Home-Connected Dog Collars
Smart Home-Connected Dog Collars
'Pup-eeze' Turns Dogs into a Node in One's Smart Home Landscape
Meat-Flavored Canine Toothbrushes
Meat-Flavored Canine Toothbrushes
The 'Bristly' Effortlessly Keeps a Dog's Teeth and Breath Fresh
Wooden Triangle Block Toys
Wooden Triangle Block Toys
Areawear's New Geometric Snake Block Toys are Both Fun and Educational
Upright Automotive Dog Harnesses
Upright Automotive Dog Harnesses
The ZuGoPet Rocketeer Pack Harness Protects Canines at All Times
Clear-Walled Dog Pens
Clear-Walled Dog Pens
Clearly Loved Pets' Modern Lucidium Dog Pens are Stylish Enclosures
AI-Powered Cardboard Robots
AI-Powered Cardboard Robots
Smartibot is a DIY Cardboard Robot That Uses Artificial Intelligence
Design-Friendly Dog Houses
Design-Friendly Dog Houses
The Doggy Dreamhouse is Ideal for Both Dogs and Humans
Premium Canine Scarves
Premium Canine Scarves
'Bundle-pup' Helps Keep Furry Friends Warm and Stylish
Flatpack Open-Air Pet Beds
Flatpack Open-Air Pet Beds
The 'Κέρβερος' Folding Dog Bed is Simple to Erect Anywhere
Brain-Stimulating Dog Games
Brain-Stimulating Dog Games
The 'SwiftPaws' Interactive Dog Game Keeps Canines Engaged
Millennial-Friendly Dog Toys
Millennial-Friendly Dog Toys
'LickCroix' is a Sparkling Water-Shaped Chew Toy for Pups
Punny Branded Dog Accessories
Punny Branded Dog Accessories
Pawmain's Funny Products for Dogs Reference Contemporary Fashion
Hammock Pet Beds
Hammock Pet Beds
The Joey Pet Sofa is a Comfortable, Convertible Canine Lounger
Treat-Wielding Pet Selfie Tools
Treat-Wielding Pet Selfie Tools
The Model Citizen Pet Woofie Helps Dog Parents Take Optimal Pics
Stylish Modern Dog Beds
Stylish Modern Dog Beds
Parachute's Cotton Canvas Dog Beds are Made for Dogs of All Sizes
Pet Companionship Robots
Pet Companionship Robots
The Kolony Robotic 'MIA' Pet Robot Keeps Animals Relaxed
Stylish Designer Pet Fashion
Stylish Designer Pet Fashion
Moschino Collaborates with H & M on Chic Outfits for Furry Friends
Travel-Friendly Dog Beds
Travel-Friendly Dog Beds
Spruce Pup's Portable Dog Beds Emphasize on-the-Go Convenience
Demure Multipurpose Pet Houses
Demure Multipurpose Pet Houses
'The Wool Lodge' Offers Cats or Dogs a Place of Their Own
Functional Spiral Pet Staircases
Functional Spiral Pet Staircases
SophiPet is Design-Forward & Compact Furniture for Pet Companions
Extravagant Dog Kennel Exhibitions
Extravagant Dog Kennel Exhibitions
The BowWow Haus London Boasts Luxurious Dog Kennel Designs
Contemporary Collapsible Dog Crates
Contemporary Collapsible Dog Crates
The Revol Dog Crate is Stylish and Safer
Rug-Shaped Dog Beds
Rug-Shaped Dog Beds
Treat A Dog's PupRug is a Memory Foam Bed Disguised as a Home Decor Accessory