'Pup-eeze' Turns Dogs into a Node in One's Smart Home Landscape
Smart home functionality is becoming all the more common for people around the world, but 'Pup-eeze' is a new device that's aiming to make it a normal part of life for dogs around the world as well. The connected dog collar turns consumers' pets into nodes in their smart home landscape, effectively allowing dogs to serve as a proxy for their owners' control over their home devices.
Pup-eeze comes with functionality to control everything that a dog might need while their owner is away from home during the day. Thanks to the smart collar, users can remotely turn their lights on and off, control the thermostat to keep dogs comfortable, and even turn on music or the television to give their dogs some company.
Pup-eeze comes with functionality to control everything that a dog might need while their owner is away from home during the day. Thanks to the smart collar, users can remotely turn their lights on and off, control the thermostat to keep dogs comfortable, and even turn on music or the television to give their dogs some company.
Trend Themes
1. Smart-home Enabled Pet Accessories - There is an opportunity for companies to create other smart home-enabled pet accessories beyond collars, such as feeding and watering stations or litter boxes.
2. Pet Activity Tracking - An innovation opportunity exists for companies to track and analyze pet activity for health and behavioral purposes, similar to human activity tracking.
3. Personalized Pet Care - As smart home technology continues to improve, there is an opportunity for personalized in-home pet care through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Care Industry - The pet care industry could benefit from integrating smart home technology into their products, creating a new market for pet owners.
2. Consumer Electronics Industry - There is an opportunity for the consumer electronics industry to expand into pet devices, creating new revenue streams.
3. Artificial Intelligence Industry - As artificial intelligence technology continues to improve, there is a potential for its use in predicting and understanding pet behavior and needs.