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Top 100 Tech Ideas in December

From Multi-Tasking Tablets to Commemorative Euro Trains

— December 27, 2014 — Eco
The top December 2014 tech ideas continue to reflect one of the industry's most iconic announcements -- the release of Apple's newest products including the iPhone 6 the iPhone 6 Plus. To accessorize the millions of new smartphones owned by consumers, brands have been designing a wide range of accessories.

One of the most popular accessories to emerge is the third party battery charger for smartphones. There are now belts, pants, jackets and purses that can restore the battery life of a smartphone on the go.

With the colder -- and wetter -- here, consumers can now rely on increased durability of their everyday products thanks to the release of items like the waterproof pouch speakers and spill-proof keyboards.

Trend Hunter's 2014 Tech Trend Report includes more examples and additional research from our research experts.
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Complaint-Encouraging Apps
Complaint-Encouraging Apps
The Throw Tomatoes App Lets You Complain About and Praise Stuff
Spill-Proof Keyboards
Spill-Proof Keyboards
The Key-to-Go is Compatible With iPhones and Apple TVs
Cave-Exploring Cable Cars
Cave-Exploring Cable Cars
The World's Largest Cave Will Be Explorable By Cable Car
Simulated Northern Light Shows
Simulated Northern Light Shows
This Virtual Reality Light Show Replicates the Aurora Borealis
Marvelous Movember Apps
Marvelous Movember Apps
The Movember Mobile App Helps You Manage Your Movember Journey
Simple Reservation Apps
Simple Reservation Apps
Yo Lineup Sends You a 'Yo' When Your Wait for a Restaurant Table is Over
Commemorative Euro Trains
Commemorative Euro Trains
The Eurostar e320 Marks Eurostar's 20th Anniversary
Spherical Pianos
Spherical Pianos
The PianoArc is a Staggering Six Feet in Diameter for Pure Pianist Bliss
Protective Smartphone Bumpers
Protective Smartphone Bumpers
Squair Provides a Simple Frame to Keep iPhones Safe and Sound
Distilling Art Installations
Distilling Art Installations
Helmut Smit's The Real Thing is a Commentary on Access to Water
Vehicular Audio Gadgets
Vehicular Audio Gadgets
The Alpine iLX-007 Uses Apple CarPlay Technology
App-Enabled Holiday Lights
App-Enabled Holiday Lights
Lumenplay Lights Can be Customized with 16 Million Colors
Waterproof Pouch Speakers
Waterproof Pouch Speakers
This Case is Made for People Who Like to Sing in the Shower
Facial Alteration Apps
Facial Alteration Apps
This App's Visualization Technology Simulates JUVEDERM Treatments
Biometric Health Monitors
Biometric Health Monitors
The SensoTRACK Keeps Track of Your Vitals Like No Other Device
Wine Cork Flash Drives
Wine Cork Flash Drives
This High Quality Vino-Inspired Cork USB Transfers Files at Top Speed
Intelligent Alert Systems
Intelligent Alert Systems
The Leeo Smart Alert Nightlight Alerts You If the Smoke Alarm Goes Off
Universal Mobile Payment-Processing
Universal Mobile Payment-Processing
Poynt is a POS Terminal Compatible with All Payment Services
Stormy Wedding Photography
Stormy Wedding Photography
Sarah and Josh Elope to Iceland for Breathtaking Natural Landscapes
Elegant Cord Storage
Elegant Cord Storage
CB2's Cordito Cord and Plug Organizer Boasts a Stylish Design
Smartphone Auto Accessories
Smartphone Auto Accessories
The Belkin Vent Car Mount for Smartphones is Sleek and Versatile
Wearable Breath Trackers
Wearable Breath Trackers
Spire Monitors Breathing to Prompt People to Calm Down When Necessary
Child-Safe 3D Pens
Child-Safe 3D Pens
The Polyes Q1 is the First Child-Safe 3D Sketching Pen
Alien World Installations
Alien World Installations
SXSW Interactive's Stream Me Up Lets People Virtually Travel Space
Terrifying Underwater Selfies
Terrifying Underwater Selfies
Sony's Spooky Underwater Photo Series Shows Off the Xperia
Sprayable Solar Paint
Sprayable Solar Paint
Lucelo Technologies is Developing Solar Cells You Can Spread on Any Material
Dinosaur Shower Heads
Dinosaur Shower Heads
This 3D-printed T-rex Shower Head Brings the Prehistoric into the Washroom
Solid Concrete Timekeepers
Solid Concrete Timekeepers
This Concrete Clock From Fancy Boasts a Unique and Rugged Design
Edgy Nautical Watches
Edgy Nautical Watches
The Tattoo DNA Timepiece by Romain Jerome is Dark and Stormy
Epic Wave Photography
Epic Wave Photography
Surfer Clark Little Captures Powerful Images with a Simple Handheld Camera
DIY 3D-Printed Toys
DIY 3D-Printed Toys
The Hasbro My Little Pony Collection is Open for Customization
Playable Social Accounts
Playable Social Accounts
The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Campaign Features an Instagram Mission
Wearable Banking Wristbands
Wearable Banking Wristbands
The CaixaBank Contactless Payment System is a Spanish Alternative
Selfie Fashion Auctions
Selfie Fashion Auctions
The Selfie Collection is Presented by the Nokia Lumia 735 Smartphone
Office Stretching Apps
Office Stretching Apps
Take a Yoga Break by Suzan Colon Encourages a Healthier Work Life
Serial Killer Storage Drives
Serial Killer Storage Drives
These Collectible USB Keys by MAIKII Celebrate Spooky Film Characters
Smartphone Breathalyzers
Smartphone Breathalyzers
Alcohoot Ensures People Keep Track of People's Blood Alcohol Levels
Stylish Standalone Smartwatches
Stylish Standalone Smartwatches
The Burg 12 Smartwatch Doesn't Need To Be Paired With a Smartphone
Fetching Personal Drones
Fetching Personal Drones
Bizzby Provides a Fast Service Perfect in Times of Emergencies
Overweight Tablet Carriers
Overweight Tablet Carriers
Eaton London's Hercules is a Artistic Tablet Stand with a Husky Design
Wearable Personal Trainers
Wearable Personal Trainers
This Fitness Tracking Service Integrates Wristbands and Audio Feedback
Movement-Memorizing Ballet Shoes
Movement-Memorizing Ballet Shoes
The E-Traces Pointe Shoes are Fitted with Arduino Technology
Automated Scheduling Apps
Automated Scheduling Apps
The Private Secretary App Juggles Your Professional and Social Lives
Panoramic Action Cameras
Panoramic Action Cameras
The Tamaggo ibi 360 Makes Panoramic Pictures and Video Fast and Easy
Time Machine Photography
Time Machine Photography
Samantha Decker Captures a Glimpse of the Future From the Past
Interactive Photography Campaigns
Interactive Photography Campaigns
Samsung Gives You the Chance to Become a Fashion Photographer
Tabletop 3D Printers
Tabletop 3D Printers
This Tiny 3D Printer is Fast and Hardly Takes Up Any Space
Multi-Tasking Tablets
Multi-Tasking Tablets
The Jolla Tablet is the First of Its Kind to be Crowdsourced
Textile Tech Designs
Textile Tech Designs
The Ora Ito Mobility Collection is Full of Soft Textures and Materials
Disposable Smartphone Batteries
Disposable Smartphone Batteries
Mini Power by Tsung Chih-Hsien is an Emergency Energy Source
Ear Canal-Shaped Headphones
Ear Canal-Shaped Headphones
Sony Just Ear Headphones Will Provide an Exceptional Experience
Multipurpose Tablet Cases
Multipurpose Tablet Cases
This Tablet Holder Design Includes a Stand, Grip and Carrying Strap
3D-Printed Ceramics
3D-Printed Ceramics
Jonathan Keep's 3D-Printed Ceramic Art Blend Nature, Crafts and Technology
Ambient Lighting Alarms
Ambient Lighting Alarms
The JBL Horizon Gentle Alarm Clock Uses Soft Light to Wake You Up
Device-Unlocking Wristbands
Device-Unlocking Wristbands
The Everykey Wearable Password Manager Supplants Passwords and Keys
Connected Home Consoles
Connected Home Consoles
The Wink Relay Brings All Your Devices to One Interface for Ease
Languorous Gaming Consoles
Languorous Gaming Consoles
Ishac Bertran's Slow Games Only Allows Players To Make One Move a Day
Conch-Like Audio Amplifiers
Conch-Like Audio Amplifiers
These Ceramic iPhone Speakers Provide a Modern Design Element
Postal Wine Packaging
Postal Wine Packaging
These Creative Wine Bottles Look to Written Correspondence for Inspiration
WiFi-Providing Trees
WiFi-Providing Trees
The Sologic eTree Offers WiFi and Phone Charging
Stimulating Eye Gadgets
Stimulating Eye Gadgets
This Cordless Asian Anti-Aging Device Prevents Wrinkles in the Eye Area
Virtual Clothing Mirrors
Virtual Clothing Mirrors
CLO Virtual Fashion's C-Mirror Transforms the Fitting Room Experience
Food-Inhaling Restaurants
Food-Inhaling Restaurants
At Cafe ArtScience, Patrons Ingest Their Meals Through Inhalation
Minimalist Vintage Time-Tellers
Minimalist Vintage Time-Tellers
The Brick Flip Clock by Erwin Termaat is Full of Simplistic Style
Productive App Guides
Productive App Guides
This Infographic Lists the Pros and Cons of Productivity-Enhancing Apps
Educational 3D Printing Startups
Educational 3D Printing Startups
This New Venture Wants to Bring 3D Printed Robotics to Schools
Protective Ring Alarms
Protective Ring Alarms
The Siren Ring is a Powerful Personal Safety Device and Stylish Wearable
Fashionable Fitness Watches
Fashionable Fitness Watches
The Nevo Fitness Tracking Watch is Both Techy and Fashionable
Cellular Skin-Absorbable Bandages
Cellular Skin-Absorbable Bandages
HexSkin by Felipe Castaneda Dissolves Over the Skin
Pelvic Muscle Monitors
Pelvic Muscle Monitors
The Elvie is a High-Tech Version of the Kegel
Grocery Checkout Apps
Grocery Checkout Apps
Sainsbury's Grocery Shopping App Lets You Skip the Checkout Counter
Chic Smoker Tech Accessories
Chic Smoker Tech Accessories
Shop Jeen's Chic Cigarette Phone Case is Smoker-Approved
Artistic Smartphone Protectors
Artistic Smartphone Protectors
The Society6 iPhone 6 Cases Boast Colorful Graphic Designs
Dark Surreal Self-Portraits
Dark Surreal Self-Portraits
Yutha Yamanaka Captures Himself Imaginatively Interacting with Nature
Child-Locating Footwear
Child-Locating Footwear
The Colorful Chip-Embedded GPS Shoes Help Parents Keep Track of Their Kids
Bike-Boosting Motors
Bike-Boosting Motors
The Rubbee 2.0 is a Smart Motor For Bicycles
Spiral 3D-Printed Vases
Spiral 3D-Printed Vases
This Fractal Geek Gift Was Made Using a Makerbot 3D Printer
Mountain Biking Wheelchairs
Mountain Biking Wheelchairs
The GRIT Freedom Chair is An All-Terrain Wheelchair
Hi-Tech Beauty Masks
Hi-Tech Beauty Masks
Panasonic's At-Home Booster Mask EH-XM10 Keeps Skin Dewy & Healthy
Digital Bus Shelter Advertisements
Digital Bus Shelter Advertisements
This Augmented Reality Ad Immerses Commuters in a Video Game
Interactive Retail Maps
Interactive Retail Maps
Ralph Lauren's Window Display is an Interactive Shopping Experience
Backup Phone Accessories
Backup Phone Accessories
The Talkase is a Super Slim Mobile Phone That's Also an iPhone Case
Medical Emergency Drones
Medical Emergency Drones
The Ambulance Drone Sends First Aid Supplies Quickly to the Scene
Holographic Projection Systems
Holographic Projection Systems
Bleen Offers 3D Projection Without Requiring the Use of Glasses
Virtual Reality Horror Films
Virtual Reality Horror Films
With Oculus Rift, You Can Watch a Horror Movie in First-Person
Snazzy Smartphone Cases
Snazzy Smartphone Cases
Hex's iPhone Cases Bring Fashion To Your Pocket
Tech-Integrated Furniture
Tech-Integrated Furniture
The CLIQUE Collection Blends Furniture and Technology
Literal Bunny Phone Cases
Literal Bunny Phone Cases
Twitter User Ryooneokrock1 Starts the Latest Tech Craze with His Pet
Windowless Plane Concepts
Windowless Plane Concepts
This Plane Concept Could Revolutionize Air Travel
Wearable Air Purifiers
Wearable Air Purifiers
The Wind Six Intelligent Purifier is Worn as a Futuristic Headset
Hi-Tech Tea Brewers
Hi-Tech Tea Brewers
The Smart Qi teamaker Perfects Tea Brewing
Reclaimed Wooden Boomboxes
Reclaimed Wooden Boomboxes
This Wood Speaker Fuses Modern Audio Technology with Old Materials
Animalistic Fruit Hybrids
Animalistic Fruit Hybrids
Animal Food by Sarah DeRemer Combines Critters with Vegetables
Grotesque Medical Dinners
Grotesque Medical Dinners
This Unsettling Feast Introduces the Surgeon Simulator Game for iPhone
Hi-Tech Tattoos
Hi-Tech Tattoos
NewDealDesign Imagines Embedded Wearable Technology
Functional Futuristic Furniture
Functional Futuristic Furniture
This Phone-Charging Desk Wireless Looks After Your Mobile Phone
Adorable Animal Hybrids
Adorable Animal Hybrids
This Sarah DeRemer Art Collection Consists of Photoshopped Monkey Kittens
Premium Smartphone Sheaths
Premium Smartphone Sheaths
The New iPhone 6 Designs from Element Case Ensure Style and Function