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28 Clever Cleaning Product Ads

From Coffee-Holding Cloth Ads to Shape-Shifting Paper Towels

— July 5, 2013 — Marketing
Marketing a product that removes stains or cleans surfaces isn't the most exciting of tasks, but these clever cleaning product ads are utilizing imaginative concepts and pieces of imagery to sell these otherwise ordinary supplies.

With the variety of cleaning supply brands on the market, it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate one specific brand from the other. That is why these clever print campaigns are incorporating outside-the-box concepts and humorous themes as a way to attract consumers. From ads that showcase paper towels taking the form of actual spilt products to cleaning cloths that are seemingly strong enough to carry coffee, these clever product ads are creating a striking visual concept that viewers will certainly remember.

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Coffee-Holding Cloth Ads
Coffee-Holding Cloth Ads
The SPA Sponge Cloth Ad Showcases the Strength of This Household Product
Spill-Shaped Drain Ads
Spill-Shaped Drain Ads
The Poly Brite Campaign is Creatively Simple and To-The-Point
Settled-In Stain Ads
Settled-In Stain Ads
The Persil Gel Campaign Features Metropolis Shirt Smudges
Melting Stain Culprit Ads
Melting Stain Culprit Ads
The Vantage Campaign Shows "Stained in a Dash, Gone in a Flash"
Strippable Stain Campaigns
Strippable Stain Campaigns
The Forbo Flooring Flotex Ads Show the Ease of Peeling Away Spills
Illuminating Cleaner Campaigns
Illuminating Cleaner Campaigns
The Nevex 2011 Ads' Super-Whitening Action Sheds Light
Bedsheet Cleanup Ads
Bedsheet Cleanup Ads
The Vanish Kosla Oxi Action Campaign Leaves Romantic Memories in the Mind
Drip-Through Campaigns
Drip-Through Campaigns
The Clorox for Colors Ads Show Super Stain-Resistent Clothing
Toy-Inspired Soap Campaigns
Toy-Inspired Soap Campaigns
These Fab Detergent Print Ads Use LEGO Stains to Target Children
Literal Stain Campaigns
Literal Stain Campaigns
This Clorox for Colors Ad Can Clear Up Those Messy Moments
Artistic Cleaning Campaigns
Artistic Cleaning Campaigns
The Sopalin 2011 Ads Focuses on Paper Towel Paintings
Absolving Stain Remover Ads
Absolving Stain Remover Ads
Vanish Removes All Stains, Including Sins
Imminent Spill Campaigns (UPDATE)
Imminent Spill Campaigns (UPDATE)
Ariel Stain Remover Ads Anticipate Eating Accidents
Killer Teeth-Cleaning Ads
Killer Teeth-Cleaning Ads
The Cepacol Plus Whitening Campaign Fights Germs and Stains
Slide Puzzle Stain Ads
Slide Puzzle Stain Ads
Sao Luiz Laundry Service Campaign Suggests a Strategy for Cleaning Clothes
Shape-Shifting Paper Towels
Shape-Shifting Paper Towels
The P&G Bounty Ad Campaign Acts Like the Original Vessel
Symbolic Stain Campaigns
Symbolic Stain Campaigns
The Foxy Asso Ultra Ads Promote Absorbent Paper Towels
Spill-Proof Towel Campaigns
Spill-Proof Towel Campaigns
These SPA Cponge Cloth Ads Conquer All Kitchen Messes
Cleaning Agent Messvertising
Cleaning Agent Messvertising
The 'OMO Detergent' Ads Clean Up
Super-Effective Stainvertising
Super-Effective Stainvertising
Vanish Stain Remover Works So Well, Even Labels Disappear
Stains as Prisoners
Stains as Prisoners
Persil Sets Your Stains Free From Clothing
Wrung-Out Cleaner Ads
Wrung-Out Cleaner Ads
The Jala PRT Campaign Brings Awareness to Domestic Worker Abuse
Extruding Stain Campaigns
Extruding Stain Campaigns
These Ariel Detergent 2D Ads Present Spills in Three Dimensions
Stain Painting Ads
Stain Painting Ads
The Ariel Pro-zim 2 'Stain By Numbers' Print Ads are Creative
Swiped Spill Ads
Swiped Spill Ads
The Ajax Spray N Wipe Campaign Shows That There's "Nothing Quicker"
Hovering Stain Campaigns
Hovering Stain Campaigns
Flash Cleaner Ads Keep Potential Spills From Pristine Surfaces
Powerful Cleaning Campaigns
Powerful Cleaning Campaigns
The Handy Andy Mirror Ad is Visually Transformative