The Cepacol Plus Whitening Campaign Fights Germs and Stains
Meghan Young — May 31, 2012 — Marketing
References: publicis & ibelieveinadv
The Cepacol Plus Whitening campaign takes a drastic stand against germs that reside in people's mouths and tough teeth stains. It enlists the help of some of the world's best killers, all of which happen to have existed in the past. These helpful soldiers of death are a Spartan, executioner and mobster.
Conceived and executed by Publicis, an ad agency based in São Paulo, Brazil, the Cepacol Plus Whitening campaign is very simple except for the mini characters in the center of the white background. Accompanying their weapons of choice is a paint roller dripping with white paint to show just how serious they are.
The Cepacol Plus Whitening campaign was illustrated by Romeu E Julieta.
Conceived and executed by Publicis, an ad agency based in São Paulo, Brazil, the Cepacol Plus Whitening campaign is very simple except for the mini characters in the center of the white background. Accompanying their weapons of choice is a paint roller dripping with white paint to show just how serious they are.
The Cepacol Plus Whitening campaign was illustrated by Romeu E Julieta.
Trend Themes
1. Germs Vs. Weapons - Opportunity for ad agencies to create campaigns featuring unconventional weapons or concepts to combat germs and promote personal health and hygiene.
2. Nostalgic Figures in Advertising - Opportunity for industries to incorporate nostalgic or historical figures in advertising campaigns to attract a wider audience and create a memorable experience for viewers.
3. Extreme Stain Removal - Opportunity for industries to create products that not only fight germs but also remove tough stains from teeth and other surfaces.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The use of historical or unconventional imagery in ads can tap into different emotions or promote unorthodox product benefits.
2. Personal Hygiene - The ad campaign showcases an opportunity for the personal hygiene industry to create products with a unique selling proposition that combines germ elimination and stain removal.
3. Cleaning Products - An opportunity to create innovative cleaning products that can differentiate themselves from standard products and incorporate aspects of nostalgia or unconventional weaponry.