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30 Memorable Christmas Commercials

From Comforting Holiday Campaigns to Pet-Focused Christmas Ads

— March 8, 2016 — Marketing
These memorable Christmas commercials range from humorously festive ads to comforting holiday campaigns with a sentimental brand message. Standouts include emotive commercials like a McDonald's ad that illustrates the power of a simple hug while following the relationship between an elderly man and his grandson along with anti Black Friday campaigns that promote quality family time over mindless shopping trips.

In the humor realm, brands like Temptations are marketing its cat treat range with comedic ads like its #SaySorry campaign that apologizes on the behalf of pet owners who dress up their furry friends. Additionally, standouts like Robert Dyas' low budget hardware ad appeal to Millennials with a viral video approach that is cost-effective and intriguing to younger audiences.

Other memorable Christmas commercials include caroling pizza delivery ads that enlist the help of real people to pull off an epic publicity stunt as well as gender-neutral toy ads that reject stereotypes associated with masculinity and femininity.

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Star-Studded Holiday Commercials
Star-Studded Holiday Commercials
The H&M Holiday Commercial is a Katy Perry Musical Spectacular
Christmas Preparation Ads
Christmas Preparation Ads
This New Campaign from Lidl Teaches Us How to Prepare for the Holidays
Celeb Fireplace Videos
Celeb Fireplace Videos
You Can Watch Nick Offerman and a Burning Yule Log This Holiday Season
Extravagant Christmas Ads
Extravagant Christmas Ads
Marks and Spencer's 'The Art of Christmas' Spot Welcomes the Holidays
Nativity-Inspired Accessory Ads
Nativity-Inspired Accessory Ads
The Humorous Mulberry Miracle Ad Replaces Baby Jesus with a Purse
Selfless Christmas Campaigns
Selfless Christmas Campaigns
This Ad for Toys "R" Us Shows the Kindness of Children
Smartphone Screen Ornaments
Smartphone Screen Ornaments
Rethink's Modern Christmas Ornament Removes Distracting Technology
Adventure-Based Holiday Ads
Adventure-Based Holiday Ads
LateRooms' It’s Going to Be a Great Night Ad is the Brand's New Motto
Anger-Altering Christmas Ads
Anger-Altering Christmas Ads
This Oddbins Ad Uses a Fox to Bring Christmas Cheer to an Angry Man
Christmas Birthday Campaigns
Christmas Birthday Campaigns
Three's 'Merry Birthday' Shines a Spotlight on December Babies
Holiday Gift Shopping Ads
Holiday Gift Shopping Ads
This Ad for PayPal Promotes Spending Time with Family Instead of Malls
Chicken-Rewarding Holiday Ads
Chicken-Rewarding Holiday Ads
This KFC Christmas Commercial Tests Friends' Knowledge of Each Other
Frantic Holiday Ads
Frantic Holiday Ads
'Aldi' Supermarkets in Australia Depict a Stressful Christmas Experience
Festive Multi-Screen Ads
Festive Multi-Screen Ads
Samsung's Holiday Dreams is Told Through Many Mobile Devices
Food-Focused Holiday Ads
Food-Focused Holiday Ads
This Waitrose Christmas Ad Shows Different Families Enjoying the Holidays
Festive Feline Sweater Ads
Festive Feline Sweater Ads
The #SaySorry Ad Encourages Cat Owners to Reward Their Pets with Treats
Low-Budget Hardware Ads
Low-Budget Hardware Ads
This Parody Christmas Ad from Robert Dyas Became a Viral Sensation
Vegan Christmas Commercials
Vegan Christmas Commercials
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Comedic Holiday Ads
Comedic Holiday Ads
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Problem-Solving Holiday Campaigns
Problem-Solving Holiday Campaigns
eBay's Gift Concierge Responds to Holiday Troubles on Twitter
Caroling Pizza Delivery Ads
Caroling Pizza Delivery Ads
This Pizza Hut Holiday Ad Had Choirs Serenading Unsuspecting Families
Comforting Christmas Commercials
Comforting Christmas Commercials
This McDonald's Holiday Ad Shows Us the Importance of a Hug
Boozy Knit Billboards
Boozy Knit Billboards
This Miller Lite Billboard Mimics an Ugly Christmas Sweater
Chaotic Christmas Ads
Chaotic Christmas Ads
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Fashion-Punishing Christmas Ads
Fashion-Punishing Christmas Ads
This Old Navy Ad Spot Puts Unfashionable Guests at the Kids' Table
Debt-Reminding Christmas Ads
Debt-Reminding Christmas Ads
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Anti-Black Friday Campaigns
Anti-Black Friday Campaigns
These Retailers are Celebrating an Alternative Shopping Holiday
Interactive Holiday Campaigns
Interactive Holiday Campaigns
The Burberry Booth Allows Consumers to Be A Part of its Festive Film
Premature Christmas Campaigns
Premature Christmas Campaigns
Selfridges Starts the Holidays Early with Christmas in August
Gender Neutral Toy Ads
Gender Neutral Toy Ads
This Toy Commercial Focuses on Eliminating Childhood Gender Stereotypes