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29 Playfully Artistic Ad Campaigns

From Dramatically Artistic Hair Ads to Swirling Blender Ads

— June 27, 2013 — Marketing
While print advertisements often feature simple imagery in order to get a message across, these wonderfully artistic ad campaigns are utilizing abstract designs as a way to challenge viewers to look more closely into the design.

While artistic techniques are often associated with works of art held in galleries or museums, advertising agencies are beginning to utilize these visually striking images in their print campaigns as a way to capture and draw in new consumers. These artistic ad campaigns includes the use of serene imagery, abstract shapes and a blend of whimsically vibrant colors, creating a one-of-a-kind advertisement that viewers will surely remember.

From artistic veggie ads to deconstructed motorcycle ads, these artistic campaigns are infusing wonderfully abstract styles and designs into these otherwise ordinary print ads.
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Scrawled Art Gallery Ads
Scrawled Art Gallery Ads
This Colsubsidio Children's Museum Campaign Features Amateur Work
Kaleidoscopic Braid Ads
Kaleidoscopic Braid Ads
The Schwarzkopf Palette Campaigns Shows Hair Can Be a Person's Canvas
Heartfelt Campaigns
Heartfelt Campaigns
The Vodafone New Zealand Foundation Ads Ask for Pieces of You
Collage-Like Audio Ads
Collage-Like Audio Ads
The Hi-Fi Klubben Campaign Captures Music in Visual Art
Light Shadow Liquor Ads
Light Shadow Liquor Ads
Simon Schubert Absolut Poster Shows a Vision of Purity
Artistic Surgical Marking Ads
Artistic Surgical Marking Ads
The Herzlia Medical Center Campaign Advocates Plastic Surgery
Artistically Scratched Floor Ads
Artistically Scratched Floor Ads
The Tok & Stok Campaign Urges Against Rearranging Furniture
Swirling Blender Ads
Swirling Blender Ads
The La Curacao Campaign Showcases the Appliance's Artistic Abilities
Exploding Japanese Dish Ads
Exploding Japanese Dish Ads
The Planet Sushi Campaign is an Adventure for Tastebuds
Playfully Artistic Hairstyle Ads
Playfully Artistic Hairstyle Ads
The Coiff Your Success 2 Campaign is Creatively Sculptural
Trashy Shadow Art Ads
Trashy Shadow Art Ads
The Iluminar Campaign Shows How Light Can Transform Objects
Illustrated Crayon Ads
Illustrated Crayon Ads
The Caran D’Ache Campaign is an Artistic and Nostalgic Mosaic
Artistic Cleaning Campaigns
Artistic Cleaning Campaigns
The Sopalin 2011 Ads Focuses on Paper Towel Paintings
Artistic Watch Campaigns
Artistic Watch Campaigns
Swatch and Paul Graves Team Up for a Vibrant Series of Print Ads
Collage Cuisine Campaigns
Collage Cuisine Campaigns
Indulge in Artistic Meals with the Shangri-La Hotel Singapore Ads
Origami Animal Ads
Origami Animal Ads
The Earth911 Recycling Campaign Artistically Advocates Environmental Change
Artistic Veggie Ads
Artistic Veggie Ads
The MSA Culinary Arts Academy of Istanbul Campaign has Intricately Carved Food
Pinata-Smashing Sneaker Ads
Pinata-Smashing Sneaker Ads
The 'Energie Nice Kicks' Campaign is Vibrantly Destructive
Champagne-Popping Award Campaigns
Champagne-Popping Award Campaigns
The CLIO Awards Ads Feature Hard Work and Intense Celebration
Artsy Drunk Driving Ads
Artsy Drunk Driving Ads
CADD Ads Show Fatal Crashes Through Artistic Perspective
Dramatically Artistic Hair Ads
Dramatically Artistic Hair Ads
The Coiff Your Success Magazine Campaign Showcases Creative Styles
Manly Artist Ads
Manly Artist Ads
The Helldorado Beer Campaign Shows That the Drink is Handmade
Surreal Digital Ads
Surreal Digital Ads
These Amazing Taylor James Creations Redefine Amazing Marketing
Double Vision Ads
Double Vision Ads
The Morgan Stanley What if Campaign Addresses Shared Wants
Artistic Tattoo Ads
Artistic Tattoo Ads
Aquaphor Healing Ointment
Artistically Blurred Fashion Ads
Artistically Blurred Fashion Ads
Giorgio Armani S/S '09 by Mert & Marcus
Deconstructed Motorcycle Ads
Deconstructed Motorcycle Ads
'Build Yours' Print Ad for Harley Davidson by Brock Davis
Artistic Alcohol Ads
Artistic Alcohol Ads
Martini's "In the Arms of Elements" Campaign
Surrealist Ads
Surrealist Ads
Dali & Magritte Inspired VW Polo BlueMotion Campaign