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Top 100 Multimedia Trends in April

From VR Movie Theaters to Interactive Music Festival Events

— April 23, 2016 — Tech
These April 2016 multimedia trends range from VR movie theaters to interactive music festival events like Coachella's connected experience that allows fans to watch their favorite acts from the comforts of home even if they aren't a ticket holder.

As virtual reality tech becomes even more intuitive, innovations like VR-powered board games, VR art exhibits and even VR painting experiences are changing the way society experiences entertainment. No longer just synonymous with music and films, VR technology is becoming an integral part of Millennials' workouts, past-times and travel experiences.

When looking at the social media sphere, these April 2016 multimedia trends include social video editing apps that offer professional features directly on one's smartphone. Additionally, examples like reactive touchscreen tabletops that make corporate and academic presentations a more interactive experience for all.
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Assault-Preventing Software Programs
Assault-Preventing Software Programs
This Software is Designed to Make College Campuses Safer
Burrito-Locating Apps
Burrito-Locating Apps
The 'My Burrito Finder' App Helps Users Located the Nearest Burrito Shop
VR Water-Fetching Documentaries
VR Water-Fetching Documentaries
'The Source' is a Short VR Video That Examines Clean Water Access
Looping Vocal Microphones
Looping Vocal Microphones
This Unique Microphone Lets Singers Loop and Overdub Their Vocals
Rewarding Ad-Blocking Apps
Rewarding Ad-Blocking Apps
The New Adblock Plus App Will Reward Good Ad Content
Social Media Taxi Services
Social Media Taxi Services
This Tool Allows Facebook Users to Hail a Lyft Car
Streaming-Focused TVs
Streaming-Focused TVs
The 4K Insignia Roku TV Models Feature the Roku OS for Dedicated Streaming
Precision 4K TVs
Precision 4K TVs
The LG 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV is Designed to Precision Viewing Experiences
Food-Centric Video Platforms
Food-Centric Video Platforms
The Nom App Features Live-Streamed Cooking Shows
Video-Blurring Accessories
Video-Blurring Accessories
YouTube's Custom Blurring Tool Lets You Blur Moving Objects
Viral Video Creation Tools
Viral Video Creation Tools
The 'Brightcove' Platform Helps Users Create Premium Video Content
Engaging Video Editing Tools
Engaging Video Editing Tools
The 'HapYak' Tool Allows Users to Add Text and Links to Videos
Real-Life Facial Filters
Real-Life Facial Filters
The Halo Device Serves as a Real-Life Instagram Filter
Automated Video Editing Apps
Automated Video Editing Apps
The 'Magisto' App is Designed for Editing Short Video Content
Immersive Video Creation Platforms
Immersive Video Creation Platforms
The Rapt Media Composer Allows Users to Create Immersive Videos
Collaborative Video-Editing Tools
Collaborative Video-Editing Tools
The 'JumpCam' App Allows Users to Collaborate on Videos
Traffic-Calculating Alarm Apps
Traffic-Calculating Alarm Apps
This App Wakes Users Up Based on Real-Time Traffic Reports
Powerful Outdoor Speakers
Powerful Outdoor Speakers
These Battery-Powered Speakers Can Pump Out 119 Decibels of Sound
Viral Video Creation Services
Viral Video Creation Services
This Company Produces Viral Video Series' for TV and the Web
Multi-Platform VR Games
Multi-Platform VR Games
Elite Dangerous will Launch with the Oculus Rift Later This Month
Syncing Smartwatch Music Apps
Syncing Smartwatch Music Apps
The Deezer Apple Watch App Can Be Synced With Your iPhone
Compact Set-Top Boxes
Compact Set-Top Boxes
The New Xiaomi Mi Box Features Improved Processing Power In a Compact Form
Clutter-Clearing Apps
Clutter-Clearing Apps
The 'Decluttr' App Helps Users Earn Cash for Unwanted Items
Responsive Bluetooth Headphones
Responsive Bluetooth Headphones
The Major II Headphones Offer Streaming Of CD-Like Quality
Direct-Drive Turntables
Direct-Drive Turntables
The SL-1200 Turntable Offers Heavy-Duty Performance In a Compact Package
Self-Contained Virtual Headsets
Self-Contained Virtual Headsets
The Sulon Q Headset System is for AR and VR Experiences
Web Browser OS TVs
Web Browser OS TVs
The New Panasonic Ultra HD TVs will Run Firefox OS
Digital Personal Assistant Speakers
Digital Personal Assistant Speakers
The Amazon Tap Bluetooth Speaker Features Alexa Connectivity
Object-Scanning Stands
Object-Scanning Stands
The 'Arqspin' 360-Degree Photography System Makes Scanning Objects Easier
Digital Check-Depositing Apps
Digital Check-Depositing Apps
The Checkbook App Allows User to Email Digital Checks
Dating App Election Features
Dating App Election Features
This App Has a Feature That Helps Users Figure Out Who to Vote For
Compact Content Streamers
Compact Content Streamers
This Portable Set Top TV Box Would Enable Content Streaming Anywhere
Hum-Converting Music Apps
Hum-Converting Music Apps
The 'Hum On!' App Allows Users to Turn Their Humming into Music
Expansive Virtual Reality Applications
Expansive Virtual Reality Applications
'BigScreen' Allows Virtual Reality Computers to Flourish
Immersive Hiring Videos
Immersive Hiring Videos
BetterCloud is Using 360-Degree Video to Interact With Potential New Hires
Compact Headphone Amplifiers
Compact Headphone Amplifiers
The DACportable Headphone Amplifier Boosts Mobile-Generated Sound
Legal Contract-Creating Platforms
Legal Contract-Creating Platforms
The Juro Platform Helps Small Businesses Create Legal Documents
Lyric-Displaying Speakers
Lyric-Displaying Speakers
The IoT 'Lyric Speaker' Matches Audio Tracks with Visual Elements
Sound-Sharing Headphones
Sound-Sharing Headphones
'VIE SHAIR' Open-Air Headphones Allow Wearers to Share Their Music
Superhero-Themed App Features
Superhero-Themed App Features
The Amazon App Update Lets Users Create Their Own 3D Bat Signal
Portable Audio Amplifiers
Portable Audio Amplifiers
The Pebble Lets You Use Your iPhone to Enjoy Higher Quality Music
Dating App Election Filters
Dating App Election Filters
This Dating App Allows Users to Reveal Their Political Leanings
Artistic Wireless Speakers
Artistic Wireless Speakers
The Samsung 'Radiant360' Internet Radio Speaker is Aesthetically Chic
Flexible Modular Speakers
Flexible Modular Speakers
The Rock 'n' Roll HiFi Speaker System Lets You Expand Your Sound System
Universal Tablet Locks
Universal Tablet Locks
The 'Cling 2.0' by Maclocks is a Universal Tablet Security Solution
Wardrobe-Identifying Apps
Wardrobe-Identifying Apps
The Ever App Identifies the Clothing Worn by Characters on Television
Urban Exploration Apps
Urban Exploration Apps
The 'Likeways' App Helps Travelers Find the Most Interesting Route
Immersive Entertainment PC Screens
Immersive Entertainment PC Screens
The Philips Curved LED Monitor Can Show Over a Billion Colors
Group Binge-Watching Apps
Group Binge-Watching Apps
The 'Bingee' App is Designed to Help Groups Watch Shows Together
Mood-Evoking Marijuana Apps
Mood-Evoking Marijuana Apps
The Dōs App Lets Cannabis Brands Sponsor VR Mobile Experiences
3D Home Theaters
3D Home Theaters
The JmGO Smart Projector Offers an Immersive Cinema Experience at Home
VR News Platforms
VR News Platforms
USA Today's 'VRtually There' Delivers the News Through Virtual Reality
VR Teleconferencing Cameras
VR Teleconferencing Cameras
The 'WebEye VR' Web Camera Brings Virtual Reality to Conferencing
3D Imaging Sensors
3D Imaging Sensors
The Walabot Image Scanner Lets Users See Through Solid Objects
Digital Cassette Converters
Digital Cassette Converters
The ION Tape Express Portable Transfigures Music to Modern Formats
App-Based Presentation Solutions
App-Based Presentation Solutions
The 'WeKast' Presentation System Makes Meetings Easier
Virtual Reality Drug Treatments
Virtual Reality Drug Treatments
The University of Houston is Using VR to Help Drug Users
Interactive Booking Experiences
Interactive Booking Experiences
Jumeirah Inside Allows Users to Experience Hotels While Booking
Captivating Cinematic Speakers
Captivating Cinematic Speakers
Fluance's XL5 Home Theater Speakers Boost the Cinematic Experience
Brain-Tricking Headphones
Brain-Tricking Headphones
The Samsung Entrim 4D Earphones are for Virtual Reality Applications
HD Conferencing Equipment Bundles
HD Conferencing Equipment Bundles
The Logitech Group Video Conferencing Bundle is Well-Equipped
Social Media Music Documentaries
Social Media Music Documentaries
This Snapchat Series Will Tell the Story of Rapper A$AP Ferg
Virtual Reality Medical Devices
Virtual Reality Medical Devices
The SyncThink Eye-Sync May Help Diagnose Concussion Patients
Alpine Walkie-Talkies
Alpine Walkie-Talkies
This Device Turns Any Smartphones into a Short-Range Walkie-Talkie
Smart Musical Wigs
Smart Musical Wigs
The Song Wig Plays Music Through Earphone Cords as Locks of Hair
CGI Character VR Apps
CGI Character VR Apps
The Microsoft HoloLens Actiongram VR App Puts Characters into Videos
Heartbeat-Tracking Pregnancy Apps
Heartbeat-Tracking Pregnancy Apps
The 'My Baby's Beat' App Turns a Smartphone into a Fetal Monitor
VR Easter Egg Hunts
VR Easter Egg Hunts
The Egg Hunt Game by SapientNitro Puts a Virtual Twist on an Easter Tradition
Recycled Limited-Edition Headphones
Recycled Limited-Edition Headphones
The Freitag x Sennheiser Urbanite F703 Headphones are Retro
Collaborative VR Cities
Collaborative VR Cities
This Company is Making a VR City That Transcends Geographical Barriers
Board Game-Compatible VR Headsets
Board Game-Compatible VR Headsets
The 'CastAR' Headset Adds a New Dimension to Classic Board Games
Ultra-Comfortable Headphones
Ultra-Comfortable Headphones
These High-End Headphones Are Perfect For Long Listening Sessions
Time-Traveling VR Games
Time-Traveling VR Games
The Time Machine VR Game will Take Users Back to the Jurassic Era
Virtual Time-Travel Apps
Virtual Time-Travel Apps
This Virtual Reality App Lets You Witness Events From History
Proximity-Based Chat Apps
Proximity-Based Chat Apps
The 'BounceChat' App Allows Users to Message Those Nearby
Sound-Focusing Speakers
Sound-Focusing Speakers
The Akoustic Arts 'A' Directional Speaker Transmits Ultrasonic Waves
VR Roller Coasters
VR Roller Coasters
This Theme Park is Equipping Its Superman-Themed Coasters with VR Headsets
Movie-Themed VR Exhibitions
Movie-Themed VR Exhibitions
'The Legendary Warcraft Experience' Brought VR to China's Malls
Projected Wedding Installations
Projected Wedding Installations
teamLab's Modern Wedding Ceremony Brings Nature Indoors Digitally
Motivational Goal-Setting Apps
Motivational Goal-Setting Apps
The 'Remente' App Helps Users Improve Their Overall Lifestyle
Vibrant Light Show Speakers
Vibrant Light Show Speakers
The Soundstream 'Street Hopper' Home Theater Stereo is Powerful
Flexible Headband Headphones
Flexible Headband Headphones
The New Normal Music Earbuds Offer Comfort with a Wraparound Design
Action-Packed Adventure Simulators
Action-Packed Adventure Simulators
At SXSW, Gillette Created a VR 'Pressure Chamber' Experience
Tactile Musical Experiences
Tactile Musical Experiences
The SXSW Interplay Lab Allows Users to Control Music with Their Hands
Live Concert-Streaming Apps
Live Concert-Streaming Apps
The Latest LiveList Feature Gives Fans a New Way to Stream Concerts
Smartwatch Shopping Experiences
Smartwatch Shopping Experiences
The Band by True Religion Initiative Bring Smartwatches to Retail
Graphic Gadget Stickers
Graphic Gadget Stickers
The Sticker Project Beautifies Devices With Emoji-Inspired Icons
AR Developer Kits
AR Developer Kits
The Meta Vision 'Meta 2' Augmented Reality Headsets are Ready for Action
Futuristic AR Windows
Futuristic AR Windows
These Augmented Reality Windows Would Act as an Entertainment Experience
Multi-Directional HD Projectors
Multi-Directional HD Projectors
The 'XGIMI Z4 Aurora' Projector Features Smart Calibration
Portable Bluetooth Speakers
Portable Bluetooth Speakers
These Oversized Speakers Are Ideal For Large Outdoor Gatherings
High-Fidelity Headphones
High-Fidelity Headphones
Marshall's Bluetooth Headphones Are Perfect For Both Music and Movies
Cloud-Connected Gym Services
Cloud-Connected Gym Services
This Company Helps Gyms Give Their Facilities a High-Tech Upgrade
AR Photography Kiosks
AR Photography Kiosks
'HeroMirror' Technology Uses Augmented Reality for Photography
VR Amusement Rides
VR Amusement Rides
Alton Towers Resort's 'Galactica' is a Virtual Reality Roller Coaster
VR Movie Theaters
VR Movie Theaters
The Virtual Reality Cinema Provides Movie Lovers with an Immersive Experience
Luminous Interactive Tabletops
Luminous Interactive Tabletops
The 'Interactive Tabletop' by Sony Made Its Debut at SXSW
VR Festival Experiences
VR Festival Experiences
The Coachella VR App Allows Users to Experience the Festival from Home
VR Painting Experiences
VR Painting Experiences
McDonald's Helps Fans Unleash Their Inner Artist with VR Art at SXSW