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Top 100 Unique Trends in 2015

From Contorted Body Portraits to Mermaid Swimming Lessons

— January 9, 2016 — Unique
These 2015 unique trends range from conceptual art projects to unique hobbies like a Montreal swimming school that trains real-life mermaids while equipping them with tails and fins. As technology continues to consume most people's lives, many are left with little time for common hobbies and past-times. Consumers' busy schedules are making them desire more sensory experiences and products, often inspired by childhood nostalgia.

In addition to adult mermaid schools and immersive origami installations, other 2015 unique trends include product oddities like anime tea bags with a suggestive theme. While home decor and pet-centric novelties are discussed, other favorites include niche beauty products that are an effective alternative to invasive surgical procedures.

Furthermore, standouts like connected jewelry pieces and wearable art heels round out this list's fashion examples -- products often based on creativity rather than practicality or wearability. For more unique ideas that will help spark innovation, check out Trend Hunter's 2016 Trend Report.
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Hybrid Lightbulb-Speakers
Hybrid Lightbulb-Speakers
Sengled's PULSE LED Speaker Reinvents Lighting with Sound
Oversized Knit Throws
Oversized Knit Throws
This Giant Blanket is Made with PVC Knitting Needles and Rope-Thick Yarn
False Bloody Bandages
False Bloody Bandages
These Boo-Boos Band-Aids Make Your Injuries Look a Lot More Intense
Gummy Bear Lightboxes
Gummy Bear Lightboxes
The Mayice Presentation Box is Made from Colorful Melted Candies
Record-Breaking Tiny Drills
Record-Breaking Tiny Drills
Lance Abernethy 3D-Prints the World's Smallest Working Drill
Cannabis-Inspired Restaurants
Cannabis-Inspired Restaurants
'Cannabistro' is a Pop-Up Diner Serving Gourmet Herb Dishes
Park-Inspired Workstations
Park-Inspired Workstations
Draw Your Focus Away from Work with This Fantastic Fish Tank Desk
Cheeky Tech-Free Smartphones
Cheeky Tech-Free Smartphones
The NoPhone Zero Humorously Helps Technology Addicts Disconnect
Concrete-Like Desk Accessories
Concrete-Like Desk Accessories
The Tiny City Collection by TripleLiving is Deceptively Malleable
Pizza Condom Packaging
Pizza Condom Packaging
This Clever Packaging Design Combines Pizza and Condoms
Futuristic Electronic Skateboards
Futuristic Electronic Skateboards
This Single-Wheel Skateboard Zips Around Like a Hoverboard
Futuristic Conceptual Offices (UPDATE)
Futuristic Conceptual Offices (UPDATE)
Dutch Design Firm RAAAF Creates a Rocky Terrain to Work At
Extreme Secret Agent Tourism
Extreme Secret Agent Tourism
James Bond Operation Involves Civilians in Boat Chases and Shootouts
Trippy Domestic Designs
Trippy Domestic Designs
This Unsettling Home Installation Asks Observers What It's Doing Wrong
Crowdfunded Urban Forests
Crowdfunded Urban Forests
The PopUP Forest Project Wants to Transform Times Square into Greenery
Retro Sitcom Toys
Retro Sitcom Toys
Samuel Hatmaker Pitches a Golden Girls LEGO Set to Be Produced
Bizarre Pom Pom Gowns
Bizarre Pom Pom Gowns
The Dyspnea Mutha Fluffa Feather Dress is Strangely Revealing
Multifunctional 3D-Printed Flashlights
Multifunctional 3D-Printed Flashlights
Hi-Tech Multitool is Made from Stainless Steel and Tritium
Limb-Like Selfie Sticks
Limb-Like Selfie Sticks
The Selfie Arm is Handy for Reaching Your Most Photogenic Angle
Novelty Macho Restaurants
Novelty Macho Restaurants
The 'Macho Meat Shop' in Tokyo Features Muscular Male Servers
Majestic Mountain Chairs
Majestic Mountain Chairs
Gaetano Pesce Pays Tribute to Nature Through a Surreal Furniture Piece
Realistic Fashion Model Replicas
Realistic Fashion Model Replicas
This Model Doll is a 3D-Printed Version of a Real-Life Model
Intergalactic Meal Replacements
Intergalactic Meal Replacements
The '100%FOOD' Beverages are Astronaut-Approved Foods for Earth
Eccentric Door Designs
Eccentric Door Designs
Nendo's Seven Doors Become Hybrid Home Features with Whimsical Charm
Busty Anime Tea Bags
Busty Anime Tea Bags
The Muku Corporation Has Designed Tea Bags Resembling an Anime Character
Driverless Pizza Delivery
Driverless Pizza Delivery
Domino's Presents an Autonomous Bike That's Too Delicious to Be True
Majestic Russian Photography
Majestic Russian Photography
Photography Elena Shumilova Captures the Unspoiled Beauty of Russia
Gorgeous Garbage Gowns
Gorgeous Garbage Gowns
Garbage Gone Glam Hopes You Choose a Garbage Dress for Your Next Function
Unphotographable Clothing
Unphotographable Clothing
The Anti-Paparazzi Collection by Chris Holmes Ensures Privacy
Child-Locating Sunscreen Ads
Child-Locating Sunscreen Ads
The Protection Ad by Nivea Uses iBeacons to Keep Track of Kids
Crab-Legged Steampunk Clocks
Crab-Legged Steampunk Clocks
Nixie Machine Fuses Vintage Digital Tubes with Modern Manufacturing
Humanized Leather Accessories
Humanized Leather Accessories
Konstantin Kofta's Unique Backpacks Resemble Human Skin and Limbs
Shaggy Heeled Footwear
Shaggy Heeled Footwear
The Maison Margiela Furry Heels Channel 'Cousin It' From the Adams Family
Minimalist Reading Devices
Minimalist Reading Devices
The Transparent Book Holder Design Ingeniously Holds Pages in Place
Floating Fiji Bars
Floating Fiji Bars
The Cloud 9 Bar Offers an Incredible Escape Surrounded by Turquoise Waters
Tub Smartphone Holders
Tub Smartphone Holders
This Inflatable Bath Accessory Helps You Relax on Your Phone in the Tub
Screw-Inspired Beer Coolers
Screw-Inspired Beer Coolers
The 'Chill Drill' Uses Sand's Natural Insulation for Beer Cooling
Drought-Conscious Shower Systems
Drought-Conscious Shower Systems
The Shower of the Future Recycles 90 Percent of the Water It Uses
Fanciful Furry Reflectors
Fanciful Furry Reflectors
The PomPom Mirror Reproduces Images with Soft Black and White Materials
Public Napping Chairs
Public Napping Chairs
This Modern Seat is Meant to be Placed in Cities for a Temporary Relief
Flexible Tubular Light Fixtures
Flexible Tubular Light Fixtures
Mono-Light Behaves Like Illuminated Hosing to Be Hung As You Like
Multi-Surface Styluses
Multi-Surface Styluses
The Phree Digital Pen Lets You Make a Notepad or a Canvas of Anything
3D-Printed Auto Opportunities
3D-Printed Auto Opportunities
Researchers Point the Way to Innovative Applications in Car Making
Wristworn Ant Farms
Wristworn Ant Farms
The Ant Watch Creates a Small Ecosystem for You to Flaunt on Your Arm
Booze-Concealing Tampons
Booze-Concealing Tampons
These Booze Tubes Help Conceal Alcohol in the Form of a Tampon
Imagined Supersonic Planes
Imagined Supersonic Planes
These Jet Designs Could Spark Advancements in Aviation Technology
Signaling Bicycle Helmets
Signaling Bicycle Helmets
Lumos is a Smart Bicycle Helmet that Improves Road Communication
Contagious Yawning Billboards
Contagious Yawning Billboards
Cafe Pele's Interactive Ad Reminds People of Their Need for Caffiene
Leg-Illuminating Skirts
Leg-Illuminating Skirts
The Hemline of the Hikaru Skirt is Dotted with LED Lights
Secluding Dome Pillows
Secluding Dome Pillows
Head Tent Muffles Sound and Keeps Out Light for Optimal Sleeping Conditions
Rain-Activated Street Art
Rain-Activated Street Art
Rainworks Are Eco-Friendly Sidewalk Installations That Appear When Wet
Futuristic Funeral Carriages
Futuristic Funeral Carriages
This Modern Coffin Carriage is an Avant-Garde Take on Antique Designs
3D-Printed Clay Homes
3D-Printed Clay Homes
The 'Big Delta' Can Build a 3D-Printed House Quickly for Disaster Relief
Cloud-Connected Liquor Bottles
Cloud-Connected Liquor Bottles
Johnnie Walker Whisky Tech-Savvily Confirms Age Authenticity
Kaleidoscopic Origami Domes
Kaleidoscopic Origami Domes
'Light Origami' by Masakazu Shirane & Saya Miyazaki is Illuminating
Hooked Ice Cream Cones
Hooked Ice Cream Cones
New York Food Truck Play J Ice Cream Offers Phallic-Looking J Cone Treats
Illusory Wireframe Lamps
Illusory Wireframe Lamps
These 2D Lamps Provide Fun Optical Illusions for the Home Decorator
Sliding Sliced Houses
Sliding Sliced Houses
An Installation by Michael Jantzen Invites You to Play with Space as Frames
Produce-Based Leather
Produce-Based Leather
The Willem de Kooning Academie Turns Food Waste Into Usable Fruit Leather
Inside-Out Homes
Inside-Out Homes
This Andrew Maynard Architects Design is Intentionally Incomplete
Projection Mapped Jewelry
Projection Mapped Jewelry
Tactum by MadLab Uses Interactive Projections to Design Bracelets
Gripping Gang Portraits
Gripping Gang Portraits
Jono Rotman Photographed Haunting Portraits of Mob Members
Washing Machine Wardrobes
Washing Machine Wardrobes
A Laundering Closet Cleans Delicate Clothes Conveniently While They Hang
Flexible Projected Computers
Flexible Projected Computers
All-in-One Apple Concept is Convenient as iPad and Powerful as iMac
Beautified Bomb Shelters
Beautified Bomb Shelters
The Bunker Pavilion is a Reclaimed Refuge with Contemporary Comforts
Tipsy Task Chairs
Tipsy Task Chairs
This Spring-Framed Chair Offsets the Drunken Sway of the Sitter
3D-Printed Mansions
3D-Printed Mansions
This House Created by Winsun Shows Off Design, 3D-Printed Materials
Surf-Like Office Decks
Surf-Like Office Decks
The Level Encourages Better Physical Health and More Movement at Work
Bejeweled Runway Masks
Bejeweled Runway Masks
The Givenchy’s Spring Runway Show Featured Romantic Lace Masks
Taunting Interactive Illustrations
Taunting Interactive Illustrations
Inkteraction Art by Alex Solis Brings 2D Drawings Off the Page
Conceptual Armor Jewelry
Conceptual Armor Jewelry
Japanese Designer Fangophilia Creates Unusual Accessories
Elegant Airplane Desks
Elegant Airplane Desks
This Amazing Workstation is Made from the Wing of a 737-800 Boeing Aircraft
Suspended Hot Tubs
Suspended Hot Tubs
The 'Hydro Hammock' is a Combination Between a Hammock and a Suspended Pool
Lava-Charred Steaks
Lava-Charred Steaks
The Syracuse University Lava Project Experiments by Cooking Steak with Lava
Virtual Reality Home Gyms
Virtual Reality Home Gyms
Icaros by HYVE Provides a Stimulating and Entertaining Way to Work Out
Roller Coaster Restaurants
Roller Coaster Restaurants
This Abu Dhabi Restaurant Delivers Food Like Theme Park Rides
Anonymous Photo Projects
Anonymous Photo Projects
This Series is a Collection of the Internet's Fascinating Lost Pictures
Contorted Body Portraits
Contorted Body Portraits
This Image Series Features a Man Posing in Pretzel-Like Shapes
Super Speedy Bicycles
Super Speedy Bicycles
The Raht Racer Can Travel as Fast as a Car
Hologram Tablet Technology
Hologram Tablet Technology
This Holocube Case Creates 3D Projections of On-Screen Animations
Mermaid Swimming Schools
Mermaid Swimming Schools
L'académie Aquasirène Offers Canada's First Mermaid Lessons
Shipping Container Gardens
Shipping Container Gardens
Cropbox Blends Greenhouses and Hydroponics for Mobile Farming
Fresh Food Vending Machines
Fresh Food Vending Machines
Let's Pizza Makes 100 Different Variations from Scratch
Floating Fitness Studios
Floating Fitness Studios
The Nike Crystal Coliseum was a Pop-Up for Training Classes
Coffee Cup Logo Doodles
Coffee Cup Logo Doodles
This Collection Transforms the Starbucks Siren into Various Characters
Spherical Underground Fridges
Spherical Underground Fridges
The Ground Fridge is a Modern Version of the Traditional Root Cellar
Metropolitan Cat Cafes
Metropolitan Cat Cafes
The Recently Opened Meow Parlour is the First NYC Cat Cafe
Fantastic Masquerading Furnishings
Fantastic Masquerading Furnishings
A Series of Hybrid Sculptural Seating Assumes Everyday Objects
Mobile Barber Shops
Mobile Barber Shops
Salon Le Barber Brings Men's Grooming Services on the Road
Box-Delivered Beds
Box-Delivered Beds
This Mattress in a Box Expands to Full-Size with Its Innovative Memory Foam
Distorted Fashion Photography
Distorted Fashion Photography
Asger Carlsen Puts His Own Spin on Resort Fashion for The Cut
Amphibious Private Jets
Amphibious Private Jets
This Personal Airplane Can Fold into a Trailer and is Spin-Resistant
Bust-Toning Hand Massagers
Bust-Toning Hand Massagers
The Breast Gymnastics Hand Massager Helps Create a Perkier Bust
Triple Expansion Campers
Triple Expansion Campers
The 3X by BeauEr Expands Three Sizes in Under One Minute
Morbidly Funny Photo Books
Morbidly Funny Photo Books
The 'Crap Taxidermy' Book is Full of Badly Stuffed Animals
Terrifying Japanese Desserts
Terrifying Japanese Desserts
Panapp is a Treat That Will Really Make You Scream for Ice Cream
Garden-to-Table Cafes
Garden-to-Table Cafes
This Kreuzberg Garden Project is an Organic Food Hub with a Quaint Cafe
Life Drawing Parties
Life Drawing Parties
Toronto's Graphic Stallion Hosts Bachelorette, Retirement & Divorce Parties
Octopus-Inspired Stilettos
Octopus-Inspired Stilettos
These Unusual High Heels Feature Intricate Octopus Tentacles