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Top 100 Social Media Trends of 2014

From Modern Disney Selfies to Interactive Insta-Magazines

— January 11, 2015 — Social Media
If these 2014 social media trends indicate anything, it is that selfies are taking over the world. Sharable on any platform, these smartphone self-portraits are a social mainstay. From fake Disney prince selfie renderings to feminist hashtag movements, selfies were used in an effort to support a range of charitable causes as well as for entertaining and narcissistic reasons.

Instagram proved itself a legitimate advertising platform, as seen with social fashion lookbooks, marriage-stopping social campaigns and hashtag currency shops. This proved the importance of visual content in social mediums and digital content marketing. More on this topic can be found in infographics like interaction increasing guides and well-rounded content strategies. In addition to using Instagram for advertising purposes, there were plenty of artistic accounts created this year that challenged the way we see art and graphic design.

For more in-depth coverage of 2014 social media trends, Trend Hunter's social media trend report is a comprehensive resource.
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Social Fashion Lookbooks
Social Fashion Lookbooks
This Moschino Fashion Collection Debuted First on Instagram
Charitable Cosmetic-Free Selfies
Charitable Cosmetic-Free Selfies
The Viral 'No Makeup Selfies' are a Perfectly Sefless Act
Appliance-Communicating Software
Appliance-Communicating Software
The LG HomeChat Launched at CES 2014 & Gives Life to Appliances
Selfie-Snapping City Charts
Selfie-Snapping City Charts
These Selfie Pictures Show Which Cities are the Most Selfie Active
Social Media Dessert Instructionals
Social Media Dessert Instructionals
Ann Reardon's Cake Tutorials Honor a Variety of Platforms
Interactive Insta-Magazines
Interactive Insta-Magazines
Mazda Canada Uses Instagram for Creative Social Media Marketing
Scientific Flooding Campaigns
Scientific Flooding Campaigns
Science Stands is Launching an App to Troll Climate Change Deniers
Social Fashion Lookbooks
Social Fashion Lookbooks
Aritzia's Fall for Us Instagram Campaign Features Candid Celeb Shots
Social Media-Sourced Ads
Social Media-Sourced Ads
The Land of Nod's May Cover Stars the Adorable and Viral Theo and Beau
Social Modeling Campaigns
Social Modeling Campaigns
GapKids' Social Media Casting Call Wants to Turn Your Kids into Models
Selfie Sharing Branding
Selfie Sharing Branding
Olapic Uses Selfies to Explain Customer Purchasing Habits to Clients
Job-Seeking Candy Campaigns
Job-Seeking Candy Campaigns
The Red M&M Hopes to Star in Another Brand's Super Bowl Commercial
Customized Social Media Products
Customized Social Media Products
BLACKS Playground Features Products Made for Instagram
Comical Cyberspace Dieties
Comical Cyberspace Dieties
The Gods of the Internet Pantheon Series Pokes Fun at Online Activities
Mini Fashion Icon Accounts
Mini Fashion Icon Accounts
The 2yungkings Instagram Boasts Dapper Twin Ensembles
Socially Sourced Photo Exhibits
Socially Sourced Photo Exhibits
The TorontoCLICKS Exhibit Featured Work By Toronto Instagrammers
New York Canine Photography
New York Canine Photography
These Bulldog Photos Feature Maya the New York-Based Bulldog
Crowdsourced Home Cooked Meals
Crowdsourced Home Cooked Meals
Eatro Allows People to Monetize Their Own Homemade Food
Calorie Photography Apps
Calorie Photography Apps
The Ceres App Lets Users Count Their Calories by Sending in Photos
Shoppable Instagram Accounts
Shoppable Instagram Accounts
Vogue Instagram Sends Followers Links to Purchase Liked Items
Facebook Page Engagement Infographics
Facebook Page Engagement Infographics
This Chart Depicts 10 Ways to Boost Social Media Interaction
Social Media Christmas Ornaments
Social Media Christmas Ornaments
The Tweetball by Gelotology is Connected to Twitter
Do-Gooder Social Campaigns
Do-Gooder Social Campaigns
#KindVines Captures Small Moments of Human Kindness
Overly Minimalist Logo Makeovers
Overly Minimalist Logo Makeovers
The Twitter Logo Proposal by Roberto Manzari is Flat & Geometric
Pet Rabbit Photography
Pet Rabbit Photography
Shota Tsukamoto Takes Bunny Pictures and Posts Them on Instragram
Scarf Guy Social Accounts
Scarf Guy Social Accounts
Someone Started a Twitter Account for this Apple Keynote Presenter
Bizarre Bathrobe Photography
Bizarre Bathrobe Photography
The Bathrobe Crusader Instagram Travel Photo Series is Hilarious
Social Media Magnetization Apps
Social Media Magnetization Apps
StickyGram Magnets Turn Digital Memories Cute Memoribilia Items
Tablet-Integrated Treadmills
Tablet-Integrated Treadmills
The Technogym Unity Offers an Interactive Surface at Your Fingertips
Artsy Flooring Photoblogs
Artsy Flooring Photoblogs
The 'I Have This Thing With Floors' Instagram Inspires to Look Down
Marriage-Stopping Social Campaigns
Marriage-Stopping Social Campaigns
Plan Norway is Raising Awareness of a 12 Year Old Child Bride
Mannequin Outfit-Matching Blogs
Mannequin Outfit-Matching Blogs
Steve Venegas Captures Himself in the Same Outfit as Mannequins
Well-Rounded Content Strategies
Well-Rounded Content Strategies
This Content Marketing Infographic Advocates for Art and Analytics
Lyrical Mashup Art
Lyrical Mashup Art
The 'Fly Art' Tumblr Presents the Perfect Mix of Hip Hop and Art
Drumstick-Shaped Prizes
Drumstick-Shaped Prizes
These Promotional KFC Chicken Drumstick Products Can Be Won Via Twitter
Shocking Tween Internet Statistics
Shocking Tween Internet Statistics
This Infographic Shows How Teens Use Social Media
Selfie Statistic Graphics
Selfie Statistic Graphics
This Infographic Examines the Anatomy of a Selfie
Hunger-Fighting Campaigns
Hunger-Fighting Campaigns
India's Rice Bucket Challenge Immediately Helps the Hungry
Satirical Faceboook Art
Satirical Faceboook Art
Pawel Kuczynski Cleverly and Comically Focuses on Positive Networking
Mini Magnetic Photo Books
Mini Magnetic Photo Books TinyBooks Give Us a Tiny Look at Instagram Pictures
Child Marriage Movements (UPDATE)
Child Marriage Movements (UPDATE)
Plan Norway Reveals 12-Year-Old Thea is Part of a Viral Campaign
Fictitious Caffeine Branding
Fictitious Caffeine Branding
Luftaffe's Illustrated Paper Cup Design Features Fake Coffee Brands
Wealth-Promoting Social Apps
Wealth-Promoting Social Apps
The Peep Me App Lets You Brag About the Money You Spend on New Items
Social Media-Connected Bikes
Social Media-Connected Bikes
The GiBike is Equipped with Smartphone Integration
Scary Social Media Ads
Scary Social Media Ads
Hootsuite's Social Media Ad Series Takes the Fear Out of Sharing
Shameless Selfie Hashtags
Shameless Selfie Hashtags
'Selfies with Homeless' is an Extremely Disappointing Instagram Fad
Feminist Hashtag Movements
Feminist Hashtag Movements
#FeministsareUgly Aims to Dispel Stereotypes Around Feminism
Alphabetical Branding Tips
Alphabetical Branding Tips
This Guide to Personal Branding Discusses Benefits and Advice
Social Network Headquarters
Social Network Headquarters
The Pinterest Office is Full of Fun Photo-Friendly Elements
Unhappy Shopper Photography
Unhappy Shopper Photography
The Miserable Men Instagram Series Captures Unwilling Consumers
Explanatory Feline GIFs
Explanatory Feline GIFs
These Adam Ellis Animated Cat GIFs Explain Their Behavior
Advisory Doodle Feeds
Advisory Doodle Feeds
Artist Amber Ibarreche Has a Cool Instagram Account Worth Following
Online Color Influence Graphics
Online Color Influence Graphics
Social Market Writing's Graphic Looks at Color and Social Media
Hashtag Currency Restaurants
Hashtag Currency Restaurants
The Picture House by Bird's Eye Lets You Pay with a Hashtag
Social Media Footwear Campaigns
Social Media Footwear Campaigns
I Heart Ugg Launches Tween Line with Mobile Photo Editor Aviary
Grown-Up Gentlemen Guides
Grown-Up Gentlemen Guides
'Put This On' is a Style Blog for Masquerading Adults
Teen Boy Style Icons
Teen Boy Style Icons
The Style of 13-Year-Old Mike the Ruler is Well Beyond His Years
Parody Princess Accounts
Parody Princess Accounts
These Disney Princess Snapchats are Nostalgic and Hilarious
Social Media Mentoring
Social Media Mentoring
Guy Kawasaki's New Social Media Book Hinges Success on Virtual Presence
Hilarious Instagrammed Dogs
Hilarious Instagrammed Dogs
Toast's Adorable Sticking Out Tongue Garners Nearly 100,000 Followers
Instagram-Casted Fashion Ads
Instagram-Casted Fashion Ads
The Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall 2014 Campaign Stars Fresh Faces
Expressive Hedgehog Photography
Expressive Hedgehog Photography
Marutaro the Hedgehog Will Win People Over in a Heartbeat
Fashionable Grandfather Photography
Fashionable Grandfather Photography
Christina Belchere Photographs Fashionable Grandpas in NYC
Cartoon Mobile Dating Scenarios
Cartoon Mobile Dating Scenarios
College Humor's If Disney Characters Met on Tinder Series is Funny
Consistent Happiness Challenges
Consistent Happiness Challenges
This Project Asks That You Make Time for 100 Happy Days in a Row
Creepy Emoticon Campaigns
Creepy Emoticon Campaigns
Innocence en Danger Uses Unnerving Human Emojis for Ad Campaign
Ceremonial Celebrity Snapshots
Ceremonial Celebrity Snapshots
The Kanye and Kim Wedding Photo is Now Instagram's Most Liked Ever
Festival Photographer Drones
Festival Photographer Drones
Twitter's Dronie Snaps Sky Selfies at Cannes Lions 2014
Inflated Oscars Selfie Recreations
Inflated Oscars Selfie Recreations
This Artist Turned Ellen's Oscar Selfie into Balloon Art
Interaction Increasing Guides
Interaction Increasing Guides
This Infographic Explains How to Maximize Instagram Engagement
Deformed Taped-Up Selfies
Deformed Taped-Up Selfies
You'll Get All Wrapped Up in These 'Sellotape Selfies'
Comical Fitness Selfies
Comical Fitness Selfies
Instagram User Kelly Roberts Took a Series of Funny Selfies While Running
Hashtag Currency Shops
Hashtag Currency Shops
The Daisy Marc Jacobs Pop Up Shop Will Accept Tweets as Payment
Creative Cardboard Masks
Creative Cardboard Masks
Sandra Suarez's 365 Day Project Brings Crafty Inspiration to Instagram
Photoshopped Abuse Awareness Campaigns
Photoshopped Abuse Awareness Campaigns
This Twitter Campaign Was Inspired by the Ray Rice Scandal
Museum Matching Fashion Photography
Museum Matching Fashion Photography
Pari Ehsan's Instagram Pairs Clever Outfits with Art Exhibits
Underwater Yoga Instagrams
Underwater Yoga Instagrams
Britta Trubridge Shows the World She is a Flexible Mermaid
Glam Belfie Photoshoots
Glam Belfie Photoshoots
The Vanity Fair April 2014 Editorial Stars Instagram It-Girl Jen Selter
Selfie Branding Graphics
Selfie Branding Graphics
The Year of the Selfie Graphic Examines Successful Selfie Campaigns
Social Media Food Art
Social Media Food Art
Artist Daryna Kossar Recreates Iconic Logos Using Breakfast Items
Surprising Social Stats
Surprising Social Stats
This Mainstreethost Infographic Illustrates 10 Social Media Facts
Interactive Social Adventure Games
Interactive Social Adventure Games
This Instagram Hosts an Interactive Choose Your Own Adventure
Sweet Selfie Deliveries
Sweet Selfie Deliveries
Founder James Middleton Says Boomf's Next Step is Tricycle Delivery
Ridiculous Rebranding Spoofs
Ridiculous Rebranding Spoofs
Tumblr's 'AirBNB Logos' Makes Fun of the New Airbnb Logo Shape
Whimsical Social Media Illustrations
Whimsical Social Media Illustrations
These Instagram Experiments Feature Everyday Objects
Mother-Daughter Yoga Photography
Mother-Daughter Yoga Photography
Instructor Laura Kasperzak Adorably Poses with Her Preschooler
Fashionable Backside Photography
Fashionable Backside Photography
David Luraschi Shoots Street Style From Behind On His Instagram
Wellness-Sharing Watches
Wellness-Sharing Watches
The Dusk Health Device Monitors Seniors' Signs and Sends Them to Family
Puppy-Injected Selfies
Puppy-Injected Selfies
This Dallas Pets Alive! Campaign Has Dogs Interrupt Selfies on Instagram
Hot Dad Social Accounts
Hot Dad Social Accounts
DILFs of Disneyland Finds the Best Looking Fathers at Amusement Parks
Socially Connected Coffee Tables
Socially Connected Coffee Tables
This Sleek Multitouch Coffee Table Helps You Stay Connected
Narcissistic Syndrome Infographics
Narcissistic Syndrome Infographics
The Selfie Syndrome Infograph Shows Us How Self-Centered We Are
Comical Personified Snack Doodles
Comical Personified Snack Doodles
The 'Orange Is The New Snack' Food Blog Brings Meals to Life
Custom Facebook Cover Photos
Custom Facebook Cover Photos
Photoshopper Niki Creates Hilarious Images for her Facebook Header
Partnerless Skater Manipulations
Partnerless Skater Manipulations
This Blog Shows Funny Figure Skaters with Partners Edited Out
Flip Flop Vending Machines
Flip Flop Vending Machines
Old Navy's Shoe Vending Machine Trades Tweets for Flip Flops
Asianic Protest Editorials
Asianic Protest Editorials
'SHUT DOWN' by Tom Potisit and Marty Angsakul Highlights Social Issues
Daily Ballerina Photography
Daily Ballerina Photography
This Inspiring Dance Instagram Account Showcases a Dancer's Daily Life
Interactive Print Ads
Interactive Print Ads
C&A's Interactive Print Advertising Includes a Working Facebook Like Button
Modern Disney Selfies
Modern Disney Selfies
Artist Simona Bonafini Imagines Cartoon Characters with Instagram Accounts