Seeking new age solutions, consumers turn to eclectic pain relief techniques
Implications - Seeking a quicker fix, consumers are moving away from traditional pain relief solutions like bandages and medication toward more experimental alternatives. Using electric voltages and mobile-connected devices as a means to tackle physical pain, consumers are seeking to alleviate discomfort in a more thrilling manner. This speaks to a shift toward greater consumer experimentation, particularly in areas of health and wellness.
Trend Themes
1. Experimental Pain Relief Solutions - Consumers are seeking experimental alternatives to traditional pain relief solutions using electric voltages and mobile-connected devices.
2. Wearable Pain Relievers - There is a rise in wearable devices that aim to manage chronic pain relief through electric pulses.
3. Non-invasive Pain Management - The trend of wireless, adhesive, and massager-like pain management devices are on the rise.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Healthcare industry professionals can explore innovative pain relief solutions to supplement traditional treatment methods.
2. Consumer Electronics - The rise of wearable and mobile-connected pain relief devices allow consumer electronics industry to innovate beyond traditional uses.
3. Personal Care - Personal care industry can explore the non-invasive pain management trend to design products that alleviate discomfort in everyday activities.