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Altered Athleticism

Athletic equipment is physically reinterpreted for consumer preference

Implications - Keeping in tow with a growing desire for product customization, brands are enhancing traditional athletic equipment with altered features for heightened appeal. Reinterpreting how sports are played and enjoyed, brands are reshaping equipment and adding extensions for both individual and communal enhancement, reflecting a shift towards more adaptable forms of active engagement.
Trend Themes
1. Product Customization - Athletic brands are enhancing traditional athletic equipment with altered features for heightened appeal.
2. Innovative Sports Equipment Designs - Multiple examples show the potential for new types of athletic equipment to be redesigned for optimal athletic performance.
3. Experiential Sports Equipment - Sporting equipment is being reimagined to make the sports experience more interactive and enjoyable.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Equipment Manufacturing - Manufacturers have the potential to utilize advancements in technology and equipment design to create new innovative sports equipment.
2. Interactive Art Installations - Creators can bring a new element to sports by integrating interactive art installations and designs for users to engage with.
3. Fitness Equipment Manufacturing - Fitness equipment companies can create machines that imitate the natural movements and physical benefits of sports such surfing with the RipSurfer X.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
233,868 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 13 — Sep 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

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