Consumers turn to multilayered cuisine to satiate a need for diversity
Implications - As consumers become exposed to culturally diverse cuisines, the need to acquire more variety in everyday consumption has become a priority. Seeking to add more flair to conventional meals, individuals are turning to multi-layered cuisine formats as a means to add ingredients and enhance levels of flavor.
Trend Themes
1. Multicultural Cuisine - As multicultural cuisine becomes a priority for consumers, businesses have an opportunity to experiment with new flavor combinations.
2. Layered Dishes - Consumers are turning to layered dishes as a way to infuse more variety and flavor in their everyday consumption, providing an opportunity for businesses to innovate with unconventional food presentations.
3. Savory Desserts - The trend of incorporating savory flavors into desserts, such as pretzel crusts and cheese frosting, presents a disruptive opportunity for businesses to explore unique flavor combinations.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can take note of the growing consumer interest in multicultural cuisine and incorporate diverse ingredients to add more variety to their menus.
2. Hospitality Industry - The hospitality industry can experiment with layered dishes to add uniqueness to their presentation and to cater to consumer's desire for diverse food options.
3. Confectionery Industry - The confectionery industry has a chance to tap into the savory dessert trend by innovating with unconventional flavors and ingredients that cater to the changing taste preferences of consumers.