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Confectionary Tech

Candy-covered gadgets seek to attract consumers with delectable references

Implications - By extracting references from other market areas, brands are able to entice consumers with unsuspecting designs. Infusing sweets like chocolate in gadgets and mobile phones serves to attract both food enthusiasts and savvy tech users looking for something instantly recognizable in shape. This showcases how diversity in design can easily attract varied consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Cross-industry Design - Brands can infuse various market references to entice consumers with varied designs.
2. Food-inspired Tech Accessories - Tech accessories can be designed to resemble sweets and confectioneries, appealing to both food and tech enthusiasts.
3. Quirky Computer Accessories - Creating computer accessories with playful designs can make for useful yet fun gadgets.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Innovative tech products can be designed to resemble food and spark cross-industry appeal.
2. Technology - Tech companies can create cross-industry designs that appeal to food enthusiasts among other demographics.
3. Retail and Consumer Goods - Quirky and playful designs can add fun to otherwise mundane or useful tech accessories, leading to increased demand and sales.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
355,218 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 13 — Jan 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

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