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98 Social Media Innovations

A Collection of Revolutionary Social Network Breakthroughs

— February 28, 2011 — Pop Culture
The story of the 21st century is the story of online social networking, and this collection of social media innovations is a fascinating look at how the world’s fastest growing phenomenon is rapidly changing the face of business, pop culture and day-to-day human interaction.

With over 500 million people around the world now using Facebook and with businesses flocking to utilities like Twitter to interact with their customers, the age of social media innovations has given way to some surprising new products and services. From facilitating protests and civil disobedience, to allowing consumers to play a bigger role in determining the paths of their favorite companies and products, online communities afford users an unparalleled number of ways to shape the world around them while also sharing their experiences with their peers. And as consumers flock to social media platforms, so too must businesses scramble to follow them.

Indeed when it comes to social media innovations, the future is undoubtedly an adapt-or-die situation.
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Social Media Cyborgs
Social Media Cyborgs
Joseph Tame Plans to Broadcast his Tokyo Marathon Run via an iRig
Social Media Speeches
Social Media Speeches
The 2011 State of the Union Address Was More Wired than Ever
Crowdsourced Twitter Songs
Crowdsourced Twitter Songs
Juan Zelada Uses Twitter Confessions to Inspire Music
Social Media Musician Finders
Social Media Musician Finders
The Tweetlouder App Finds Your Favorite Bands for You
Voicemail Tweeting
Voicemail Tweeting
Egypt's Twitter by Voicemail Translates 140 Characters
Social Media Governing
Social Media Governing
The New CIA Website Incorporates User-Friendly Web 2.0 Media
Powerful Political Protest Videos
Powerful Political Protest Videos
This Egyptian Protest Viral Peers Inside the Country's Unrest
Social Media SIM Cards
Social Media SIM Cards
Facebook for SIM Gives Keeps Feature Phone Users Connected
Social Media Tablets
Social Media Tablets
Fuugo brings Television, Mobile TV and Internet TV Together
Social Media Donation Services (UPDATE)
Social Media Donation Services (UPDATE)
Twitpay is an Charitable Online Payment Platform
Social Media Conversation Starters
Social Media Conversation Starters
Chat With Like-Minded Individuals With AnybodyOutThere
Social Media Histories
Social Media Histories
JESS3 Educates on the State of Wikiepedia
Braille Avatars
Braille Avatars
This Baoxin Li Technology Could Unlock Digital Social Media Images for the Blind
Champagne Cheers Apps
Champagne Cheers Apps
The Ikea Skal! App Lets You Share Your Simulated Toast
Social Media Security Upgrades
Social Media Security Upgrades
Facebook Secure Connections and Social Captchas are Positive Steps
Personal Social Media Stories
Personal Social Media Stories
Facebook Sponsored Stories Turn Your Updates into Advertising
Social Media Videojournalism
Social Media Videojournalism
Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline Delivers a Profound Viral Message
Free Facebook Flights
Free Facebook Flights
Seven Major Airlines Team Up to Provide Free In-Flight Facebook for February
Food-Finding Websites
Food-Finding Websites
Foodily Brings People Together Through Food and Facebook
Hovering Social Media Extensions
Hovering Social Media Extensions
The Google Chrome Cortex Makes Sharing Better and Faster
Virtual Internships
Virtual Internships
Toolwire Learning Environments Boast the First-Ever Online Interns
Social Media Baby Names
Social Media Baby Names
The Facebook Baby is Named After the Social Network
Social Runvertising
Social Runvertising
'Unleash Your Run' by Nike Treads the Streets of Paris
Social Media Business Buttons
Social Media Business Buttons
LinkedIn Share Button Just Launched for Social Connectivity
Mutant Movie Trailers
Mutant Movie Trailers
The Wait is Over for the Official X-Men: First Class Trailer
Social Media Archival Sites
Social Media Archival Sites
Ninuku Archivist Saves All of Your Precious Facebook Posts & Updates
Online Military Mandates
Online Military Mandates
The U.S. Army Social Media Handbook Governs Internet Policies
Social Media Facial Recognition
Social Media Facial Recognition
Facebook's Latest Feature Will Auto-Tag Your Photos
Social Media Recorders
Social Media Recorders
TinyVox iPhone App is the Social Tape Deck for Your iPhone
Social Media Merchandising
Social Media Merchandising
The JCPenny Shop on Facebook Brings Retail to Online Reticulation
Social Media Slugfests
Social Media Slugfests
UFC Facebook Streaming Offers Sidestep TV to Bring Fights to Fans
Facebook Page Celebrations
Facebook Page Celebrations
Disney Facebook Likes Hit a Whopping 100 Million Clicks
Inquisitive Interactive Apps
Inquisitive Interactive Apps
Facto Me Reveals Facts and Secrets to Social Networks
Social Media Web Browsers
Social Media Web Browsers
The RockMelt Web Browser Puts Friends First
Virtual Twitter Gifts
Virtual Twitter Gifts
Gift a Follower to Your Most Loyal Tweep and Say Thank You
Social Media Posters
Social Media Posters
Make Your Own Facebook Canvas With Social Artworks
DIY Luxury Auto Designs
DIY Luxury Auto Designs
The BMW EDIZONE Contest is to be Hosted on Facebook
Facebook Newspapers
Facebook Newspapers
This PostPost App is a Real-Time Social Newspaper from Your FB Networks
Muppet Late-Night Show Hosts
Muppet Late-Night Show Hosts
The Cookie Monster SNL Audition is 100 Percent Serious
Home Exchange Websites
Home Exchange Websites
Luxe Home Swap Uses Social Media to Connect Travelers
Democratic Design Stores
Democratic Design Stores
StyleFactory Furniture Website Brings Consumer Choice to the Table
Facebook Memoirs
Facebook Memoirs
Watch a Man's Life Transpire Through Facebook's Interface
Social Cooking Sites
Social Cooking Sites
The Foodily Recipe Network Makes Cooking at Home an Online Social Experience
Online Activism Initiatives
Online Activism Initiatives
The Gap Facebook Campaign Aims to Donate $1 for Every Like
Social Networking Search Engines
Social Networking Search Engines
Google 'Plus One' is Rumored to Rival Facebook
Social Networking Phones
Social Networking Phones
The HTC Chacha and Salsa Fulfill all your Networking Needs
Time-Saving Toolbars
Time-Saving Toolbars
The Microsoft Bing Bar 7 Puts Information at the Forefront
Social Media Stalking Apps
Social Media Stalking Apps
The New Loopt App Creeps Your Facebook Friends for You
Social Media Glamorizing
Social Media Glamorizing
The Shockblast Layout Awesomizes Your Facebook Profile Page
Photo-Sharing Services
Photo-Sharing Services
The Picplz App Offers Cool Photo Filters from Your Smartphone
Status-Changing Commercials
Status-Changing Commercials
This 'Update the Rainbow' Facebook App Updates Your Posts for You
Social Video Conversations
Social Video Conversations
Become an Internet Television Star Through the VYou Website
Retro Social Media Promos
Retro Social Media Promos
This Linkedin and Fedex Promo is Comically Redolent of the 80s
TV Show-Identifying Apps
TV Show-Identifying Apps
Share What You're Watching on TV With the IntoNow iPhone App
Social Media Smartphones
Social Media Smartphones
The INQ Facebook Phone Optimizes Online Interaction
Personalized Social Media Profiles
Personalized Social Media Profiles
The Schweppes Facebook Application Makes Customization Easy
Social Media Memoirs
Social Media Memoirs
The Facebook Book by Perfect Fools Preserves Your Online Persona
Fake Chinese Facebooks
Fake Chinese Facebooks
Social Networks in China Mimic Facebook in the Void Left by Censorship
Astrological Twitter Reactions
Astrological Twitter Reactions
The Ophiuchus Zodiac Change Reverberates Through Social Media
Social Media Sacrifices
Social Media Sacrifices
Mark Zuckerberg Plans to Shut Down Facebook for Earth Hour
Social Media Alarm Clocks
Social Media Alarm Clocks
The Alarm App Tweets and Facebooks Your Morning Wake-Up
Anti-Drunk Applications
Anti-Drunk Applications
The Social Media Sobriety Test Saves You From Embarrassment
Digital Loyalty Points
Digital Loyalty Points
Aneace Haddad Creates Loyalty Program via Taggo for Consumers
Gruesome Facebook Likes
Gruesome Facebook Likes
31st Oporto International Film Festival Poster is Bloody Good
Singles Status-Stalking Apps
Singles Status-Stalking Apps
The Breakup Notifier Takes Facebook Creeping to a Whole New Level
Social Media Artvertising Campaigns (UPDATE)
Social Media Artvertising Campaigns (UPDATE)
Trend Hunter to Compete in AmEx Canvas Contest
Social Media Marijuana Support
Social Media Marijuana Support
Legalizing Pot in California is Backed by Facebook Employees
Social Media Druggies
Social Media Druggies
Monica Gebruikt Tries to Get Addicted to Facebook Instead of Drugs
Medical Social Media Art
Medical Social Media Art
Anne Van Den Berg Sketches Insightful Illustrations
Vivacious Online Personalities
Vivacious Online Personalities
Sexy Nerd Girl is a Fascinating Interactive Social Media Narrative
Facebook Movie Parodies
Facebook Movie Parodies
The 'Social Network Parody' Makes Fun of Mark Zuckerberg
Social Media Friend Maps
Social Media Friend Maps
Facebook Map Highlights the World's Relationships
Face-Infiltrated Profiles
Face-Infiltrated Profiles
The Facebook Profile Picture Hack Lets Your Photo Take Over
Social Media Food Spoofs
Social Media Food Spoofs
This New KFC Ad is a Familiarly Funny Way to "Like" Your Meal
Social City-Planning Games
Social City-Planning Games
Zynga Cityville is a New Vice for Farmville Addicts on Facebook
Social Media Coffee Gifts
Social Media Coffee Gifts
The Starbucks Card eGift Program is for Any Occasion
Judgmental Social Media Marking
Judgmental Social Media Marking
Facebook Like & Dislike Stamps Make Paperwork Fun
Online Gossip Creators
Online Gossip Creators
The 180 Amsterdam Rumour Generator is Full of Juicy Secrets
Social Media Frocks
Social Media Frocks
The Facebook Dress is Sure to Get You Poked Anywhere You Go
Social Media Photo Wars
Social Media Photo Wars
The Sony NEX-5 Profile Hero Competition Lets You Get Creative
Social Media Printing
Social Media Printing
Social Print Studio Lets You Bring Your Online Experience To Life
Social Media Body Art
Social Media Body Art
T-Pain Gets a Facebook-Themed Tattoo
Twitterific Cushions
Twitterific Cushions
These Anony Tweet Pillows are for the Chirpy Tweeps
Interactive Exercise Apps
Interactive Exercise Apps
'Git Fit' for iPhone Turns Working Out into Social Networking
Status Update T-Shirts
Status Update T-Shirts
Share & Wear Your Status With the UpdateMeTee Shirt
Social Media Tombstones
Social Media Tombstones
Tweet & Share with the Dead Using the E-Tomb
Enlightening Social Media Fixtures
Enlightening Social Media Fixtures
The Twitter Ball by Sarah Turner is an Eco-Conscious & Recycled
Religious Rebranding
Religious Rebranding
Artist Yulia Bakhtiozina Converts Popular Brand Packaging
Social Media Sacrifices
Social Media Sacrifices
Celebs Offer Up Their Digital Lives for the Buy Life Campaign
Social Mediamobiles
Social Mediamobiles
The Porsche Facebook Edition is Something You'll Definitely 'Like'
Social Media Artvertising
Social Media Artvertising
Create Your Own Ad with the AmEx Canvas Contest
Custom Facebook Books
Custom Facebook Books
The EgoBook Allows you to Reminisce Over Status Updates
Personified Website Stereotypes
Personified Website Stereotypes
The Social Media Class of 2011 is the Web's Pop Culture Prequel
Social Media Cushions
Social Media Cushions
Craftsquatch Creates a New Line of Adorable Internet Pillows
Social Media Shoes
Social Media Shoes
The Adidas Facebook & Twitter Shoes Bring New Meaning to Follow Friday
Geeky Facebook Avatars
Geeky Facebook Avatars
Ashley Hay Gives the Default Facebook Photo a Reboot
Social Media Workspaces
Social Media Workspaces
Scott Brigg Designs the New Google London Headquarters