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85 Mouthwatering Meal Mash-Ups

From Bold Hybrid Biscuits to Vegan Burger Hybrids

— June 15, 2015 — Lifestyle
Meal mash-ups are a great way to enjoy a number of flavors and foods in one dish. Whether cultural or a foodie experiment, these tasty hybrids are made to serve a variety of food lovers.

While funnel cake cheeseburgers fuse savory and sweet flavors, vegan burger hybrids appeal to a vegan and/or vegetarian audience. Cultural meal mash-ups are also an innovation to try. Such dishes as deep-friend pizza tacos and pizza quesadilla hybrids offer popular Mexican foods mixed with Italian delicacies. While the aforementioned meals make for a hearty lunch or dinner, there are also a line of mash-up desserts worth indulgence.

Potato chip cookies and pretzel-infused confections provide both salty and sweet flavors. Unlike croissant muffins which offer a sweet taste and spicy cinnamon kick.
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Toasted Cereal Cupcakes
Toasted Cereal Cupcakes
Sprinkle Bakes' Bite-Sized Dessert is Made With Corn Flakes
Carrot Cake Waffles
Carrot Cake Waffles
These Carrot Cake Waffles are a High-Protein Hybrid
Hybrid Breakfast Grains
Hybrid Breakfast Grains
This Breakfast Food Blends Muesli and Granola
Cheese Ball Crusts
Cheese Ball Crusts
This Unconventional and Extra Cheesy Pizza Crust is Made Using Cheese Balls
Nacho Cheese Hummus
Nacho Cheese Hummus
The 'Chocolate Covered Kate' Blog Has Unveiled a Sipcy Doritos-Flavored Hummus
Potato Chip Desserts
Potato Chip Desserts
These Chocolate Potato Chip Cookies are a Salty and Sweet Hybrid Treat
Campfire Confectionary Hybrids
Campfire Confectionary Hybrids
Food Beast Created Donut S'mores for National Donut Day 2014
Breakfast Biscuit Tacos
Breakfast Biscuit Tacos
The New Biscuit Taco from Taco Bell is Filled with Sausage and Egg
Funnel Cake Cheeseburgers
Funnel Cake Cheeseburgers
The Big Mother Funnel Burger is Coming to a Ballpark Near You
Stuffed Onion Ring Burgers
Stuffed Onion Ring Burgers
This Epic Extra Meaty Fried Cheeseburger is Also Wrapped in Bacon
Pretzel-Breaded Onion Rings
Pretzel-Breaded Onion Rings
DudeFoods's Savory Snack Combines Salt Pretzels and Onion Rings
Mexican Donut Mashups
Mexican Donut Mashups
The Taco Donut Hybrid Comes with Queso "Frosting" and Sour Cream "Icing"
Pot Pie Soup Hybrids
Pot Pie Soup Hybrids
This Chicken Pot Pie Soup Recipe Will Keep You Warm on a Cold Night
Greek Yogurt Guacamole
Greek Yogurt Guacamole
This Healthy Dip Recipe Blends Mediterranean and Mexican Flavors
Bold Hybrid Biscuits
Bold Hybrid Biscuits
These Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies are Also Infused with Meaty Flavor
Pizza Quesadilla Hybrids
Pizza Quesadilla Hybrids
This Pizza Quesadilla Hybrid was Made by Epic Meal Time's Josh Elkin
Cookie-Stuffed Cinnamon Rolls
Cookie-Stuffed Cinnamon Rolls
Introducing the Heavenly Hybrid of Cookie-Stuffed Cinnamon Rolls
Cheese Ball Burger Buns
Cheese Ball Burger Buns
DudeFoods's Cheese Ball Recipe is for an Epic Triple Bacon Cheeseburger
Fried Funnel Cake Sandwiches
Fried Funnel Cake Sandwiches
Zombie Burger's Monstrous Funnel Cake Burger is Definitely a Must Try
Japanese Rice Burgers
Japanese Rice Burgers
Lotteria's Mongolian Bowl Burger Provides Bites Filled with Carbohydrates
Wrapped Tortilla Burgers
Wrapped Tortilla Burgers
Tabu's Crunchwrap Burger Replaces Traditional Buns with Mexican Flatbread
Fruity Cheesecake Waffles
Fruity Cheesecake Waffles
The New IHOP Waffles Feature New York Cheesecake Inside the Dough
Hybrid Pop Culture Cakes
Hybrid Pop Culture Cakes
Sweet Meets Danger in this Hybrid Character Cake
Donut-Tart Hybrid Desserts
Donut-Tart Hybrid Desserts
The Donart by The Green Radish Could Be the Next Cronut
Cookie Combo Desserts
Cookie Combo Desserts
These Chips Ahoy Cookies are Filled with Oreo Vanilla Cream
Pancake Taco Hybrids
Pancake Taco Hybrids
Mr. Breakfast's Indulgent Recipe is Infused with Eggs and Bacon
Funky Fruitcake Hybrids
Funky Fruitcake Hybrids
These Fruitcakes Attempt to Re-Invent the Traditional Holiday Dessert
Fried Noodle Burger Buns
Fried Noodle Burger Buns
The Deep Fried Spaghetti Bun Burger is Topped with Mozzarella & Marinara
Donut Cannoli Hybrids
Donut Cannoli Hybrids
Frangelli’s Bakery’s Scrumptious Donnoli is a Mix of a Donut and a Cannoli
Fried Pizza Tacos
Fried Pizza Tacos
This Crispy and Savory Dish From Oh, Bite It! Consists of Folded and Fried Pizza
Waffle-Bread BLTs
Waffle-Bread BLTs
This Waffle Sandwich Kicks Up a Traditional BLT
Hybrid Classic Hoagies
Hybrid Classic Hoagies
'Chocolate Chip Cookie Grilled Cheese Sandwiches' Combine Two Favorites
Hybrid Cocoa Confections
Hybrid Cocoa Confections
These Valentine Brownie Cupcakes Will Make Your Mouth Water
Fast Food Mashups
Fast Food Mashups
Burger King Introduces Poutine a la Burger for Its Canadian Market
Hybrid Fall Ginger Treats
Hybrid Fall Ginger Treats
Gingerbread-Pumpkin Icecream Sandwiches are a Delicious Mix
Hybrid Breakfast Desserts
Hybrid Breakfast Desserts
The Food52 Crepe Cake Stacks Flapjacks High Atop One Another
Peculiar Ramen Poutines
Peculiar Ramen Poutines
This Cultural Hybrid Poutine Cleverly Replaces Fries with Noodle Sticks
Cake-Cookie Hybrids
Cake-Cookie Hybrids
The Joy the Baker Banana, Walnut and Chocolate Post is Eclectic
Hybrid Waffle Donuts
Hybrid Waffle Donuts
These Krispy Kreme Waffles Make for the Sweetest Breakfast of All Time
Marshmallow Pie Munchables
Marshmallow Pie Munchables
These Hybrid Snacks Combine Pumpkin Pies and Marshmallows
French Fry Burger Buns
French Fry Burger Buns
The Burger Bomb From The Vulgar Chef Uses Fries as a Bun Substitute
Croissant Cupcakes
Croissant Cupcakes
Dude Foods Creates a Hybrid Dessert Dubbed the 'Crupcake'
Sundae-Inspired Birthday Cakes
Sundae-Inspired Birthday Cakes
The Banana Split Ice Cream Cake is as Good as it Sounds
Remixed Sandwich Desserts
Remixed Sandwich Desserts
The Fluffernutter Donut from Dough is Delectable
French Fry-Hamburger Hybrids
French Fry-Hamburger Hybrids
The French Fry Hamburger is a Long-Awaited Delicacy
Monstrous Cronut Burger Hybrids
Monstrous Cronut Burger Hybrids
This Frankenstein Creation Combines the Cronut and Umami Burger
Spaghetti Meatball Burgers
Spaghetti Meatball Burgers
This Innovative Meatball Sandwich Features Pasta Patties as Burger Buns
Delicious Hybrid Desserts
Delicious Hybrid Desserts
The Cone-oli Recipe Blends Ice Cream Cones and Cannoli
Chocolate Meat Pies
Chocolate Meat Pies
Tom Bridge and Paul Williams' Easter Pies Fuse Dinner with Dessert
Hybrid Marshmallow Campfire Cakes
Hybrid Marshmallow Campfire Cakes
This Toasted Marshmellow Layer Cake is Positively Delicious
Croissant Hybrid Bread Loaves
Croissant Hybrid Bread Loaves
This Croissant is Made in the Shape of a Bread Loaf
GingerNog Holiday Hybrid Desserts
GingerNog Holiday Hybrid Desserts
The Mini Eggnog Cheesecake Brings All Holiday Favorites Together
Boston Cream Donut Cupcakes
Boston Cream Donut Cupcakes
These Cupcakes are a Hybrid Version of the Famous Boston Cream Donut
Hybrid Holiday Hot Dogs
Hybrid Holiday Hot Dogs
Dog Haus' Thanksgivukkah Dog Brings Out the Best Flavors of Both Holidays
Croissant Waffle Tacos
Croissant Waffle Tacos
This Waffle and Croissant Hybrid is Available at Some IHOP Locations
Decadent Donut Desserts
Decadent Donut Desserts
The Donut and Waffle Hybrid From DK Donuts Come in a Variety of Flavors
Dessert Chicken Hybrids
Dessert Chicken Hybrids
American Cupcake Introduces the Red Velvet Fried Chicken
Chocolate Croissant Donut Holes
Chocolate Croissant Donut Holes
Dominique Ansel Bakery is Debuting Nutella Cronut Holes in NYC
Mexican Mash-Up Flatbread
Mexican Mash-Up Flatbread
The Closet Cooking Taco Quesadilla Pizza is Oozing in Flavor
Heart-Stopping Hybrid Meals
Heart-Stopping Hybrid Meals
The Poutine Burger Will Make You Gain Weight Bite by Bite
Decadent Hazelnut Hybrid Desserts
Decadent Hazelnut Hybrid Desserts
This Chocolate Treat Features an Entire Jar of Nutella
Fast Food Flatbread Hybrids
Fast Food Flatbread Hybrids
This Poutine Pizza is Topped with High-Fat and High-Flavor Ingredients
Delectable Hybrid Desserts
Delectable Hybrid Desserts
The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip Will Leave You Licking the Bowl
Chocolate-Flavored Bacon Cronuts
Chocolate-Flavored Bacon Cronuts
These 'Squats' Square Cronuts are Covered in Nutella & Bacon Bits
Asian-Inspired Petite Pies
Asian-Inspired Petite Pies
The Baked Pumpkin Wontons Represent Culinary Fusion at its Finest
Croissant Muffin Hybrids
Croissant Muffin Hybrids
The Confectionery Cruffin by Mr. Homes Bakehouse is a Tasty Pastry Mashup
Fast Food Fusion
Fast Food Fusion
McDonald's Replaces Buns With Tortillas for the Mac Snack Wrap
Pasta Bacon Taco Hybrids
Pasta Bacon Taco Hybrids
These Indulgent Bacon Weave Taco Breaks Calorie-Topping Records
Hamburger Dessert Hybrids
Hamburger Dessert Hybrids
The Cinnaburger is the Love Child Between Dinner and Sugary Treats
Delicate Hybrid Desserts
Delicate Hybrid Desserts
These Pumpkin Pie Macarons are Vibrantly Elegant
Campfire Hybrid Confections
Campfire Hybrid Confections
The S'MOreos by Marigold Haske Revamps a Classic Summer Treat
Petite Pastry Hybrids
Petite Pastry Hybrids
These Cranberry and Cheese Danish Cupcakes are Wonderfully Inventive
Rolled-Up Mexican Meals
Rolled-Up Mexican Meals
The 'Tacone' is Portable and Mess-Free Unlike a Traditional Taco
Decadent Hybrid Desserts
Decadent Hybrid Desserts
The Cake Batter Cinnamon Roll Recipe is Oozing With Indulgence
Bizarre Food Hybrids
Bizarre Food Hybrids
Spaghetti Tacos are Slowly Taking the Country by Storm
Waffle-Infused Espresso
Waffle-Infused Espresso
Dominique Ansel's Waffagato is a Mix of Waffles, Ice-Cream and Espresso
Cake-Pie Hybrids
Cake-Pie Hybrids
The Flying Monkey 'Pumpple' Crams Just About Everything into One Dessert
Massive Pizza Burger Hybrids
Massive Pizza Burger Hybrids
The 'Megaburgerpizza' Creatively Uses a Pizza as a Burger Bun
Croissant-Inspired Desserts
Croissant-Inspired Desserts
The Cronut is a Delicious Croissant-Donut Hybrid
Festive Hybrid Confections
Festive Hybrid Confections
These Sweet Potato Pie Cupcakes Brings the Magic of Pie to a Tasty Cake
Hybrid Beef-Pastry Sandwiches
Hybrid Beef-Pastry Sandwiches
The Double Bacon Waffle Burger is a Breakfast and Dinner Combined
Homemade Hybrid Cronuts
Homemade Hybrid Cronuts
The Banana Cream Pillsbury Crescent Doughnuts is a Delicious Knock-Off
Gigantic Ramen Noodle Burgers
Gigantic Ramen Noodle Burgers
This Ramen Burger is a Delicious Hybrid of Noodles and Beef
High-Class Hybrid Desserts
High-Class Hybrid Desserts
The Macaron Ice Cream Sandwich is a Delectable Dessert by Chef Payard
Heavenly Hybrid-Layered Treats
Heavenly Hybrid-Layered Treats
The Ice Cream Sandwich Cake is a Dessert Within a Dessert