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46 Ways Alcohol Is Being Glamorized

From Luxury Liquor to Mary Delgado's Arrest

— November 19, 2008 — Lifestyle
It sounds like Mary Delgado, the winner of The Bachelor, enjoys her booze a little too much. She was arrested for public intoxication.

It seems with all the marketing that goes into alcohol, from hip packaging, to engaging advertising campaigns, people are more attracted to alcohol than ever. Add to the mix that celebrities glamorize clubbing and make public intoxication look OK, and it’s no wonder pseudo celebs like Mary Delgado have joined the mug shot mavens.

Factor in tough economic times, and it won’t really be all that surprising if binge drinking increases in the new year.

With that said, the slideshow below highlights some of the most creative, interesting and shocking drinking trends of the year.
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Politician-Inspired Beers
Politician-Inspired Beers
The Obamanator Brew
Recession-Fighting Beer
Recession-Fighting Beer
Howe Sound "Bailout Bitter" Ale
Sheepskin Champagne Glove
Sheepskin Champagne Glove
DollyPop by Dirk Wynants
Interactive Virtual Beer
Interactive Virtual Beer
The iPint for iPhones
Ice Jackets
Ice Jackets
Vodka in the Rocks
Energy Enhanced Vodka
Energy Enhanced Vodka
The New Vodka & Red Bull
Europe's Longest Champagne Bar
Europe's Longest Champagne Bar
Bubbly London Train Station
Eco-Luxury Alcohol
Eco-Luxury Alcohol
360 Vodka
$6,485 Bottle of Champagne
$6,485 Bottle of Champagne
Limited Edition Perrier-Jouet (Update)
Canned Wine Cross-Branding
Canned Wine Cross-Branding
Monde Vineyard Vino on Japan Rail East
Bubble Wrap Bottle Skins
Bubble Wrap Bottle Skins
The Wineskin
Vincent Van Gogh Vodka
Vincent Van Gogh Vodka
Organic Alaskan Vodka
Organic Alaskan Vodka
Permafrost Capitalizes on Sarah Palin Mania
Beer for the Health Conscious
Beer for the Health Conscious
Jessica Simpson for Stampede Light Beer
Champagne in a Can
Champagne in a Can
Rich Prosecco By Paris Hilton
Innovative Beer Flavours
Innovative Beer Flavours
Warsteiner Chili con Lemon
Wine Cellars On Wheels
Wine Cellars On Wheels
Chateaux Mini
Eco Friendly Single Serve Wine Bottles
Eco Friendly Single Serve Wine Bottles
Volute Wine
$11,000 Champagne
$11,000 Champagne
A Dom Expensive Luxury
Hangover-Free Liquor
Hangover-Free Liquor
Pincer Milk Thistle & Elderflower Vodka
Breaking The Rules Of Design
Breaking The Rules Of Design
Vertikal Vodka's Neckless Bottle
Champagne Beer
Champagne Beer
Adding Glitz & Glam To Your Beer
Inverted Champagne Set
Inverted Champagne Set
Viktor & Rolf Design + Piper Heidsieck
Roberto Cavalli Vodka
Roberto Cavalli Vodka
Political Branding
Political Branding
Palin Syrah Wine
Sparkling Vodka
Sparkling Vodka
The Champagne of Vodkas
Beer Bottle Labels As Art
Beer Bottle Labels As Art
Becks Canvas
Public Intoxication
Public Intoxication
Bachelor Winner Mary Delgado Arrested
Dancing in Tubes
Dancing in Tubes
"The Set" Club in Miami Beach
Mechanic Inspired Oils & Spirits
Mechanic Inspired Oils & Spirits
Anthony's Mini Garage Winery
Stiletto Vodka
Stiletto Vodka
Chocolate, Mint & Vanilla
Drinking Shoes
Drinking Shoes
Walk With Your Vodka
Bong Vodka
Bong Vodka
Bullet-Shaped Bottles
Bullet-Shaped Bottles
Bollinger Bond 007 Champagne
Branded Vodka for Movie Promos
Branded Vodka for Movie Promos
Crystal Head Fuels Ghostbusters III Rumors
24K Gold Vodka Bottle
24K Gold Vodka Bottle
Donald Trump Vodka at Moscow Millionaire's Fair
Diamond Filtered Vodka
Diamond Filtered Vodka
£540,000 A Bottle
DIY Vodka Lamp
DIY Vodka Lamp
Fun With Empties
Lambskin and Gold Champagne Bottles
Lambskin and Gold Champagne Bottles
Moet & Chandon ‘Midnight Gold'
Glittering Vodka Jackets
Glittering Vodka Jackets
Absolut Masquerade
Art in a Bottle
Art in a Bottle
Drink Your Way to Bigger Art Collection with 1800 Tequila
Luxury Liquor Secrets
Luxury Liquor Secrets
Gold Flakes Vodka Has the Midas Touch
Gold Flake Champagne
Gold Flake Champagne
Gold-Cuvée With 23K Gold
Wacky Wine Labels
Wacky Wine Labels
10 Bizarre Brands You Won't Forget