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Top 100 Lifestyle Trends in March

From Mason Jar Gardening Kits to Local Food Waste Eateries

— March 20, 2016 — Lifestyle
These March 2016 lifestyle trends range from mason jar gardening kits to local food waste eateries that make use of produce that would otherwise be discarded. When it comes to food and beverage, the month's standouts include ultramodern street food bars and interactive fusion restaurants that let patrons personalize their menu with the help of touchscreen tables. Furthermore, examples like reverse wine glasses are a fun novelty item for vino lovers while exclusive eclair bakeries target dessert lovers with lavish tastes.

When examining the month's fitness-focused innovations, notable examples include branded training facility pop-ups like the X gym by adidas along with connected training gear that improves precision while tracking one's performance.

In the realm of wedding decor, bohemian nuptials and summer-ready wedding gowns round out this list of March 2016 lifestyle trends.
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Candied Sleeping Felines
Candied Sleeping Felines
These Cute Model Sweets Combine Japanese Pet and Dessert Cultures
Strength-Measuring Systems
Strength-Measuring Systems
The 'NordBord' Measures Strength to Reduce Hamstring Injuries
Formal Vegan Restaurants
Formal Vegan Restaurants
Cafe Gratitude Offers Animal-Free Cuisine in a Fine Dining Setting
Smart Cocktail Spouts
Smart Cocktail Spouts
Bernooli's Stylish Spouts and Personalized App are for Aspiring Mixologists
Handleless Foodservice Jugs
Handleless Foodservice Jugs
This Handle-Free Juice Container Saves Space and Reduces Leakage
Cat-Rescuing Bars
Cat-Rescuing Bars
The Koneko Cat Cafe Lets You Pet Cats While You Sip On a Pint
Smart Contactless Thermometers
Smart Contactless Thermometers
The 'Flo' Body Temperature Tracker is Suitable for Kids and Adults
Celebratory Wine Tastings
Celebratory Wine Tastings
This Winery is Celebrating National Drink Wine Day with a Free Tasting
Culinary Mushroom-Growing Logs
Culinary Mushroom-Growing Logs
This DIY Grow Your Own Mushroom Log is Ideal for At-Home Chefs
Vegan Fast Food Eateries
Vegan Fast Food Eateries
The HipCityVeg Offers Casual Plant-Based Takeout with Courier Delivery
Sanitary Kitchen Cutting Boards
Sanitary Kitchen Cutting Boards
The Joseph Joseph Index Range Chopping Board Set is Health-Focused
Smartphone-Obsessed Cake Toppers
Smartphone-Obsessed Cake Toppers
This Wedding Cake Topper Pokes Fun at Modern Romance
Parisian Ice Cream Bars
Parisian Ice Cream Bars
This Bangkok Dessert Bar is Inspired by the Molecular Makeup of Sugar
Suspension Workout Kits
Suspension Workout Kits
The Portable TRX Home Gym Equipment Encourages Outdoor Exercise
Insect-Killing Origami Crafts
Insect-Killing Origami Crafts
This Paper Origami Boat is Infused with a Natural Mosquito Killer
Multi-Dimensional Chocolate Bars
Multi-Dimensional Chocolate Bars
The 'Chocolatetexturebar' Provides a New Way to Enjoy Chocolate
French Toast Kebabs
French Toast Kebabs
This Novel French Toast Recipe is Served on a Stick
Fast Food Paint Pairings
Fast Food Paint Pairings
This McDonald's Food Ad is Presented as a Pantone Color Sample
Anatomical Heart Cakes
Anatomical Heart Cakes
This Alternative Valentine's Cake is More Frightening Than Romantic
Ultramodern Karaoke Bar Branding
Ultramodern Karaoke Bar Branding
This Karaoke Bar Branding Features Vibrant Geometrical Imagery
Force-Measuring Cycling Accessories
Force-Measuring Cycling Accessories
The Zone DPMX Cycling Power Meter Keeps Track of Data
Expansive Bouldering Facilities
Expansive Bouldering Facilities
The Austin Bouldering Project Offers Up To 300 Bouldering Routes
Chic Parisian-Inspired Bistros
Chic Parisian-Inspired Bistros
This Jakarta Bistro is Filled with Marble and Lush Plant Life
Sugar Cookie Art Projects
Sugar Cookie Art Projects
Instagram User Holly Fox Creates Adorable Edible Masterpieces
Illuminated Camping Stakes
Illuminated Camping Stakes
UCO Stakelight LED Tent Pegs Ensures Clear Visibility in the Night
Probiotic Coffee Beverages
Probiotic Coffee Beverages
This 'Jus by Julie' Drink Combines Coffee and Probiotics
Cold-Press Pod Juicers
Cold-Press Pod Juicers
The Nutralux Pod Juicer Provided Fresh-Pressed Juice On-Demand
Plant-Based Burger Joints
Plant-Based Burger Joints
'By Chloe' is a Casual Vegan Restaurant with Burgers, Juice & More
Superhero Cola Cans
Superhero Cola Cans
Marvel Joins Forces with Coca-Cola to Bring Heroic Cans to Super Bowl 50
DIY Almond Milk Kits
DIY Almond Milk Kits
This DIY Almond Milk Kit is Ideal for Those Avoiding Dairy
Enchanting Husky Photography
Enchanting Husky Photography
Amanda Tromp Captures Fairy Tale-Like Images of Her Pet Kyro
Sports-Ready Knitwear
Sports-Ready Knitwear
Nike's 'Tech Knit' Boasts Warm Yet Breathable Material for Working Out
Creative Traveler Accessories
Creative Traveler Accessories
The Rockwell Passport and Journal Holder Enables Travel Writing
Inflatable Windsurfing Boards
Inflatable Windsurfing Boards
The iRig One Can Be Stored Inside a Backpack
Intelligent Robot Pets
Intelligent Robot Pets
The 'CHiPK9' Robot Dog is Programmed to Offer Loyalty and Affection
Muscle-Loosening Spheres
Muscle-Loosening Spheres
The Hypersphere Vibrates to Loosen Your Muscles and Tendons
Romantic Texting Greeting Cards
Romantic Texting Greeting Cards
This Valentine's Day Cards Express Comical Virtual Communication
Summery Bride Editorials
Summery Bride Editorials
The Vogue Mexico Elisabeth Erm Editorial is Perfect for Beach Weddings
At-Home Catnip Garden Kits
At-Home Catnip Garden Kits
The Catnip Garden in a Bag Kit Can Be Used in a Variety of Ways
Hybrid Laser Tag Games
Hybrid Laser Tag Games
The 'Lazer Zoo' Event Combines Brunch and Laser Tag into One Experience
Affordable Electric Bicycles
Affordable Electric Bicycles
The 'Propella' Electric Lightweight Bike Offers Enhanced Range
Wearable Athletic Bands
Wearable Athletic Bands
'CardioBands' Resistance Training Bands Enable Full-Body Workouts
Kitchen Microgreens Kits
Kitchen Microgreens Kits
This Microgreens Box Kit Has Everything to Create a Windowsill Garden
Interactive Toy Dog Bowls
Interactive Toy Dog Bowls
The 'PAW5' Rock 'N Roll Dog Bowl Encourages Dogs to Play to Eat
Instant Coffee Beans
Instant Coffee Beans
This Coffee Concept Turns Compressed Instant Coffee into Beans
Stylish Bike Mounts
Stylish Bike Mounts
Lignum Bike Company's On The Wall Collection Meets All Cyclist Needs
Local Food Waste Eateries
Local Food Waste Eateries
Tiny Leaf London Makes Its Dishes from Local Leftovers in Notting Hill
Punny Cartoon Valentines
Punny Cartoon Valentines
These Adorable and Nerdy Greeting Cards are Perfect for February 14th
Immersive Archery Tag Experiences
Immersive Archery Tag Experiences
Playmaker U's Archery Tag Games are Adventurous and Engaging
Bohemian Woodland Weddings
Bohemian Woodland Weddings
This Forest Wedding Brings a Rustic Design Theme to Life
Summer Barbecue Burger Joints
Summer Barbecue Burger Joints
The New Concept for Goody's Burger House Features an Indoor Patio
Artistic Water Bars
Artistic Water Bars
Sydney's Latest Beverage Pop-Up Features a Vast H20 Offering
Flavor-Swapping Chip Promotions
Flavor-Swapping Chip Promotions
The 'Flavor Swap' Campaign Pits Old Flavors Against New Ones
Creative Snack Bar Projects
Creative Snack Bar Projects
This Beijing Noodle Bar is a Side Project of David Ho Design Studio
Veggie Garden Starter Kits
Veggie Garden Starter Kits
This Veggie Garden Maker Kit Will Kickstart Your Backyard Garden
Speedy Dry Land Surfboards
Speedy Dry Land Surfboards
The 'Razor Ripsurf' Mimics the Feeling of Surfing on Concrete
Delicious Geology Cakes
Delicious Geology Cakes
This Beautiful Cake Design Mimics Natural Rocks with Sweets
Customizable Cyclist Lights
Customizable Cyclist Lights
The 'STELLIGHT' LED Bicycle Light Can be Customized via Smartphone
Luxury Hotel Resident Cats
Luxury Hotel Resident Cats
Le Bristol Paris Has Two Birman Kitties Watching Over the Lobby
Healthy Pet Food Bowls
Healthy Pet Food Bowls
The Buster 'Dog Maze' Dog Food Bowl Prevents Canines from Eating Too Fast
Mine-Inspired Restaurant Interiors
Mine-Inspired Restaurant Interiors
This Brisbane Restaurant is Named After a Former Mining Town
Macho Beer Bars
Macho Beer Bars
This Craft Beer Marketing Stunt in Japan Uses Burly Men to Appeal to Women
Affordable Eco Bridal Gowns
Affordable Eco Bridal Gowns
This Spring 2016 Bridal Collection Contains Colorful Wedding Dresses
Fragranced Facial Masks
Fragranced Facial Masks
Freka Ergonomic Facewear Offers Enhanced Features in a Pleasant Design
Extensive Travel Workout Kits
Extensive Travel Workout Kits
The Fitness Traveler Workout Kit is Discreetly Designed
Mason Jar Gardening Kits
Mason Jar Gardening Kits
The DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden Kit is Perfect for Amateur Chefs
Canine-Carrying Knapsacks
Canine-Carrying Knapsacks
The 'Ruffit' Dog Carrying Backpack Lets Owners Bring Their Pet Anywhere
Reversed Wine Glasses
Reversed Wine Glasses
This Upside Down Red Wine Glass Offers an Unexpected Experience
Exclusive Eclair Pastry Shops
Exclusive Eclair Pastry Shops
'Nugateau' is a Toronto Patisserie Serving Up Fresh Eclairs Daily
Personalized Chip Bag Designs
Personalized Chip Bag Designs
The LAY’S Summer Days Campaign Let Consumers Personalize Their Chips
Industrial Hybrid Lounges
Industrial Hybrid Lounges
This Pan-Caribbean Restaurant and Rum Bar Mixes Food, Music and Art
Communal Dining Greenhouses
Communal Dining Greenhouses
The Campobaja Restaurant Offers Industrial Dining in Mexico City
Biodegradable Burial Suits
Biodegradable Burial Suits
The Infinity Burial Suit is an Eco-Friendly Alternative to Cremation
Interactive Fusion Restaurants
Interactive Fusion Restaurants
Oshi Lets Patrons Personalize Meal and Drink Orders Digitally
Stylish Swedish Camping Equipment
Stylish Swedish Camping Equipment
The 'Wax-On Tent' is Crafted Using Swedish Pine and Waxed Cotton
Experiential Football Boutiques
Experiential Football Boutiques
The Hat Trick Store in Alloza Features 100 Suspended Balls
Private Co-Working Communities
Private Co-Working Communities
The Neuehouse Los Angeles Recently Opened in Hollywood
Experimental Snack Brand Pop-Ups
Experimental Snack Brand Pop-Ups
Snack Brand Ryvita Will Launch an Experiential Pop-Up Cafe
Streetcar Shoe Experiences
Streetcar Shoe Experiences
The Nike SNKRS XPRESS is a Curated Event for All-Star Weekend
Cocktail Garnish Kits
Cocktail Garnish Kits
The Spice Lab's Botanical Kits Feature Gin, Vodka and Rum Ingredients
Disposable Music Festival Tents
Disposable Music Festival Tents
The 'KarTent' Makes Festival Camping Easier and More Efficient
Pet-Focused Furniture
Pet-Focused Furniture
The 'Amolet' Pet Sofa is Designed to Give Owners and Pets a Place to Rest
Chic Healthy Restaurant Branding
Chic Healthy Restaurant Branding
The Packaging for Magasand Healthy Food is Light and Quirky
Charming Rustic Patisseries
Charming Rustic Patisseries
This Perth Bakery Features a Rustic Design and Quality Menu
Travelling Pet Photo Essays
Travelling Pet Photo Essays
Hunter Lawrence's Golden Retriever Stars in This Adorable Series
Modern Portable Log Fires
Modern Portable Log Fires
This Portable Log Fire Can Be Used on the Beach or in a Fireplace
Timber-Clad Bakery Ceilings
Timber-Clad Bakery Ceilings
This Beijing Bakery is Inspired by Traditional Taiwanese Bread
Thoughtful Twisting Bicycles
Thoughtful Twisting Bicycles
The Somerset Folding Bike by Kaiser Chang Boasts a U-Shaped Frame
Contemporary Dog Houses
Contemporary Dog Houses
The Bad Marlon Dog Houses are Minimalistic and Modern
DIY Popsicle Bags
DIY Popsicle Bags
'FRIOPOP' Homemade Popsicle Bags Enable Custom Frozen Treats
In-Store Immersion Pods
In-Store Immersion Pods
The Bompas & Parr 'Taste Pod' Debuted a Thorntons Store in London
High-End Electric Bicycles
High-End Electric Bicycles
The Zeitgeist City Electric Bike Design is for Affluent Riders
Customer-Focused Grocery Concepts
Customer-Focused Grocery Concepts
This Sofia Grocery Store Boasts an Elaborate Wine Department
Nature-Inspired Juice Kiosks
Nature-Inspired Juice Kiosks
The Java Juice Kiosk is Located in a Mall in Perth, Australia
Gourmet Convenience Retailers
Gourmet Convenience Retailers
Irish Convenience Store Has a New Food-Centric Retail Concept
Branded Pop-Up Training Facilities
Branded Pop-Up Training Facilities
The X by adidas is a Bold Running Experience in London
Mysterious Urban Cookie Vaults
Mysterious Urban Cookie Vaults
The Oreo Wonder Vault is Delighting Passersby in New York City