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100 Kids Gifts

From Artistic Coding Robots to Greenery Personification Planters

— December 16, 2016 — Life-Stages
For kids, presents are the be-all and end-all of the holiday season, so buying kids gifts needs to be done with the utmost care. A good kids gift can be something that they remember for the rest of their lives -- something that proves to be an unending well of pleasant nostalgia. Thankfully, there are scores of innovative and entertaining kids gifts on the market.

Some children like the pure thrill of an active gift. For them, something like the 'Mustang Power Wheels' toy car or the 'Splashlight' water gun would be the ideal gift. Other kids prefer to engage their creativity in fantasy worlds. Those kids might prefer the StorySnap app or an Amazon Rapids tablet, two products that envelop kids in reading.
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Televised Storybook Apps
Televised Storybook Apps
Apple's StoryTime for tvOS Brings Kids' Books to the Television
Educational Child Tablets
Educational Child Tablets
The EE Robin Kids Tablet is Specially Designed for Children and Parents
Safe Children's Manicures
Safe Children's Manicures
The Côte Salon Offers Kid-Friendly SPF Nail Treatments For Youngsters
Illuminated Drinking Cups
Illuminated Drinking Cups
The 'Litecup' Serves as a Water Bottle and a Night Light for Kids
Storybook Narration Apps
Storybook Narration Apps
The 'StorySnap' App Allows Parents to Personally Narrate E-Books
Voice-Controlled Video Games
Voice-Controlled Video Games
This Innovative Video Game is Controlled By Children's Speech
Free Elementary Architecture Classes
Free Elementary Architecture Classes
The Alberti Program is Run by Washington University
All-Organic Children's Clothing
All-Organic Children's Clothing
Petits Coquins Makes Clothes from Pesticide-Free Organic Cotton
Hydroponic Botany Science Kits
Hydroponic Botany Science Kits
The Educational Insights Nancy B's Hydroponics Kit is Educational
Children's Architecture Programs
Children's Architecture Programs
The 'Little Architect' Program is Offered at AASA in London
Educational Chemistry Experiment Kits
Educational Chemistry Experiment Kits
The SmartLab Ultimate Secret Formula Lab Kit Toy is Fun
Detailed Toy Costumes
Detailed Toy Costumes
The Jay Delux Ninjago LEGO Halloween Costume is Realistic
Hybrid Aerospace Toys
Hybrid Aerospace Toys
This Rocket Builder Toy Comes to Life in Mickey's Magical Math World App
Maze-Running Robot Toys
Maze-Running Robot Toys
Kids Can Program Micro Bugs Through Mazes with the 'nano Nitro Slingshot'
Cartoon-Covered Children's Apparel
Cartoon-Covered Children's Apparel
This Release from Stussy Kids Makes Use of the Peanuts Cartoon
Piggyback-Guiding Helmets
Piggyback-Guiding Helmets
The Piggyback Driver Helmet Lets Kids Drive Their Parents
Programmable LEGO Drones
Programmable LEGO Drones
The Flybrix Drone is a Kid-Friendly Toy Built Out of Standard LEGO Bricks
Interactive Children's Whiteboards
Interactive Children's Whiteboards
The 'DigiArt Creative Easel' Teaches Children How to Draw
Sweetly Scented Temporary Tattoos
Sweetly Scented Temporary Tattoos
Tattly Arm Candy Tattoos are Deliciously Designed and Scented
Transforming Fire Truck Toys
Transforming Fire Truck Toys
Firefighter Blaze Comes Equipped with Sirens, a Water Cannon and More
Interactive Reading Apps
Interactive Reading Apps
'Amazon Rapids' Gets Kids Interested in Reading Through Text Messaging
Battling Robot Toys
Battling Robot Toys
'Ganker' Robots Fight Without the Need for Programming Knowledge
Children's Fitness Wearables
Children's Fitness Wearables
Garmin's Vivofit Jr. is for Kids Ages Four to Nine
Disc-Launching Toy Guns
Disc-Launching Toy Guns
The Pocket Shot Disc Launcher is a Safer Alternative to Gun Toys
Bouncing Meteor Toys
Bouncing Meteor Toys
This Dollar Store Space Toy for Kids Creates Gold and Silver Meteorites
Bubble Experiment Kits
Bubble Experiment Kits
Wonder Forge's Science Kit for Kids is a Finding Dory-Themed STEM Toy
Interactive Reactionary Toy Cats
Interactive Reactionary Toy Cats
The FurReal Friends Bootsie Toy Responds to Cuddling and Treats
Greenery Personification Planters
Greenery Personification Planters
The 'Pure Life' Garden Planter Gamifies Gardening for Kids
Modular Hovercraft Drones
Modular Hovercraft Drones
Makeblock's Airblock Drone Toy Can Be Programmed to Do Different Stunts
Fruity Fast Food Toys
Fruity Fast Food Toys
McDonald's New Toys Feature Sanrio Characters in the Shape of Various Fruits
Connected Building Block Kits
Connected Building Block Kits
The 'ROKduino' Robot Building Blocks are an Educational Form of Play
Kid-Focused Tablets
Kid-Focused Tablets
PBS's Playtime Pad is a Tablet for Kids Loaded with PBS Apps and Games
Fridge Interior Robot Toys
Fridge Interior Robot Toys
The Star Wars BB-8 Robot Fridge Toy Interacts When the Door is Opened
Robotic Coding Kid Toys
Robotic Coding Kid Toys
The Xiaomi Toy Block Allows Kids to Create Customized Robots
Artistic Coding Robots
Artistic Coding Robots
The 'Root' Robot for Beginners Lets Families and Kids Partake in Coding
Monstrous Engineering Toys
Monstrous Engineering Toys
These Fort-Building Toys Double as Other Useful Household Items
Simplistic Building Blocks
Simplistic Building Blocks
Edo's Cardboard Blocks Give Children Limitless Creation Opportunities
Hide-and-Seek Stuffed Toys
Hide-and-Seek Stuffed Toys
The Hide-N-Seek Stuffed Panda Gives Clues to its Location
Heatless Campfire Food Toys
Heatless Campfire Food Toys
This Children's Toy Set Helps Kids to Make S'mores Indoors
Kid-Focused 3D Printers
Kid-Focused 3D Printers
'Yeehaw' Lets Kids Select and Print Their Own Toys
Interactive Toy Blocks
Interactive Toy Blocks
These Toys Aim to Help the Social Problems That Arise from Autism
Robotic Baby Plush Toys
Robotic Baby Plush Toys
The GUND Flappy the Elephant Stuffed Toy Plays Peek-a-Boo with Infants
Medical Teaching Toys
Medical Teaching Toys
The Gomo Doll Helps Doctors Teach Kids About Their Ailments
Children's Language Games
Children's Language Games
Ligumi Play Teaches Children Languages with Augmented Reality Toys
Child-Sized Supercars
Child-Sized Supercars
The 'Ride On Electric' McLaren P1 is for Kids Three to Six
Crystal Growing Kits
Crystal Growing Kits
The Lightsaber Crystal Growing Lab Allows Kids to Create Real Crystals
Connected Children's Wearables
Connected Children's Wearables
The Brillar Smart Watch is Great for Both Kids and Parents
Children's Cross-Stitch Kits
Children's Cross-Stitch Kits
Seedling's Cactus Embroidery Kit Encourages Hands-On Play
Remote Control Bumper Cars
Remote Control Bumper Cars
The 'Galaxy Zega' Toys Pit Miniature Tanks Against One Another
Personalized Clay Tubs
Personalized Clay Tubs
John Lewis and Play-Doh are Now Offering Custom Product Packaging
Oversized Toddler Crayons
Oversized Toddler Crayons
The Ommo Kids Crayons Feature a Large Size for Little Hands to Grasp
Fantasy Film Drone Toys
Fantasy Film Drone Toys
Spin Master's Star Wars-Themed Drones Let Kids Shoot Down the Death Star
Bioluminescence Water Guns
Bioluminescence Water Guns
The SplashLight Makes Water Glow as it's Fired at Opponents
Programmable Robot Toys
Programmable Robot Toys
Marty is a Robot for Kids That Teaches Coding in a Fun Way
Child-Sized Supercars
Child-Sized Supercars
The Mercedes-AMG GT Bobby Car is Designed for Toddler Test Drivers
Finger Puppet Toothbrushes
Finger Puppet Toothbrushes
'The Brushies' are Toys That Helps Parents Brush Their Kids' Teeth
Collapsible Jungle Gyms
Collapsible Jungle Gyms
This Children's Playground Can be Set Up Indoors or Outdoors
Trap-Setting Invention Toys
Trap-Setting Invention Toys
The littleBits 'Rule Your Room' Kit Lets Kids Set Harmless Booby Traps
Cardboard Dollhouse Kits
Cardboard Dollhouse Kits
This Dollar Store Playset Includes a House, Characters and Stickers
Anatomical Aquatic Plush Toys
Anatomical Aquatic Plush Toys
The Morris the Reversible Fish Plush Toy is Educationally Artistic
Monstrous Dental Games
Monstrous Dental Games
This Godzilla Toy is Modeled After a Classic Dentist Game for Kids
Mind-Controlled Hologram Toys
Mind-Controlled Hologram Toys
The Force Trainer II Lets Kids Re-Enact Famous Jedi Challenges
Convertible Kid Scooters
Convertible Kid Scooters
The Globber Adjustable Child Scooter Features a Five-in-One Design
Outdoor Winter Castle Toys
Outdoor Winter Castle Toys
This Snow Fort Building Set Enables Kids to Create Sturdy Snow Castles
Talkative Smartphone Toys
Talkative Smartphone Toys
The Smapon Communication Toy Works in Tandem with a Phone
Connected Children's Toy Boxes
Connected Children's Toy Boxes
The Smart Toybox Teaches Children to be Tidy with Games
Smart Alphabet Toys
Smart Alphabet Toys
These Classic Wooden Letters Teach via iPad Apps
Flying Genie Toys
Flying Genie Toys
The Shimmer and Shine Magical Flying Carpet Toy Swiftly Glides Across the Floor
Hands-On Digital Learning Games
Hands-On Digital Learning Games
The 'Toyji' Smart Toy is an Educational Game for Ages Three and Up
Educational Space Station Toys
Educational Space Station Toys
The Playmobil Space Rocket with Launch Site Toy is Built by Kids
Superhero Science Kits
Superhero Science Kits
The Spider-Man Web Creator Lab Lets Kids Create Their Own Spider Webs
Mysterious Digital Egg Toys
Mysterious Digital Egg Toys
'Hatchimals' Digital Toys are an Interactive Companion for Kids
Expressive Coding Toys
Expressive Coding Toys
Little Robot Friends Respond to Interactions with Cute Reactions
Stylish Toy Rocking Animals
Stylish Toy Rocking Animals
The Enko Creatio 'Enzoo' is Chicly Designed for Modern Homes
DIY Kid's Figurines
DIY Kid's Figurines
The Kidrobot Crayola Washable Vinyl Toys Can Be Customized
Educational Toy Mechanic Kits
Educational Toy Mechanic Kits
The Theo Klein Service Car Station Simulates Car Repair for Kids
Interactive Mushroom-Shaped Lamps
Interactive Mushroom-Shaped Lamps
This Interactive Lamp Works to Create a Playful Atmosphere
AI-Assisted Racing Toys
AI-Assisted Racing Toys
'Hot Wheels AI' is a Modernized Version of the Classic Race Car Toys
Spontaneous Miniature Robots
Spontaneous Miniature Robots
The Cozmo Was Designed To Feel Emotions Based on Its Environment
Backpack Water Gun Toys
Backpack Water Gun Toys
These Water Guns are a Fun Toy for Hot Summer Days
Visual Programming Toys
Visual Programming Toys
The 'Photon' Toy Robot Makes Learning Code Fun and Interactive
Realistic Kids Go-Karts
Realistic Kids Go-Karts
Ford's 'Mustang Power Wheels' Toy has a Traction Control Powertrain
Bluetooth-Connected Robot Toys
Bluetooth-Connected Robot Toys
The New Furby Connect Puts a High-tech Spin on the Popular 90s Toy
Moldable Soap Toys
Moldable Soap Toys
'Sudsy Dough' is a Bath Toy for Kids That Dries in Air & Dissolves in Water
Screen-Free Coding Toys
Screen-Free Coding Toys
The 'Plobot' Play Robot Lets Children Learn to Code without Screens
Tangible Coding Toys
Tangible Coding Toys
Google's 'Project Bloks' Uses Toys to Teach Kids How to Code
Durable Branded Go-Karts
Durable Branded Go-Karts
The Jeep Revolution BFR-3 is a Kid-Sized Off-Road Vehicle
Solar-Powered Fish Toys
Solar-Powered Fish Toys
These Terrarium Tanks Provide an Alternative to Real or Robotic Fish
Expandable Children's Clothing
Expandable Children's Clothing
This Stylish Kids Clothing Brand Consists of Monochromatic Pieces
Empathy-Building Playsets
Empathy-Building Playsets
'The Empathy Toy' Set for Kids is a Unique Family Puzzle Game
AR Pizzeria Games
AR Pizzeria Games
Osmo's 'Pizza Co.' Helps Kids Learn Financial Literacy By Selling Pizzas
DIY Slingshot Toys
DIY Slingshot Toys
Pied Piper's Build-Your-Own Slingshot Kit Revives a Retro Pastime
Urban Kids' Clothing Collections
Urban Kids' Clothing Collections
These Clothes Offer Excellent Back-to-School Looks for Children
Dart-Deploying Drones
Dart-Deploying Drones
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Terrascout Drone Blaster is Stealth
Animalistic Inflatable Furniture
Animalistic Inflatable Furniture
The Rabito Inflatable Child Chair Can be Inflated on Demand
Modular Self-Assembled Chairs
Modular Self-Assembled Chairs
Consumers Can Assemble 'SPYNTEX' in Infinite Variations
Toy Canine Carry-On
Toy Canine Carry-On
This Cute Kids' Luggage Serves a Second Function as a Plaything
Intuitive Dinosaur Toys
Intuitive Dinosaur Toys
The CogniToys Dino Combines Fun and Learning in a High-Tech Way
Gender-Fluid Kid's Collections
Gender-Fluid Kid's Collections
Jaime King Will Be Launching a Gender Neutral Clothing Line
Mermaid Unicorn Toys
Mermaid Unicorn Toys
Tokidoki's 'Mermicorno' Series is Sold in Mystery Boxes