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31 Savory Fall Pumpkin Creations

From Curried Pumpkin Bisques to Homemade Pumpkin Chips

— October 6, 2015 — Lifestyle
As soon as fall rolls around, the fall pumpkin treats do, too. Suddenly, supermarket shelves are packed with pumpkin-flavored foods of every variety. The sweet smells of pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins and pumpkin loaf waft out of the windows of local bakeries. The infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte appears in gloved hands everywhere. What doesn't get as much attention in the wonderful world of fall pumpkin delicacies is the savory side of things.

Fall pumpkin flavors aren't just for sweet treats. There are also hearty meals, savory snacks and delicious dips to be made and enjoyed with seasonal fall pumpkin. Take, for example, curried pumpkin noodles, a dish that incorporates pan-Asian flavors into a thick, rich sauce for Udon noodles. For those who prefer dining out, Umami Burger turns everyone's favorite fall beverage into a hunger-satisfying meal with the Pumpkin Spice Latte Burger.

There's a savory fall pumpkin recipe out there for every taste!
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Chocolate Pumpkin Tarts
Chocolate Pumpkin Tarts
Love and Olive Oil's Pumpkin Tarts Make a Rich Thanksgiving Dessert
Bite-Sized Pumpkin Pies
Bite-Sized Pumpkin Pies
These Vegan Pumpkin Treats are the Perfect Thanksgiving Dessert
Sweet Seasonal Chilis
Sweet Seasonal Chilis
This Sweet Potato and Apple Recipe Transforms a Turkey-Based Chili Dish
Light Pumpkin Pie Dips
Light Pumpkin Pie Dips
This Healthy Dessert Dip Replicates the Flavor of Autumn Pasteries
Pumpkin-Flavored Popcorn
Pumpkin-Flavored Popcorn
This Festive Caramel Corn is Seasoned with Pumpkin Spice
Curried Pumpkin Bisques
Curried Pumpkin Bisques
This Delicious Pureed Pumpkin Soup Includes a Coconut Milk Base
Curried Pumpkin Noodles
Curried Pumpkin Noodles
This Unconventional Udon Dish is Topped with a Gourd Thai Curry
Hybrid Holiday Pies
Hybrid Holiday Pies
This Decadent Dessert Combines Pumpkin and Pecan Pies
Pumpkin Beer Biscuits
Pumpkin Beer Biscuits
This Spicy Chicken Chili Recipe Goes With Autumnally Appropriate Bread Rolls
Gourmet Pumpkin Seeds
Gourmet Pumpkin Seeds
SuperSeedz' Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Boast Sweet, Salty and Savory Flavors
Oversized Pumpkin Skillet Cookies
Oversized Pumpkin Skillet Cookies
These Decadent Large Cookies Creatively Celebrate Fall
Autumnal Apple Soups
Autumnal Apple Soups
This Cream of Pumpkin and Apple Soup Recipe Will Be a Favorite for Fall
Festive Fall Popcorn
Festive Fall Popcorn
This Sweet Kettle Corn Recipe is Designed to Taste Just Like Pumpkin Pie
Autumnal Appetizer Recipes
Autumnal Appetizer Recipes
This Herbed Cashew and Pumpkin Dip Makes a Savory Seasonal Snack
Pumpkin-Infused Sandwiches
Pumpkin-Infused Sandwiches
This New Pumpkin Sandwich is Being Offered Across Japan at Starbucks
Baked Gourd Fries
Baked Gourd Fries
These Homemade Fries are Creatively Made from Freshly Sliced Pumpkin
Homemade Pumpkin Chips
Homemade Pumpkin Chips
Ingredients of a Fit Chick Creates a Gluten-Free Snack with Cranberries
Vegan Pumpkin Hummus
Vegan Pumpkin Hummus
This Festive Dip is Made from Chickpeas and Pumpkin Puree
Organic Pumpkin Spreads
Organic Pumpkin Spreads
This Pumpkin Seed Butter Serves as a Vegan-Friendly Sandwich Spread
Chocolaty Pumpkin Loaves
Chocolaty Pumpkin Loaves
This Pumpkin Bread Contains a Rich Chocolate Filling
Stuffed Pumpkin Stews
Stuffed Pumpkin Stews
This Autumnally Appropriate Recipe Makes a Hearty Meal in Cool Times
Savory Superfood Burgers
Savory Superfood Burgers
This Quinoa Sweet Potato Burger Recipe is Served with a Yogurt Sauce
Vegan Vegetable Lasagnas
Vegan Vegetable Lasagnas
Oh My Veggies' Recipe is a Healthy Twist on an Italian Classic
Autumnal Corn Chips
Autumnal Corn Chips
Way Better's Cranberry Pumpkin Snack is Powered by Fall-Flavored Superfoods
Paleo Pumpkin Dips
Paleo Pumpkin Dips
My Heart Beets's Pumpkin Hummus Recipe Does Not Contain Any Chick Peas At All
Festive Pumpkin Bagel Menus
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Einstien Bros. Releases a Line of Fall Fare for the Change of Seasons
Savory Beer Breads
Savory Beer Breads
Nashville-Based 'SoberDough' Has Produced a Line of Artisan Beer Bread Mixes
Thanksgiving Potato Chips
Thanksgiving Potato Chips
Boulder Canyon's Potato Chip Flavors Take After Holiday Staples
Healthy Multigrain Pizzas
Healthy Multigrain Pizzas
Domino's Korea's Sweet Potato Pizza Crust Contains 15 Different Grains
Spiced Pumpkin Burgers
Spiced Pumpkin Burgers
Umami Turns a Popular Fall Beverage into Pumpkin Spice Flavor Burger
Festive Fall Burgers
Festive Fall Burgers
The Pumpkin Spice Fatte Burger Meal Pays Tribute to Autumn Flavors