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30 Fairytale-Inspired Campaigns

From Crucial Fruit Campaigns to Homeless Fable Character Ads

— August 2, 2013 — Marketing
Fables aim to impart important lessons upon their readers and marketers have exploited that with their fairytale campaigns. Incorporating fairytale themes in promotions allows advertisers to piggyback off of existing stories. Since many fables are no longer under copyright protection, they are perfect vehicles for brand messages. This list contains examples of interactive campaigns, print advertisements and commercials that incorporate fairytale themes.

Classic fairytales popularized by Disney have been embedded deep into our collective cultural consciousness. This has prompted marketers to produce ads that incorporate iconic characters such as Snow White, the Little Mermaid, Cinderella and Pinocchio. Promotions like waterproof phone ads and classic fairytale book ads integrate fable themes used by Disney and other content producers to sell a myriad of products.
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Viral Fantasy Videos
Viral Fantasy Videos
Cherie's Tree House Trailer Indulges in a Deep, Dark & Romantic Fairytale
Distracted Dragon Ads
Distracted Dragon Ads
This Corre Cutia Bookstore Campaign Stresses a Universal Interest in Reading
Paper Diorama Ads
Paper Diorama Ads
The Colsubsidio Book Exchange 2013 Campaign is Inspired by Fairy Tales
Waterproof Phone Ads
Waterproof Phone Ads
The Samsung Galaxy Xcover Campaign is Fantastically Fictional
German Magazine Marketing
German Magazine Marketing
Fairytale Campaign
Fairytale Condiment Ads
Fairytale Condiment Ads
The Banuete Chilero Campaign Recreates Racy Princesses from Childhood
Whimsical Woodland Campaigns
Whimsical Woodland Campaigns
Brooks' Unquestionable British Tradition Ad is Fashionably Foresty
Whimsical Storytelling Ads
Whimsical Storytelling Ads
Characters Come to Life in AT&T's Bedtime Stories Commercial
Religious Fairy Tale Ads
Religious Fairy Tale Ads
The Viva e Deixe Viver Campaign Compares Prayers to Stories
Fairytale Commercials
Fairytale Commercials
Toma Leche Milk Ads
Fairy Tale Flooring
Fairy Tale Flooring
InterfaceFLOR's 'Once Upon a Tile' Collection is Mystical and Imaginative
Fabled Restaurant Campaigns
Fabled Restaurant Campaigns
The Caminho de Casa Print Ads Take a Fairytale Turn
Homeless Fable Character Ads
Homeless Fable Character Ads
The So Acao Solidarity Movement Campaign Encourages Book Donations
Modernized Fairy Tale Ads
Modernized Fairy Tale Ads
Sky Broadband Invites You to Live 'Happily Ever After'
Fairytale Online Branding
Fairytale Online Branding
Wax Turns Old-School Stories Into Modern Masterpieces
Fantasy Fashion Campaigns
Fantasy Fashion Campaigns
Abandon Your Nightmares With Meltin'Pot
Fairy Tale Polish Ads
Fairy Tale Polish Ads
The Avon Colortrend Contos de Fadas Campaign is Entirely Enchanting
Farcical Fairytale Dating Ads
Farcical Fairytale Dating Ads
The McCann Erickson JDate Poster Promotes Serious Relationships
Fantastical Plastic Surgery Ads
Fantastical Plastic Surgery Ads
The Clinica Dempere Campaign is Inspired by Fairy Tales
Classic Fairytale Book Ads
Classic Fairytale Book Ads
The Gandhi Bookstores Ogilvy Ads are Immersed in Fantasy
Fairy Tale Dating Ads
Fairy Tale Dating Ads
The Campaign Helps Find True Love Wherever
Objectified Fairytale Characters
Objectified Fairytale Characters
Pinocchio Gets Hunky in an Unbuttoned Shirt for Mr. Min
Famous Apples to Promote Cereal
Famous Apples to Promote Cereal
Eve & Snow White for Kellogs
Storybook Character Silhouette Ads
Storybook Character Silhouette Ads
The Colsubsidio Book Exchange Campaign Promotes Used Literature
Crucial Fruit Campaigns
Crucial Fruit Campaigns
Murilo Rangel Apple Ads Emphasize the Importance of Bite
Fairytale Peeled Fruit
Fairytale Peeled Fruit
The Wusthof Knives Snow White Ad Divulges a Knack for Detail
Surreal Submerged Fashion Ads
Surreal Submerged Fashion Ads
The Wonderland Couture by Feline Blush Campaign is Magical
Dior's Fairytale Inspiration
Dior's Fairytale Inspiration
Midnight Poison Muse A Contemporary Cinderella
Fairytale Fashion Ads
Fairytale Fashion Ads
Meltin Pot Campaign
Using Fairytale Heroes to Promote Reading
Using Fairytale Heroes to Promote Reading
Literacy Foundation Ads