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64 Ethical Enterprise Networks

From Parisian Discount Supermarkets to Co-op Consultancies

— July 31, 2014 — Social Good
From Parisian discount supermarkets to co-op consultancies, these ethical enterprise networks are committed to fostering a sense that you're not alone. Often times with social enterprises, it's difficult to get started but also to galvanize the kinds of advice you need from not only the crowd, so to speak, but also experts and your peers. Both formal and informal networks -- which foster networking opportunities such as socials, conferences, workshops, pub nights, coffee dates and more -- can help not only to make individual ideas stronger but also impact the sphere of social entrepreneurship as a whole.

They say that you're only as strong as your weakest link and with ethical enterprise networks, everyone is pretty capable of strong changes.
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Cross-Sector BoP Networks
Cross-Sector BoP Networks
The Centre for Partnerships for Development Released a Report
Bond-Creating Community Networks
Bond-Creating Community Networks
Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership is Holistic
Socially Empowering Employment Services
Socially Empowering Employment Services
PLUSS Helps The Disabled To Find Meaningful Employment
Designer-Led Social Change
Designer-Led Social Change
AIGA Design for Good Attempts to Bring in the Community
Inclusive Business Networks
Inclusive Business Networks
Practitioner Hub is a Place to Share and Network Online
Human Trafficking-Haulting Agencies
Human Trafficking-Haulting Agencies
The Nomi Network Provides Employment and Support for Victims
Problem-Oriented Un-Conferences
Problem-Oriented Un-Conferences
Opportunity Collaboration Attempts to Reinvent the Code
Surplus Gift Collaborations
Surplus Gift Collaborations
'Agence du Don en Nature' Works with Corporations to Redistribute
Civil Rights Walking Campaigns
Civil Rights Walking Campaigns
GirlTrek Attempts to Grow the Network for Black Women and Girls
Social Production Initiatives
Social Production Initiatives
The Middle Class Financial Empowerment Project Focuses on Wealth
Altruistic Platform Networks
Altruistic Platform Networks
The BC Social Enterprise Fund Provides Grants to Not-For-Profits
Independent Absenteeism Garages
Independent Absenteeism Garages
'OnTrak Community Initiative' is Hands-On for Students
Soldier-Supporting Office Supplies
Soldier-Supporting Office Supplies
Veterans Ink Donates to Non-Profit Operation Once in a Lifetime
Campus Innovation Sites
Campus Innovation Sites Partners with Universities Creating Positive Social Change
Community Health Commitments
Community Health Commitments
Alliance of Chicago Has Been Serving Low-Income Communities Since '97
Microcredit Sanitation Services
Microcredit Sanitation Services
The Gramalaya Urban and Rural Development Initiatives and Network
Spanish-Supporting Social Enterprises
Spanish-Supporting Social Enterprises
'Movimiento Idun' is a Language-Based CIC in Spain
Sports Uniting Enterprises
Sports Uniting Enterprises
StreetFootballWorld Connects Social Businesses Worldwide Via Soccer
Changemaking Business Accelerators
Changemaking Business Accelerators
Atlanta's Points of Light Civic Incubator Supports Social Good
Tip-Sharing Social Networks
Tip-Sharing Social Networks
EnableLife Allows People with Disabilities to Connect Online
Profitable Environmental Businesses
Profitable Environmental Businesses
BusinessEarth Shows How Sustainability Initiatives Can Pay
Non-Profit Acceleration Headquarters
Non-Profit Acceleration Headquarters
Space with a Soul is Boston's Social Innovation Station
Campus Innovation Channels
Campus Innovation Channels
Ashoka U Attempts to Bring Social Innovation to Higher Education
Local Time Banking Communities
Local Time Banking Communities
Hour Exchange Portland Has Residents Trading Services
Social Investment Learning Communities
Social Investment Learning Communities
Global Philanthropy Forum was Founded by Jane Wales in 2001
Professional Couchsurfing Communities
Professional Couchsurfing Communities
Startup Stay Helps Entrepreneurs Find Easy Accomodations
Membership-Based Energy Communities
Membership-Based Energy Communities
The Ghana Green Building Council is Based on Sustainability
Community-Based Sustaining Charities
Community-Based Sustaining Charities
The Centre for Better Health Operates Two Social Enterprises
Benevolent Business Training
Benevolent Business Training
On Purpose is a Program for Tomorrow's Social Enterprise Leaders
Rewards-Based Environmental Causes
Rewards-Based Environmental Causes
The Mutual Social Enterprise is an Online Charity Community
Rural Distribution Networks
Rural Distribution Networks
Drishtee is an Indian Social Enterprise Improving Access
Urban Farm Networks
Urban Farm Networks
Fresh City is a Toronto-Based Social Enterprise
Co-op Consultancies
Co-op Consultancies
Co-operative and Mutual Solutions Ltd. Works Internationallly
Global Logistics Social Businesses
Global Logistics Social Businesses
Agility Offers Expert Commercial Services Around the World
Entrepreneur Collaboration Academies
Entrepreneur Collaboration Academies
Wayra UnLtd is an Initiative Accelerating Ideas
Impact Investor Networks
Impact Investor Networks
Clearly Social Angels Attempts to Bring Ideas Together
Social Enterprise Connectors
Social Enterprise Connectors
The Sankalp Forum Works with Investors to Build Business
Mission-Made Communities
Mission-Made Communities
The Social Venture Network Brings People Together in the Name of Good
Student-Funded Enterprise Competitions
Student-Funded Enterprise Competitions
The Dell Social Innovation Challenge Supports Entrepreneurs
Gender-Specific Business Tools
Gender-Specific Business Tools
Womenetics is a Media Platform Looking to Increase Women's Success
Affordable African Maternal Networks
Affordable African Maternal Networks
Jacaranda Health is Countering Childbirth Deaths in Kenya
Indian Social Entrepreneurship Programs
Indian Social Entrepreneurship Programs
The Tata Institute of Social Sciences is Pushing the Scene
Collaborative Community Spaces
Collaborative Community Spaces
Bombay Connect is a Hub of Social Entrepreneurship
Awareness-Raising Business Networks
Awareness-Raising Business Networks
Social Enterprise West Midlands is a Top Consultancy
Collaborative Development Programs
Collaborative Development Programs
Enterprising Non-Profits Enables Growth for Social Businesses
Lab School Networks
Lab School Networks
3.2.1. Education Foundation Hopes to Share Learnings
Social Change Supporters
Social Change Supporters
The Engine Room Takes Entrepreneurs to the Next Level
Entrepreneur-Building Organizations
Entrepreneur-Building Organizations
TARIS is Affiliated with ClearlySo Canada
Craft Connecting Platforms
Craft Connecting Platforms
'Industree Crafts Foundation' Networks Artists with Retailers Over Indi
Communication-Enabling Apps
Communication-Enabling Apps
MyChoicePad is Made by a Business Dedicated to Social Innovation
Social Enterprise Irrigation Systems
Social Enterprise Irrigation Systems
Driptech is a International Water Technologies Company
Cooperative Banks
Cooperative Banks
Rabobank is an Old Institution That Funds Sustainable Business
Community-Bridging Organizations
Community-Bridging Organizations
Youth Social Innovation Capital Fund (YSI) Offers Finance Support
Community-Oriented Social Networks
Community-Oriented Social Networks
Neighbourly Connects Projects, Charities and Engagement
Aquaculture Business Competitions
Aquaculture Business Competitions
'Fish 2.0' is for Sustainable Fisheries and Investors
Social Business Funding Forums
Social Business Funding Forums
Svp Fast Pitch Seattle is an Annual Competition
Social Crowdfunding Platforms
Social Crowdfunding Platforms
The Buzzbnk App Helps Ventures Gather Support and Raise Funds
Women in Business Web Platform
Women in Business Web Platform
Young Female Entrepreneurs is a socially minded community
Family-Owned Social Businesses
Family-Owned Social Businesses
Yala is a Lifestyle Company with Ethical Clothing and Accessories
Social Enterprise Builders
Social Enterprise Builders
'arc' Creates Jobs in London in the Name of Sustainable Business
Local Organic Beauty Businesses
Local Organic Beauty Businesses
Snohomish Soap Company is All-Natural and Altruistic
Social Entrepreneurship Investors
Social Entrepreneurship Investors
A-Spark Good Ventures Works with a Range of Bio, Social Proucts
Remote Healthcare Technologies
Remote Healthcare Technologies
iKure is a Kolkata-Based Delivery Platform for India
Californian Co-Working Spaces
Californian Co-Working Spaces
Impact Hub Oakland Fosters Social Entrepreneurship