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61 Outrageously Delicious Burger Ideas

Stacked Meat Burgers From to Grilled Cheese Burgers

— August 27, 2014 — Lifestyle
Finding a delicious burger is easy but finding one that pushes all sorts of fast food boundaries is like finding a nugget of gold in a mine of coal. As gourmet and fast food flavors collide, finding outrageous burger combinations has never been so easy and accessible.

Burgers are a great fast food dish that can easily be customizable to suit a wide variety of tastes and palettes. The best part is that burgers can be incorporate with a slew of other dishes in flavors making the iconic beef patty, bread bun and cheese meal a staple in food fusion. Foodies can find burgers filled with macaroni and cheese, donuts, cereal treats and even booze. Bread is also a thing of the past as we see many burgers topped with grill cheese sandwiches, weaved bacon buns and even sliced fruit.
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Stacked Meat Burgers
Stacked Meat Burgers
The Porknado Sandwich Comes with a Pork Sausage and a Beef Patty
Nacho Burger Hybrids
Nacho Burger Hybrids
Experience the Sensationably Mouth-Watering Doritos Breaded Burger
Outrageous Animal-Themed Burgers
Outrageous Animal-Themed Burgers
This YouTube Video Reveals the Top-Secret Monkey Style Burger
California Rooster Sauce Burgers
California Rooster Sauce Burgers
The Slater's 50/50 Sriracha Burger is for Those Who Like It Hot
Decadent Moroccan Burgers
Decadent Moroccan Burgers
This PornBurger Recipe Includes Strawberry Harissa-Slathered Lamb Belly
Crunchy Chip Burgers
Crunchy Chip Burgers
The Nacho Burger Promises Texture and Tons of Sauce
Mouthwatering Noodle Burgers
Mouthwatering Noodle Burgers
This Gourmet Burger is Made with a Ramen Patty
Bacon Burger Buns
Bacon Burger Buns
This Burger Substitutes a Traditional Bread Bun for Strips of Bacon
Movie-Inspired Monster Burgers
Movie-Inspired Monster Burgers
Burger King Malaysia's Raksasa Monster Burger Channels Godzilla
Donut Cheesesteak Burgers
Donut Cheesesteak Burgers
This Burger by PYT is Sweet, Savory and Deliciously Gooey
Iconic Actress Burgers
Iconic Actress Burgers
The Melon Monroe Burger Celebrates Actress Marilyn Monroe
Puffed Cereal Burgers
Puffed Cereal Burgers
This Rice Krispies Treat Burger Combines Sweet and Savory Flavors
Fruity Burger Buns
Fruity Burger Buns
The Hot Fuzz Burger Creatively Replaces a Bread Bun with Summertime Fruit
Potato Chip Burgers
Potato Chip Burgers
The New Calbee Kitchen Mixes Snacks and Fast Food
Towering Cheesy Burgers
Towering Cheesy Burgers
Ushigoro Bambina's Big Burger is a Mess of Meat and Cheese
Debonair Bunny Burgers
Debonair Bunny Burgers
The Hare Club For Men Burger is Made with Rabbit Meat
Alphabetical All-Encompassing Burgers
Alphabetical All-Encompassing Burgers
The Alphabetical Sandwich Provides Flavor from A to Z
Patriotic Ingredient Burgers
Patriotic Ingredient Burgers
The Spread Eagle Burger is Made from Traditional American Food Items
Macaroni Burger Buns
Macaroni Burger Buns
These Unique Burgers by Dude Foods Come with a Mac 'n' Cheese Bun
Decadent Duck Burgers
Decadent Duck Burgers
This Opulent Burger Comes with a Foie Gras and a Duck Breast Patty
Japanese Bacon Cube Burgers
Japanese Bacon Cube Burgers
Lotteria Will Start Offering These Deluxe Cheeseburgers on November 29
Fast Food Anniversary Buffets
Fast Food Anniversary Buffets
Burger King Celebrates with All You Can Eat Burgers and Fries
Gourmet Sea-Loving Fast Food
Gourmet Sea-Loving Fast Food
Wendy's Lobster and Caviar Burgers are Introduced in Japan
Asian Dessert Burgers
Asian Dessert Burgers
The Lotteria Chocolate Chicken Burger is the Ideal Valentine's Day Meal
Crowdsourced Burger Competitions
Crowdsourced Burger Competitions
McDonald's Burger Builder Lets Customers Customize New Sandwiches
Potato Chip Burgers
Potato Chip Burgers
The Lolita Burger Combines Two Deliciously Unhealthy Foods
Grilled Cheese Burger Buns
Grilled Cheese Burger Buns
Dudefoods' Grilled Cheese Burger Mashes Up All Good Things
Glazed Donut Double Cheeseburgers
Glazed Donut Double Cheeseburgers
You Can Now Get a Krispy Kreme Burger With Multiple Patties
Deep Fried Italian Bites
Deep Fried Italian Bites
The Manowar Burger Coats and Sautees Lasagna Dishes
Rebranded Value Menus
Rebranded Value Menus
Burger King is Offering Even More Options to Its Affordable Fast Food Menu
Anime-Promoting Meat Towers
Anime-Promoting Meat Towers
This Nine-Patty Giant Burger is to Promote the New Evangelion Movie
Twilight Fast-Food Menus
Twilight Fast-Food Menus
McDonald's Singapore Release a Late-Night Menu for Nighttime Eaters
Cheeseburger Rice Balls
Cheeseburger Rice Balls
This Japanese Onigiri Rice Ball Contains the Contents of a Burger
Boozy Deep-Fried Burgers
Boozy Deep-Fried Burgers
This Massive Burger Includes a Full Deep-Fried Pabst Blue Ribbon
Breakfast Burgers
Breakfast Burgers
The Wake-N-Bacon Breakfast Burgers are Savory and Sweet
Cheese-Embedded Patties
Cheese-Embedded Patties
Burger King Announces Its New Stuffed Burger
Black Ninja-Inspired Burgers
Black Ninja-Inspired Burgers
The Burger King Black Ninja Burger is a Japan Exclusive
Ridiculously Enormous Stacked Burgers
Ridiculously Enormous Stacked Burgers
The Triple Triple is One of the World's Biggest Hamburgers
Sakura-Inspired Burgers
Sakura-Inspired Burgers
Japan is Introducing New McDonald's Food Inspired by Cherry Blossoms
Overstuffed Gluttonous Burgers
Overstuffed Gluttonous Burgers
Mathew Ramsey Uses His Passion for Burgers to Create Tasty Options
Asian Donut Burgers
Asian Donut Burgers
The Latest Mos Burger Comes with French Cruller and Chorizo Sausage
Heart-Stopping Hybrid Meals
Heart-Stopping Hybrid Meals
The Poutine Burger Will Make You Gain Weight Bite by Bite
Fantasy TV Show Burgers
Fantasy TV Show Burgers
Featuring Kale Patties, the Kaleesi Burger is Game of Thrones Themed
Comfort Food Burgers
Comfort Food Burgers
Dudefoods' Towering Pig Mac is Loaded with Macaroni, Bacon and Pork
Burger-Garnished Beverages
Burger-Garnished Beverages
The Bacon Cheeseburger Bloody Mary is a True Meal-in-a-Glass
Hamburger Dessert Hybrids
Hamburger Dessert Hybrids
The Cinnaburger is the Love Child Between Dinner and Sugary Treats
$325,000 Burgers
$325,000 Burgers
This Cloned Burger Offers a Cruelty-Free Way to Eat Meat
Fried Macaroni Burger Buns
Fried Macaroni Burger Buns
The Mac Attack Burger Buns are Made Out of Fried Macaroni and Cheese
Kaleidoscopic Food Captures
Kaleidoscopic Food Captures
The Food of the Rainbow by Henry Hargreaves is Visually Appealing
Spaghetti-Themed Burgers
Spaghetti-Themed Burgers
This Burger Replaces the Bun with Fried Spaghetti Noodles
Tasty Planetary Burgers
Tasty Planetary Burgers
Orbi Yokohama Cafe's Blue Burger is Like an Edible Version of Earth
Mac & Cheese Burger Buns
Mac & Cheese Burger Buns
The Walking Ched by Zombie Burgers is Made for the Brave
Massive Pizza Burger Hybrids
Massive Pizza Burger Hybrids
The 'Megaburgerpizza' Creatively Uses a Pizza as a Burger Bun
Upscale Wasabi Sliders
Upscale Wasabi Sliders
The SlapFish Food Truck Tuna Sandwich Item is Asian Fusion-Themed
Heart-Stopping Bunless Burgers
Heart-Stopping Bunless Burgers
This Tower of Cheese, Meat and Bacon is for the Hardcore Meateater
Bacon-Donut Burgers
Bacon-Donut Burgers
Crave Shack Serves Up Culturally Sensitive Heart Attack Fare
Heart Attack Hamburgers
Heart Attack Hamburgers
Food Network Magazine's Top 50 Burgers Are to Die For
Hybrid Beef-Pastry Sandwiches
Hybrid Beef-Pastry Sandwiches
The Double Bacon Waffle Burger is a Breakfast and Dinner Combined
Toad Burgers
Toad Burgers
'Fire the Chef 2' Shows Creepy but Faux Photoshop Cuisine
Gigantic Ramen Noodle Burgers
Gigantic Ramen Noodle Burgers
This Ramen Burger is a Delicious Hybrid of Noodles and Beef