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21 Branding Ideas for Bread

From Gift-Wrapped Grains to Color Burst Bread

— June 25, 2014 — Marketing
Just because this globally loved food has been part of our daily food regimen for centuries doesn't mean it doesn't deserve the same creative efforts as other foods as these campaigns and branding ideas for bread prove.

We all know we love bread -- in the hundreds of forms it comes in now available in our modern world -- but unfortunately this super popular food group has been ignored by the advertising, creative and marketing worlds for long enough.

With some brands and products having already woken up to the fact that marketing and branding ideas for bread will just make their product more successful, it is time for everyone else in the market to do the same or they will be left behind with declining sales and not-so-pretty looking packaging.
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Shortened Bread Ads
Shortened Bread Ads
The Tip Top Mini Loaf Campaign Promotes Healthier Portions
Ornate Bread Bags
Ornate Bread Bags
This South African Bread Branding Features Traditional Art Motifs
Biodegradable Bread Bags
Biodegradable Bread Bags
NatureFlex's Biodegradable Bag, Wrapper and Films Keep Bread Fresh
Mobster Flatbread Marketing
Mobster Flatbread Marketing
This Polpettas Mafia Campaign Feeds Hardcore Hunger
Evil Bread Ads
Evil Bread Ads
The 'Princesa Break Free From Guilt' Campaign Features a Frankenstein Theme
Hand-Stitched Bread Bags
Hand-Stitched Bread Bags
The Beer Bread Bags for BarretsRidge Are Homey but Still Very Modern
Worldly Bread Packaging
Worldly Bread Packaging
Bread Bags for Bazaar Breads of the World Show Off International Flavors
Doodled Deli Branding
Doodled Deli Branding
Mostowski Delikatesy's Brand Identity Boasts Playful Grocery Illustrations
Freshness-Promoting Bread Packaging
Freshness-Promoting Bread Packaging
Claudia Lloyd Preserves Products for Marks and Spencer
Classic Artisan Bread Branding
Classic Artisan Bread Branding
Bill's Organic Bread has Re-Invigorated its Brand after 10 Years
Food-Mimicking Packaging
Food-Mimicking Packaging
This Crouton Packaging Design Exudes Freshness
Color Burst Bread
Color Burst Bread
The Silver Hills Redesigned Bread Packaging is Super Cute
Birdhouse Bread Packaging
Birdhouse Bread Packaging
This Bread Packaging Design Doubles as a Bird Feeder
Edible Take-Out Boxes
Edible Take-Out Boxes
Konstantia Manthou Created this Edible Container for No-Waste Meals to Go
Monogrammed Bakery Branding
Monogrammed Bakery Branding
Kromka Polish Bakery's Brand Identity Highlights Vivid Typography
Rustic Bakery Branding
Rustic Bakery Branding
Scott Naauao's Breadshop Brand Identity Features Stamped Details
Chatty Bread Branding
Chatty Bread Branding
Plenum Bread Packaging Introduces itself as Hearty and Healthy
Hand-Written Wrappers
Hand-Written Wrappers
Hornea Bakery Packaging Would Come Personalized with Ingredients and Recipes
Gift-Wrapped Grains
Gift-Wrapped Grains
Pandoro Bread Packaging Comprises Folded Paper and Bow-Tied Twine
Chalk Print Bakery Branding
Chalk Print Bakery Branding
Two Hands Bread Packaging References the Casual Signage of Kiwi Delis
Seed-Speckled Packaging
Seed-Speckled Packaging
Lupains Bread Branding Lightheartedly Celebrates the Cereal Ingredients