Hair-cleansing products use salicylic acid for deeper penetration
Trend - Salicylic acid is being incorporated into hair products, with everything from scalp scrubs to shampoos incorporating this chemical exfoliant. Known for its ability to remove oil from pores, these products are especially useful for people with oily scalps.
Insight - Active ingredients have become more popular among consumers, with social media and cosmetic information online making them more educated on the ingredients that work best for their various needs. The growing desire for active ingredients is moving beyond skincare, and now into makeup and hair care as well.
Insight - Active ingredients have become more popular among consumers, with social media and cosmetic information online making them more educated on the ingredients that work best for their various needs. The growing desire for active ingredients is moving beyond skincare, and now into makeup and hair care as well.
Workshop Question - How could your brand take inspiration from similar industries?
Trend Themes
1. Active Ingredients in Hair Care Products - Growing desire for active ingredients like salicylic acid is moving beyond skincare and now into makeup and hair care.
2. Skinification of Haircare - Ingredients like salicylic acid, which is commonly used in skincare, are now being introduced for hair care products.
3. Integration of Healthful Ingredients in Hair Products - Probiotic tea and apple cider vinegar are being integrated into hair care products for their healthful properties.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care and Beauty - The trend of using active ingredients in hair, makeup, and skincare products is bringing innovation opportunities to the personal care and beauty industry.
2. Sustainability and Packaging - Businesses can focus on sustainability by making their packaging eco-friendly, like RE-fresh's use of 100% post-consumer recycled plastic.
3. Probiotic Food and Drink - Companies that produce probiotic tea for consumption can potentially extend their market by incorporating the tea into hair and skincare products.