This cluster is brought to you by the most terrifying educational test in the United States, the SAT, in which scores have shown a decrease in results.
We encounter different tests and testing tools everyday with results that vary in comparison to SAT scores. Whether you’re checking for a baby, getting busted for driving under the influence or praying for one of the top SAT scores, these tests will have you slightly shaking in your boots.
28 Terrifying Tests

Rollercoaster Bra Testing
Ultimo & Alton Towers Resort Cross-Marketing Promo

Controversial Taste Testing
Burger King Whopper Virgins

Naughty Psych Tests
FHM Rorschach Test Proves 98% of Men Have Dirty Minds
Alcohol Breath and UV Warning Tester
iPhone 3G Abuse Tests
iJustine Tries Dropvertising
Test Drive Your Honeymoon
$99 Sandals Resorts
Olympic Sex Testing
China Sets Up Lab (Blame Pregnant Man?)
Wine Trial by Vial
WineSide Test Tube Samples
Psychology of Happiness Tests
Identifying Fake Smiles
Crash Test Pandas
Fiat Shows Animals at the Wheel of Green Rides
USB Pregnancy Tests
The p-Teq Hoax
Beauty Product Testing
Be 1st To Know What's Hot
Micro-Medical Tests
Signos Personal Ultrasound by Signostics Holds 20,000 Images
Testing 52 Jobs in a Year
Sean Aiken's One Week Job
Test Drive Your Marriage
7 Year Sample In Germany
Hidden Cameras on Road Tests
"Kid Fails Driving Test 5 Times" Parrot Ad
DNA Tests to Determine Athleticism
Atlas Sports Genetics Swabs for ACTN3
Product Testing Programs
'Brand New You Tube' Delivers You 4 Beauty Products Per Month
Beauty of Babies Tested By DNA
Online Breath Test
Scope Viral
Colour IQ Tests
Hue Good Are You At Seeing Colours?
Home Alcohol Tests for Breastfeeders
The Milkscreen
Handheld Hotness Meters
Bandai's MoteQ Tests How Attractive Women Are to Men
Tracking Caffeine Intake
These D+Caf Strips Are Like Pregnancy Tests for Coffee
Needle-Free Blood Tests
The Venus Sensor Creates New Methods to Extract Blood
DIY Unfaithfulness Tests
The Semen Spy Kit Detects Infidelity on Your Sheets
Taste Test Robots
Artificial Mouths
Related Ideas
Photoshoot Recycling
Megan Fox's FHM UK July 2008 Spread is FHM US 2005
Size 10 Lingerie Models
Katie Green for Ultimo
Badass Females in Motorbike Chases
Sizzling FHM China Shoot (SUPER HOT)
66 Retrotastic Influences
Supermodel Smiling Lessons
Tyra Banks Shows 275 Smiles
Inner Arm Canvases
Peaches Geldof Shows Off Tattoos Not Revealed by Ultimo
Tattooed Lingerie Models
Peaches Geldof Shows Off Her Ink for Miss Ultimo
Celebrity Lingerie Models
Scary Spice for Ultimo Lingerie
High-Speed Funtography
These Stomach-Churning Rollercoaster Shots Are Awesome
Comics to Promote Coffee
Burger King Joe
47 Caffeinated Creations
A Safer Addiction for Tea Leoni's Ex
Faking Infidelity
'Traces of an Imaginary Affair' Kit Makes You Look Like a Cheater
Opulent Medical Gadgets
Gold Hearing Aid, Bling Asthma Inhaler
30 ‘Star Trek' and Fantasy Island Luxuries
Commemorating the Life of Ricardo Montalban
Color-Based Social Networking Celebrates All Shades
20 Pandavations and Animal Rights Ads
From Protecting China's Pandas to Zoovertising
25 Dating Innovations
Perfect for Christie Brinkley
Visualize Your Personality: PersonalDNA
13 Heart-Racing Roller Coasters and Ride-Inspired Innovations
Suggestive Sizevertising
Burger King ‘Big Boner' Commercial
£95 Fast Food Burgers (Part 2)
Burger King Reveals Kobe Beef Burger
Fashion Branded Cars
The Fiat 500 by Diesel
Soliciting Logo Subversion
DIY Shirts at the Burger King Studio
Google Helps Doctors Diagnose Illness
17 Ways 'Star Trek' Fans Show Their Love
DNA Could Predict Your Surname
Fast Food Financial Bailouts
Burger King's Guerrilla Wallet Campaign
$170 Junkfood
Burger King Kobe Beefburger
16 Fun Fiat Innovations
What Will the Chrysler Fiat Merger Inspire?
Fast Food Baths
Employee Birthday Celebration at Burger King
Detect The Intensity of Virtual Kisses
Kiss Phone
CheckMate Infidelity Test Kit
Catch Your Cheating Lover with Science
Sticky Medical Breakthroughs
Scotch Tape X-Rays
Palm-Sized Physicals
The Body Check Ball Measures your Health in an Instant
Co-Branded Loaner Cars
Fiat 500 Edition Ferrari
Burger King Slims Down Kids Menu
Ultra Creative Cut-Outs
FHM Flaunts Killer Editing Skills
Burger Bars
Burger King To Launch "Whopper Bars"
Burger King Potato Snacks
Fries In Your Cupboard
Extreme Public Transportation
Giant Suction Cups for Hitchhikers for 2008 Fiat Contest
Medical Science Breakthroughs
The Autonomous Artificial Heart
Death By Caffeine Calculator
Medical Magnetic Beads
The Torax LINX Acid Reflux Prevention System
Retro TV Show Jewelry
Thank Someone for Being a Friend With These Necklaces
Retro Christmas TV Specials
Betamaxmas Features Rabbit Ears and Vintage Shows
Warrior Moms for Healthy Lunches
Burger King 'The Battle is Over' Ads
Rinspeed E2 is a Fiat 500 Mod at the Geneva Auto Show 2009
Angry Design
Fiat Bugster at 2009 Brazil Auto Show
Dual-Clutch Eco Autos
Fiat Debuts All-New Transmission in Alfa Romeo MiTo Hatchback (UPDATE)
Beauty of Babies Tested By DNA
DNA as Fiber Optic Cables
Microscopic Light Pipes
Caffeinated Energy Strips
Diablo Dissolves On Your Tongue
No More Needles
Philips Develops Breath Test for Diabetics
DNA Drool Detection
23andMe Personal Genome Service
Touchscreen X-Ray Machine Has Fun Webgames & TV Too
The MEDIVista Medical Equipment
Eco-Friendly Driving Apps
Fiat Creates 'Eco Drive' for Green Drivers
Space Medicine
Kibo Japanese Experiment Module
Needle-Free Injections
Painless "Mother's Kiss"
Handheld Medical Scanner