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31 Twitter Marketing Campaigns

From Virtual Red Carpet Campaigns to Social Media Scavenger Hunts

— September 9, 2013 — Marketing
Social media has changed the traditional way companies think about advertising, and that's never more apparent than with Twitter marketing campaigns. Whether it's Twitter-activated candy dispensers or social media-powered concerts, the prevalent digital media platform has become an integral part of marketing.

The amazing thing about these digital communities is how they can connect people globally. Creating Twitter marketing campaigns lets companies reach consumers all over the world. These digital campaigns not only have an expansive reach, they also allow for incredible amounts of consumer interaction.

Building brand advocates has never been easier than it is with Twitter; if a consumer enjoys a marketing campaign, they will then associate that enjoyment with the brand that created it. Along with the benefits comes a plethora of risks that can quickly spiral out of control. Consumers can take a company's campaign and flip it around to create negative associations with that brand. It's all part of the high risk, high reward nature that comes with digital connectivity.
Crowd-Sourced Commercial Concepts
Crowd-Sourced Commercial Concepts
Lincoln's #SteerTheScript Campaign Creates a Romantic Story
Speedy Soda Celebrations
Speedy Soda Celebrations
Diet Coke Throws 30-Second Birthday Parties for Biggest Fans
Healthy High School Campaigns
Healthy High School Campaigns
The 'My Food My Way' Initiative Aims to Instill Healthy Eating
Social Media-Controlled Tennis
Social Media-Controlled Tennis
The 'Tweet & Shoot' Campaign Lets Fans Lob Balls Using Twitter
Social Media Scavenger Hunts
Social Media Scavenger Hunts
Twitter Guides Participants in the ‘Key to Strong’ Challe
Hacked Social Media Hoaxes
Hacked Social Media Hoaxes
This Campaign Made the Chipotle Twitter Page Seem Like It Was Hacked
American Dream Coffee Rallies
American Dream Coffee Rallies
Starbucks Indivisible Campaign Aims to Celebrate National Pride
Fictional King-Bashing Campaigns
Fictional King-Bashing Campaigns
HBO Invites Fans to Roast King Joffrey on Twitter and Facebook
Redefined Role Model Campaigns
Redefined Role Model Campaigns
Dove Social Media Campaign Aims to Expose Girls to New Role Models
Puppet Social Media Trailers
Puppet Social Media Trailers
This Muppets Most Wanted Trailer Mocks Melodrama with Twitter
Tailored Video Response Campaigns
Tailored Video Response Campaigns
This Honda Social Media Campaign Made Custom Vines for Consumers
Twitter-Activated Candy Dispensers
Twitter-Activated Candy Dispensers
The Toyota Etios Smile Machine Trades Gumballs for Tweets
Heartwarming Pop Campaigns
Heartwarming Pop Campaigns
The Diet Coke 'Heart Truth' Initiative Promotes Love
Tweet-Leased Weenie Mobiles
Tweet-Leased Weenie Mobiles
The Tweet2Lease Contest Offers the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile for a Day
Social Following Campaigns
Social Following Campaigns
This Twitter Campaign Cleverly Promotes the Volvo XC60's Brakes
Interactive Food Campaigns
Interactive Food Campaigns
Toaster Strudel Launched Eat What You Tweet to Gain Followers
Profanity-Reversing Campaigns
Profanity-Reversing Campaigns
The JELL-O 'Fun My Life' Campaign Turns Negativity Around
TV-Tweeted Dinner Invitations
TV-Tweeted Dinner Invitations
Coca-Cola's 'Let's Eat Together' Ad Invites Diners Over with the TV
Social Media Clean-Up Campaigns
Social Media Clean-Up Campaigns
Ajax Social Wipes Helps to Tidy Up Facebook and Twitter Feeds
Tweet-Sending Bras
Tweet-Sending Bras
The Nestle SA 'Tweeting Bra' Tweets When It is Unclasped
Tweeting Concert Websites
Tweeting Concert Websites
Become a Musical Genius Using the Metropole Tweetphony Site
Interactive Ice Cream Musicals
Interactive Ice Cream Musicals
Ben & Jerry’s ‘Moosical’ Celebrates the Brand's 3
Superhero Toilet Paper Campaigns
Superhero Toilet Paper Campaigns
The Toilet Paper Ad Showing the Charmin Bear as Thor Will Delight
Social Promotion Giveaway Trips
Social Promotion Giveaway Trips
Travelocity is Giving Away a Dream Trip with the Phrase #iWannaGo
Social Media-Powered Concerts
Social Media-Powered Concerts
The Doritos Boldstage Will Change the Show Based on Viewer Tweets
Job-Seeking Candy Campaigns
Job-Seeking Candy Campaigns
The Red M&M Hopes to Star in Another Brand's Super Bowl Commercial
Lipstick Kiss-Collecting Campaigns
Lipstick Kiss-Collecting Campaigns
This Lush Emotional Brilliance Campaign Aims to Set a Record
Chocolate Social Media Feuds
Chocolate Social Media Feuds
Kit Kat Challenges Oreo to Twitter Tic-Tac-Toe with Hilarious Results
Social Media-Fueled Motto Campaigns
Social Media-Fueled Motto Campaigns
This Ted Baker SS13 Campaign Encourages Tweeting Taglines
Miniature Block Billboards
Miniature Block Billboards
The DLKW Lowe LEGO Mini Billboards are Adorable and Effective