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27 Socially Conscious Sunglasses

From Custom Charity Bamboo Shades to Eco-Conscious Wooden Frams

— December 24, 2012 — Eco
The next time you go out to the mall to pick up a pair of shades, replace those old plastic lenses with a pair of socially conscious sunglasses.

There are many societal issues plaguing the Earth, starting with people not having access to eye care to natural disasters, heavy pollution and the depletion of forested areas. To ensure that you are helping rather than adding to certain burdens, it's time to think about the items you're buying. If you invest in a pair of wooden sunglasses from Solo Eyewear for instance, you're purchasing shades that use sustainable bamboo wood as their main resource. As well as, for every purchase money is put towards eye surgery for a person in need.

Other socially conscious sunglasses recycle old objects like skateboards to lessen a city's overall waste production.
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Earthy Designer Shades
Earthy Designer Shades
These Shwood x Ransom Canby Sunglasses Put Nature and Fashion in Harmony
Biodegradable Luxury Lenses
Biodegradable Luxury Lenses
These Gucci 'Liquid Wood' Sunglasses are Unexpectedly Eco-Friendly
Whiskey Barrel Eyewear
Whiskey Barrel Eyewear
The Shwood Canby Bushmills Sunglasses is for the Fashionable Drinker
Storm Relief Sunglasses
Storm Relief Sunglasses
The Shwood Recovery Initiative Shades Aid Hurricane Sandy Recovery Efforts
Suave Organic Shades
Suave Organic Shades
Drift Eyewear Timber Collection Draws Inspiration from Architecture
Eco-Conscious Wooden Shades
Eco-Conscious Wooden Shades
A Tree Will Be Planted for Each Pair of Hout Couture Sunglasses Sold
Salvaged Skater Sunglasses
Salvaged Skater Sunglasses
The Diamond Supply Co. Recycled Skateboard Sunglasses are Vintage
Greener Garments
Greener Garments
Designers Turn To Eco-Fashion
Do-Good Sunglasses
Do-Good Sunglasses
The SHAUNS SHADES ‘Buy One Give Sight' Mission is Inspiring
Frames from the Forest
Frames from the Forest
Shwood Sunglasses Come in Three Different Wooden Materials
Bamboo Sunglasses
Bamboo Sunglasses
iWood Shades are Green Chic
Forest-Saving Sunglasses
Forest-Saving Sunglasses
Modo Eyewear Plants A Tree For Every Pair Sold
Customized Upcycled Shades
Customized Upcycled Shades
Emilie Voirin at MUDAM Luxembourg Presents Recycled Sunglasses
Custom Charity Bamboo Sunglasses
Custom Charity Bamboo Sunglasses
SOLO Eyewear x Raw Artists Shades are Philanthropically Stylish
Sustainable Wood Sunglasses
Sustainable Wood Sunglasses
Each 'Proof Eyewear' Purchase Funds a Sight-Giving Surgery
Chic Wooden Shades
Chic Wooden Shades
Waiting For The Sun Deux Glasses Revamp the Gregory Peck Frame
Eco-Chic Bamboo Shades
Eco-Chic Bamboo Shades
Every Pair of GROWN Sunglasses Sold Helps Support the Gift of Sight
Wooden Hipster Eyewear
Wooden Hipster Eyewear
Axe the Old Shades for These Shwood Ashland Aviator Sunglasses
Heritage Patterned Eyewear
Heritage Patterned Eyewear
The SHWOOD x Pendleton Canby Sunglasses Boast Engraved Wood Frames
Stylish Recycled Sunglasses
Stylish Recycled Sunglasses
The Oculos Zerezes Line is Made of Reused Materials
Luxury Green Eyewear
Luxury Green Eyewear
Slip on Sustainable Luxury with Gold & Wood Sunglasses
Upcycled Skate Deck Shades
Upcycled Skate Deck Shades
These Vuerich Brothers Sunglasses Use Extreme Sports for Inspiration
Wooden Wayfarers
Wooden Wayfarers
Manic Skateboarding Company Releases All-Natural Sunglasses
Opulent Organic Sunshades
Opulent Organic Sunshades
The Herrlicht Wood Glasses are Exorbitantly Expensive
Chic Lumber Shades
Chic Lumber Shades
The Woodzee Wooden Sunglasses are Fashionably Eco-Friendly
Super-Natural Wooden Shades
Super-Natural Wooden Shades
The Schwood Canby Sunglasses Let You be One With Nature
Recycled Skateboard Shades
Recycled Skateboard Shades
Holloway SK8 Sunglasses are Decked-out Frames