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37 Social Network Car Campaigns

From Twittering Eco-Taxis to Social Road Trip Apps

— August 17, 2013 — Autos
These social network car campaigns make use of popular social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote vehicles. The premises for many of these campaigns are very simple but are able to reach a lot of eyes on the Internet.

An example of a simple, but interactive campaign is one by Clio, asking users to "like" a car on Facebook. The car was placed on a giant teeter totter and when it received enough likes, thousands of people tuned in to a live stream to watch the car be "outweighed" by likes on the other side of the see-saw.

Other very simple actions include getting some of the most influential users on a social network to take pictures of a car, or test drive a new vehicle because it is guaranteed that they will want to share the experience.
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