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40 Unexpected Vending Machines

From Short Story Vending Machines to Galleria Caviar ATMs

— November 23, 2015 — Business
From creative brand promotions that involve customized vending machines to innovative cultural pursuits like the short story vending machine, there are plenty of unexpected applications of automated retail culture that can be observed.

As consumers become more concerned around the origins and nutritional value of food and beverage products, vending machine concepts that involve fresh food options seek to re-imagine stereotypes about just what type of food can be purchased from a machine.

Separately, other cultural movements can be seen with their own vending machine counterpart. A winning example of such is the cannabis vending machine at a particular Washington State dispensary. The cannabis vending machine, legal based on recreational laws in the state, is one iteration of the influence of the desire for convenient, automated retail alternatives.
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Noise-Rewarding Vending Machines
Noise-Rewarding Vending Machines
This Pepsi Vending Machine Gave Out Free Drinks to the Best Fans
Aromatic Vending Machines
Aromatic Vending Machines
This Vending Machine Provides Mood-Enhancing Scents of Summer
Free Book Vending Machines
Free Book Vending Machines
JetBlue Launches a Free Book Vending Machine as Part of #BookBattle
Building Block Vending Machines
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This LEGO Coca-Cola Machine Works Just Like the Real Thing
Interactive Candy Kiosks
Interactive Candy Kiosks
BMC's 'Media Kiosk' Collects Data, Mobile Payments and More
Galleria Caviar ATMs
Galleria Caviar ATMs
This Caviar Vending Machine is Located in Los Angeles
Coffee-Dispensing Crosswalks
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This Nescafé Coffee Campaign Bring Strangers Together Via Technology
Short Story Vending Machines
Short Story Vending Machines
This Machine Opts for Dispensing Literature Rather than Junk Food
Umbrella-Lending Vending Machines
Umbrella-Lending Vending Machines
These Japanese Beverage Dispensers Offer Free Umbrella Rentals
Sweat-Activated Drink Dispensers
Sweat-Activated Drink Dispensers
Gatorade's Drink Vending Machine Only Serves People Who Sweat
Travel Souvenir ATMs
Travel Souvenir ATMs
Souvenear is a Craft-Dispensing Vending Machine at Kansas City Airport
Competitive Vending Machines
Competitive Vending Machines
Knacki's Vending Machine Game Pit People Against Leo Van Der Elst
SIM Card Vending Machines
SIM Card Vending Machines
This Vending Machine Automates the Process of Giving Out Mobile Tech
Skincare Airport Dispensers
Skincare Airport Dispensers
Online and Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport is Where to Buy Proactive
Ramen Noodle Vending Machines
Ramen Noodle Vending Machines
This Unconventional Vending Machine Provides Savory Noodle Dishes
Poverty-Alleviating Vending Machines
Poverty-Alleviating Vending Machines
The Automatic Food Dispenser Initiative Serves Poor Areas
Junk-Refusing Vending Machines
Junk-Refusing Vending Machines
These Healthy Snack Vending Machines Reference Your Medical Records
Pastry Vending Machines
Pastry Vending Machines
This Cool Vending Machine in Japan Dispenses Fresh Crepes
Cannabis Vending Machines
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American Green Has Built the First Consumer-Operated Marijuana Atm
Rice-Dispensing Machines
Rice-Dispensing Machines
This Food Vending Machine Produces Steaming Rice for Chinese Students
Exercise-Dependendant Water Machines
Exercise-Dependendant Water Machines
This Machine Requires Users to Run for Clean Drinking Water
Automated Cooperative Dispensaries
Automated Cooperative Dispensaries
This Greek Milk Vending Machine is Powered by a Dairy Co-op
Customizable Pizza Kiosks
Customizable Pizza Kiosks
NXT Pizza's Food Kiosk Lets Foodies Personalize Their Order
Nail Polish Vending Machines
Nail Polish Vending Machines
Essie Nail Polish Can Now Be Purchased at a Vending Machine
Lager Vending Machines
Lager Vending Machines
The DraftServ Beverage Vending Machine Lets the Consumers Be the Bartender
All-Natural Cosmetics ATMs
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Tampon Vending Machines
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O.B. is Appealing to Potential New Customers Candidly
Selfie Vending Machines
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This Japanese Beverage Dispenser Offers a Complimentary Portrait
Umbrella Vending Machines
Umbrella Vending Machines
'brellaBox is the World's First Rental Service for Sharing Umbrellas
Sensory Vending Machines
Sensory Vending Machines
Holiday Autos' Vending Machine Dispenses the Smells of Summer
Vehicle Vending Machines
Vehicle Vending Machines
The Carvana Dealership Gamifies Car Pick-Ups with a Car Vending Machine
Floral Vending Machines
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24Flower in Amsterdam is an Innovative New Retail Concept
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Unconventional Shop Displays
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Frozen Food Vending Machines
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Vending Machine Retail Displays
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Fresh Food Vending Machines
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Candy-Dispensing Public Benches
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Gamified Recycling Programs
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This Initiative Aims to Encourage Recycling During the Rugby World Cup
Flip Flop Vending Machines
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Old Navy's Shoe Vending Machine Trades Tweets for Flip Flops