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Top 60 Kids' Ideas in September

From Candy-Themed Coding Games to Allergy-Friendly Seed Spreads

— September 25, 2016 — Life-Stages
With the back-to-school season about to begin, the September 2016 kids' trends reveal a major emphasis on products and services that can aid children during their time in the classroom.

Instead of storybooks and craft supplies, parents are now looking for products that can be used to teach children about digital technology. For instance, the Osmo Monster app and drawing pad helps children design their own animated characters. Another example is the Glicode app, which is a fun game that teaches children the basics of programming.

Beyond educational tools, parents are also looking for food products that will keep kids energized throughout the school day. This means that parents are looking for nutritious snacks in familiar, kid-friendly flavors. These kinds of healthy snacks include allergy-friendly seed spreads, active fruit leathers and kid-friendly veggie bars.
Child-Centric Carpooling Apps
Child-Centric Carpooling Apps
The OneLane App Lets Parents Hire People to Drive Children to School
Lunchbox Snack Tutorials
Lunchbox Snack Tutorials
Liza Prideaux Provides Parents with Back-to-School Meal Ideas
Children's Room Surveillance Kits
Children's Room Surveillance Kits
The 'Rule Your Room' Set Lets Kids Take Charge of Their Privacy
Flexible Online Private Schools
Flexible Online Private Schools
'Virtual Learning Academy' Students Equal Peers in Physical School
Child-Written Promotional Campaigns
Child-Written Promotional Campaigns
Target's Back-to-School Ads were Written and Directed by Kids
Updated Anti-Drug Ads
Updated Anti-Drug Ads
The Refreshed 'Fried Egg' Ad Blends the Iconic Ad with Current Drug Concerns
Aquatic Mermaid Lessons
Aquatic Mermaid Lessons
The World of Swimming Offers Instructional Water Nymph Swimming Seminars
Kid-Friendly Anti-Abuse Campaigns
Kid-Friendly Anti-Abuse Campaigns
The NSPCC's 'Pantosaurus' Music Video Teaches Kids About Abuse
Family-Focused Music Streaming
Family-Focused Music Streaming
Spotify's 'Kids & Family' Playlists Help Kids Bond with Parents
80s School Supply Ads
80s School Supply Ads
This Walmart Commercial Shows Kids Reinterpreting a Whitesnake Song
Child-Focused Entrepreneurial Events
Child-Focused Entrepreneurial Events
'Kid Talks' Inspire Young Attendees to Reach Goals
Pain-Free Detangling Brushes
Pain-Free Detangling Brushes
The 'Ouchless Girls Brush' Combs Hair Without Bringing on Tears
Adorable Anime Bookmarks
Adorable Anime Bookmarks
Pokemon Characters Dive into Books with the 'GO bookmarks' Series
Allergy-Friendly Seed Spreads
Allergy-Friendly Seed Spreads
'SunButter' is a Peanut-Free Spread That's Made with Sunflower Seeds
Comedic Kids' Fashion Ads
Comedic Kids' Fashion Ads
This Old Navy Back to School Ad Features Amy Schumer as the Cool Aunt
Durable Child-Friendly Cameras
Durable Child-Friendly Cameras
This Weatherproof Camera Was Built to Withstand Harsh Conditions
Realistic Back-to-School Ads
Realistic Back-to-School Ads
The New Staples Ad Deals with Kids Destroying Their School Supplies
Kid-Driven Car Ads
Kid-Driven Car Ads
BMW Korea Got Little Kids to Drive a Car Around a Race Track
Kid-Friendly Noodle Cups
Kid-Friendly Noodle Cups
The 'In a Cup!' Range is a Healthy Lunch-Time Option for Kids
Competitive Children's Cooking Shows
Competitive Children's Cooking Shows
The Stove Tots Program Promotes the Skillsets of Junior Chefs
Active Fruit Leathers
Active Fruit Leathers
The Clif Kid ZFRUIT Provide a Sweetened Serving of Vegetables For Kids
Kid-Friendly Aromatherapy
Kid-Friendly Aromatherapy
The Eden's Garden Soothe & Smooth Oil Blend is Designed for Children
Child-Centric Smartwatches
Child-Centric Smartwatches
This Unique Smartwatch is Designed For Family-Focused Use
Shakespearean Toothpaste Commercials
Shakespearean Toothpaste Commercials
Crest's Back-to-School Ad Touts the Benefits of Oral Care
Chunky Fruit Cup Snacks
Chunky Fruit Cup Snacks
The New DOLE Mixations Combine Fruit Sauces with Pieces of Real Fruit
Educational Shark Books
Educational Shark Books
'Smart About Sharks' Teaches Kids and Adults Fun Shark Facts
Sandwich-Inspired Snack Bars
Sandwich-Inspired Snack Bars
Trader Joe's PB & J Bars Put a Snack-Sized Spin on a Classic Sandwich
Streetwear-Inspired Kid's Clothing
Streetwear-Inspired Kid's Clothing
Kith's Back-to-School Line Encourages Kids to Be Themselves
Battling Robot Toys
Battling Robot Toys
'Ganker' Robots Fight Without the Need for Programming Knowledge
Tear-Resistant Kites
Tear-Resistant Kites
The Haptic Lab Kites Are Cost-Effective With a Durable Ripstop Nylon Make
Kid-Friendly Electronic Kits
Kid-Friendly Electronic Kits
The Snap Circuits Jr. Makes Learning About Basic Electronics Easy
Anime Charity Stickers
Anime Charity Stickers
'Line' Released Pokémon-Themed Stickers and All the Proceeds Go to Charity
Kid-Friendly Veggie Bars
Kid-Friendly Veggie Bars
The Clif Kid Organic ZBARS Offer Healthy Fruit and Vegetable Ingredients
Bite-Sized Oatmeal Snacks
Bite-Sized Oatmeal Snacks
The New Nature Valley Snacks are Made with Whole Grain Oats
DIY Foosball Table Kits
DIY Foosball Table Kits
Seedling's Sporty Toy Encourages Hands-On and Creative Play
Educational VR Mapping Games
Educational VR Mapping Games
'Verne: The Himalayas' Teaches Kids About the Eastern Mountain Range
Child-Drawn Clothing Brands
Child-Drawn Clothing Brands
Picture This Clothing Turns Children's Drawings into Real Dresses
LED Cube Games
LED Cube Games
The QCoo Brings Back Classic Games like 'Snake' in Three Dimensions
Adorably Sleepy Nightlights
Adorably Sleepy Nightlights
'Sleeping I' Has Light-Up Eyes That Slowly Close as Kids Fall Asleep
Portioned Kids' Meals
Portioned Kids' Meals
'Little Dish' Offers Healthy Small Meals for Children
3D-Printed Ear Prosthetics
3D-Printed Ear Prosthetics
A Scottish Doctor is Using 3D Technology to Help Children With Microtia
Social Good Selfie Walls
Social Good Selfie Walls
Cadillac Fairview is Launching 'Pledge Walls' for Back-to-School Season
Future Olympian Ads
Future Olympian Ads
This 'Fatherly' Ad Shows Kids with Incredible Talent and Supportive Parents
Trap-Setting Invention Toys
Trap-Setting Invention Toys
The littleBits 'Rule Your Room' Kit Lets Kids Set Harmless Booby Traps
Child Artwork Jewelry
Child Artwork Jewelry
Turkish Jeweler Tasarim Takarim Creates Bespoke Jewelry From Kid Drawings
Monstrous Dental Games
Monstrous Dental Games
This Godzilla Toy is Modeled After a Classic Dentist Game for Kids
Animated Drawing Apps
Animated Drawing Apps
The Osmo Monster App Brings a Kid's Drawings to Life with Digital Reality
Fast Food Pedometers
Fast Food Pedometers
McDonald's Newest Happy Meal Toy is a Step Counter
Jurassic Gum Packaging Concepts
Jurassic Gum Packaging Concepts
The 'Dino Gum' Concept Looks Like a Dinosaur's Teeth
Meme-Themed Stuffed Animals
Meme-Themed Stuffed Animals
The 'This is Fine' Plush Dog Brings the Online Meme Into Reality
Interactive Children's Libraries
Interactive Children's Libraries
AEI's Creative Interactive Space Invites Kids to Learn Freely
Customizable Baking Kits
Customizable Baking Kits
The Crayola Baking Kits Allow Kids to Customize Their Own Desserts
Interactive Mushroom-Shaped Lamps
Interactive Mushroom-Shaped Lamps
This Interactive Lamp Works to Create a Playful Atmosphere
Flavor-Free Toothpastes
Flavor-Free Toothpastes
This Flavorless Toothpaste is Designed for Fussy Children
Candy-Themed Coding Games
Candy-Themed Coding Games
The 'Glicode' App is Pocky's Attempt to Teach Kids about Coding
Padded Children's Music Players
Padded Children's Music Players
This Children's Jukebox Can Be Brought and Used Anywhere
Kid-Friendly Sailing Simulators
Kid-Friendly Sailing Simulators
Volvo Rigged a RS Tera Dinghy to Teach Valuable Sailing Skills
Marvellous Postmodern Playhouses
Marvellous Postmodern Playhouses
This Elaborate Cubby House Harbors Big Imaginations
Robotic AI Toys
Robotic AI Toys
The 'Woobo' Looks Like a Furry Monster but It's Also an Educational Toy for Kids