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23 Ready-Made Vegetarian Meals

From Frozen Superfood Suppers to Delicious Vegan Desserts

— January 28, 2015 — Lifestyle
This compilation of ready-made vegetarian meals proves that there are plenty of quick-to-make dinners that do not include over-preserved meat products. If you happen to be a nostalgic carnivorous vegan, there are certainly options for you; a cornucopia of products are available, from soy-based chicken and beef, to vegetable-based dishes.

If you're looking to whip up a speedy supper, frozen goods should be your best friend. There are Indian paneers, Italian mushroom pastas and the quirky Western spin on Tofu turkey with stuffing. Meatless soups make easy go-tos, and so do seedy and nutty snacks. North American food producers and fast food chains are going a step further these days, offering wholesome lunch deliveries and healthy gourmet on the go. Depending on the time and resources you have on a particular occasion, there are plenty of ready-made vegetarian meals to accommodate snappy preparation and even instant eating.
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Vegetarian Value Menu Snacks
Vegetarian Value Menu Snacks
The McDonald's Dollar Menu is Being Updated with Mozzarella Sticks
Protein Fast Food Salads
Protein Fast Food Salads
Wendy's Mediterranean Salad is Abundantly Rich in Protein
Frozen Cottage Cheese Meals
Frozen Cottage Cheese Meals
Tandoori Chef's Frozen Palak Paneer is Delectable
Meatless Fast Food Patties
Meatless Fast Food Patties
McDonald's France is Offering a Vegetarian Cheese Sandwich Patty
Worldly Breakfast Burritos
Worldly Breakfast Burritos
Sweet Earth's Vegetarian Burrito Wraps Channel Global Cuisine
Instant Egg Breakfasts
Instant Egg Breakfasts
Evol's 'Scramble Cups' Provide Easy Eggs, Meat and Veggies
Frozen Organic Protein Snacks
Frozen Organic Protein Snacks
Plum Organics Garden Chicken Bites Feature Wholesome Ingredients
Tropical Trail Mix Combinations
Tropical Trail Mix Combinations
This Snack Mix Recipe Incorporates Unexpected Ingredients
Vegan Grain Burgers
Vegan Grain Burgers
Burgerlords' Vegan Burger is Made with Eggplant, Mushrooms and Grains
Vegan Seafood Eateries
Vegan Seafood Eateries
'Bliss and Chips' is an All-Vegan Fish and Chips Eatery
Nut-Based Burgers
Nut-Based Burgers
NutBurger's Whole Food Vegan Patties are High in Protein
Vegan Meal Replacements
Vegan Meal Replacements
This Vegan Meal Supplement is Powered Only by the Goodness of Plants
Frozen Fruity Oatmeals
Frozen Fruity Oatmeals
Luvo's Steel-Cut Oatmeal Breakfast is Sold Frozen, Not Dry
Global Vegetarian Burgers
Global Vegetarian Burgers
Dr. Praeger's Veggie Burger Patties Capture Diverse Flavors
Single Serve Soups
Single Serve Soups
The Packaging for Pacific Foods's Organic Creamy Tomato Soup is Easy to Open
Vegan Superfood Bars
Vegan Superfood Bars
Citronlimette's Healthy Snack Bar is Packed with Superfoods
Frozen Superfood Dinners
Frozen Superfood Dinners
Frozen Dinners by Tommy's Superfoods Are Packed with Nutrients
Jackfruit Meat Substitutes
Jackfruit Meat Substitutes
The Jackfruit Company Uses Fruit as a Flavorful Alternative to Meat
Wholesome Munchies Merchandizing
Wholesome Munchies Merchandizing
Luna Burgers Packaging Celebrates Healthiness in its Graphics
Frozen Smoothie Desserts
Frozen Smoothie Desserts
Frill's Frozen Smoothies Are Refreshingly Simple & Healthy
Adorable Veggie Packaging
Adorable Veggie Packaging
These Vegetarian Food Packages for Kids Makes Meat-Free Options Friendly
Vegan Snack Subscription Boxes
Vegan Snack Subscription Boxes
Vegan Cuts' Vegan Food Box is an Easy Way to Please Animal Lovers
Informative Food Packaging
Informative Food Packaging
The Empanada Kitchen Food Box Packaging is Explanatory