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35 Examples of Personalized E-Commerce

From Mail-Order Orthodontics to Emotion-Powered Pop-Ups

— June 21, 2017 — Business
These examples of personalized e-commerce range from mail-order orthodontics to emotion-powered pop-ups -- like Ebay's recent activation which translated visitors' facial expressions into a comprehensive list of gift ideas they could purchase online.

In addition to the rise of beacon technology and emotion-powered marketing in traditional retail spaces, personalized e-commerce is also dominating the world of healthcare. Examples like SmileDirectClub allow consumers to access professional dental gear that fits their budget, with custom deliveries sent right to their door. Dental prosthetics startup Wiema follows a similar business model, offering 3D-printed dental implants via its online marketplace. In addition, examples like Vitafive allow online shoppers to customize a vitamin plan that works for them, where as the myLAB box encourages at-home STD testing, while dispelling common stigmas associated with sexual health topics.

Other personalized e-commerce standouts include eye care services that offer virtual try-before-you-buy features. Furthermore, web-based grocers and meal delivery brands are becoming more customizable by focusing on child-specific meals, or foods prepared with dietary restrictions in mind.
Weathered Food Delivery Functions
Weathered Food Delivery Functions
The Weather Channel's Mobile Site Will Offer Food Delivery
Ethical Checking Accounts
Ethical Checking Accounts
'Aspiration' Checking Accounts Assign Scores for Ethical Purchases
Modest Luxury E-Retailers
Modest Luxury E-Retailers
The Modist Aims to Empower a Diverse Consumer Demographic
Free-From Shopping Apps
Free-From Shopping Apps
Tesco and Spoon Guru are Teaming Up to Assist Consumers with Special Diets
Accessible Luxury Luggage
Accessible Luxury Luggage
Away Sells Affordable Versions of Luxe Travel Gear Exclusively Online
Baby Registry Gifting Apps
Baby Registry Gifting Apps
Babylist is an Online Shopping Database for Expectant Mothers
Prescription-Testing Apps
Prescription-Testing Apps
Warby Parker's 'Prescription Check' Lets Users Check Their Eyes at Home
Interactive B2C Platforms
Interactive B2C Platforms
Taobao's Transaction App WangXin Connects Vendors and Buyers
Premium Cuisine Providers
Premium Cuisine Providers
'FooDrool' Offers Food Home Delivery from High-End Partners
Virtual Optometry Platforms
Virtual Optometry Platforms
Ditto Offers Intuitive Frame Recommendation Tech for Retailers
One-Cent Pizza Promotions
One-Cent Pizza Promotions
JustEat Offered Inexpensive Pizzas, but Only to Those Named Mary
Young Infant Food Subscriptions
Young Infant Food Subscriptions
The Yumi Subscription Offers Nutrient-Rich Baby Food Subscriptions
Reward-Finding Shopping Apps
Reward-Finding Shopping Apps
'Dosh' Finds Cash Back Shopping Opportunities Automatically
Essential Oil Recipe Boxes
Essential Oil Recipe Boxes
Simply Earth's Essential Oil Boxes Supply Oils and Easy-to-follow DIYs
Invention-Promoting E-Retailers
Invention-Promoting E-Retailers
Quirky is a Web-Based Marketplace That Promotes New Product Ideas
Entrepreneurial Gift Retailers
Entrepreneurial Gift Retailers
The Grommet Promotes Artisans While Encouraging Ethical Shopping
Cookware Delivery Services
Cookware Delivery Services
Instacart and Sur La Table Have Partnered to Provide a Complete Kitchen
Black-Only Style Subscriptions
Black-Only Style Subscriptions
Subscription Service LOT Delivers All Black Basics to Your Door
E-Commerce Dealerships
E-Commerce Dealerships
Koch Ford Lincoln is an Online Car Dealership for Browsing and Shopping
Flexible Dog Food Deliveries
Flexible Dog Food Deliveries
'Ya Doggie' Offers a Monthly Dog Food Subscription
Shoppable Socialite Gaming Apps
Shoppable Socialite Gaming Apps
The Kim Kardashian Hollywood Game Links to the Spring Web Store
Custom Vitamin Subscription Services
Custom Vitamin Subscription Services
'Vitafive' Ensures You Get the Daily Vitamins You Need
Budget-Friendly Dental Prosthetics
Budget-Friendly Dental Prosthetics
Wiema's Dental Products Are Affordable and Beautifully Branded
Mail Order Orthodontics
Mail Order Orthodontics
SmileDirectClub Lets Users Order Professional Dental Gear from Home
Child Meal Delivery Services
Child Meal Delivery Services
'Nurture Life' Prepares Meals for Children Using Fresh Ingredients
Lifestyle Flower Shops
Lifestyle Flower Shops
The Love 'n Fresh Flowers E-Shop Appeals to Botany Enthusiasts
Natural Home Fragrance Subscriptions
Natural Home Fragrance Subscriptions
The Incense Box Delivers Scented Stick and Essential Oil Kits
Customizable Beauty Bags
Customizable Beauty Bags
Tarte's Custom Beauty Kit Offers Seven Full-Sized Cosmetics for $63
Customized Dog Food Deliveries
Customized Dog Food Deliveries
The Ollie Service Lets Your Dog Enjoy Nutritiously Tailored Food
Tall-Sized Swimsuits
Tall-Sized Swimsuits
Long Tall Sally Has Released a Line of Swimwear for Tall Ladies
At-Home Espresso Subscriptions
At-Home Espresso Subscriptions
This Service Helps to Perfect the Art of Making Espresso at Home
Diet-Specific Meal Deliveries
Diet-Specific Meal Deliveries
'Territory' Delivers Pre-Cooked Meals That Suit Your Diet
Mobile AR Stores
Mobile AR Stores
Alfamind Allows Entrepreneurs to Create Virtual Experiences for Online Retail
Personalized Pet Food Subscriptions
Personalized Pet Food Subscriptions
'The Farmer's Dog' is a Meal Subscription Service for Dogs
Emotion-Powered Pop-Up Shops
Emotion-Powered Pop-Up Shops
This eBay Pop-Up Used Facial Expressions to Help Shoppers Find Gifts