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Top 100 Mobile Trends in November

From Diabetes Data-Tracking Apps to Emoji Hotel Services

— November 29, 2015 — Tech
The top November 2015 mobile trends showcase a number of innovations that range from smartphone devices, mobile software applications, protective cases and innovative applications of Apple's iBeacon system.

Amsterdam's Beacon Mile is a beacon-guided city walk that takes users through a portion of the Dutch capital with helpful prompts that provide detailed information on their surroundings. Launched as an open public testing area for beacon technology in the city, the program aims to kickstart innovative applications of the system.

Separately, hotelier chain Aloft Hotels recently introduced Emoji-based room service ordering that truly redefines the accommodation experience. Guests can order from a selection of six packages that include necessities like toothpaste.

The top November 2015 mobile trends speak to potentially overlooked patterns of opportunity for all sectors and industries.
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Lamb Leather Smartphone Sheaths
Lamb Leather Smartphone Sheaths
Mercer Cases are Crafted From Luxurious Italian Leather
Emergency Roadside Device Chargers
Emergency Roadside Device Chargers
The Fuel Micro Charger 2 is Small Enough to Use as a Keychain
Social Media Love Stories
Social Media Love Stories
'Hey Harry Hey Matilda' is a Novel That Was Released on Instagram
Bookshelf-Digitizing Apps
Bookshelf-Digitizing Apps
Shelfie Lets You Digitize Books By Giving You Free eBook Copies
Stylish Smartwatch Accessories
Stylish Smartwatch Accessories
The Orzly ULTIMATE PACK Comes With a Dock and 20 Faceplates
Spooky Storytelling Apps
Spooky Storytelling Apps
The iLovecraft Collection Animates Stories by H.P. Lovecraft
Rebooted Mid-Range Smartphones
Rebooted Mid-Range Smartphones
The HTC One A9 Gives You Freedom of Functionality
Outlet-Splitting Devices
Outlet-Splitting Devices
The Mpow 3-Port Intelligent Car Charger Powers Three Devices at Once
Multipurpose Portable Speakers
Multipurpose Portable Speakers
The RuggedTec FlashBang Speaker Provides Tunes and Illumination
Athlete-Inspired Fitness Apps
Athlete-Inspired Fitness Apps
This Personal App Trainer is Designed by Georges St-Pierre
Last Minute Travel Apps
Last Minute Travel Apps
This App Helps Users Book Spontaneous Weekend Getaways
Smart Device Placemats
Smart Device Placemats
The Most Modest Simon Charging Mat is Perfect for Placing Important Items
Cubed Smartphone Cable Holders
Cubed Smartphone Cable Holders
The Cubic Cable Holders is Designed to Help Organize Messy Wires
Droid Smartphone Chargers
Droid Smartphone Chargers
This R2-D2 Charger is Ideal for Star Wars Fans Rebooting their Battery
iDevice Gaming Controllers
iDevice Gaming Controllers
The Satechi Wireless Gamepad Provides Action Gaming on the Go
Transparent-Back Smartphones
Transparent-Back Smartphones
This Modified Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Has Its Innards Exposed
Multi-Device Charging Stations
Multi-Device Charging Stations
The Dyconn 12-Port USB Power Hub is Perfect for Office Spaces
Biometric Photo-Sharing Apps
Biometric Photo-Sharing Apps
'Biogram' Crowdsources Heart Rate Data Through Sociable Photo-Sharing
Power-Stealing Keychains
Power-Stealing Keychains
The Juice Booster Charges Your Smartphone by Connecting to a Friends
Hand-Painted Headphones
Hand-Painted Headphones
These Master & Dynamic MH40 Over Ear Headphones are Artistically Beautiful
Global Hotspot Devices
Global Hotspot Devices
The Skyroam Hotspot Lets You Enjoy Mobile Communication in 65 Countries
At-Home Body Analyzers
At-Home Body Analyzers
The Wireless Body Analysis Scale by iHealth Labs Helps You Track Fitness
Dual-Screen Smartphones
Dual-Screen Smartphones
The LG V10 Features a 2nd Display and a Durable Construction
Smart Speaker Systems
Smart Speaker Systems
The Triby Connected Speaker Feature Amazon Alexa Voice Features
Crowdsourced Fruit-Finding Apps
Crowdsourced Fruit-Finding Apps
This Interactive Map Helps Users Locate Wild Produce
Simple Wearable Data Bracelets
Simple Wearable Data Bracelets
The EndlessID Makes NFC Technology Easier to Use Than Ever
Weekday-Specific Social Apps
Weekday-Specific Social Apps
This Social Calendar Allows Friend Groups to Plan Tuesday Activities
Social Media-Enabled Cars
Social Media-Enabled Cars
This Nissan Concept Car is Covered in Connected LED Panels
Traditional Smart Timepieces
Traditional Smart Timepieces
The Fossil Q Smart Watches Feature an Old School Aesthetic
Smartwatch Running Apps
Smartwatch Running Apps
The Runkeeper App's Smartwatch Functionality Makes It More Convenient
Ultra-Secure Smartphones
Ultra-Secure Smartphones
The GranitePhone Encrypts Your Phone Calls, Chats and Contacts
IQ-Boosting Wearables
IQ-Boosting Wearables
The 'Starling' is a Children's Wearable That Tracks Each Word Said in a Day
Personal Pollution-Tracking Devices
Personal Pollution-Tracking Devices
This Gadget Delivers Air Quality Readings to a Smartphone App
Assault-Alerting Devices
Assault-Alerting Devices
'Athena' is a Wearable Designed to Protect Women from Physical Assaults
Harassment-Free Dating Apps
Harassment-Free Dating Apps
This App Ensures That All Interactions are Respectful
Rapper Fashionista Phone Cases
Rapper Fashionista Phone Cases
These Kanye West-Inspired Cases Rep the Yeezy Boost 350 Designs
WiFi-Enabled Watches
WiFi-Enabled Watches
The Garmin Forerunner 630 Provides Feedback on Your Performance
Password-Protecting Keychains
Password-Protecting Keychains
The Passfort Will Keep Your Sensitive Data Safe From Hackers
Connected Smart Menstrual Cups
Connected Smart Menstrual Cups
The Looncup Uses Bluetooth to Send Menstrual Alerts to Smartphones
Sea Creature Pocket Cases
Sea Creature Pocket Cases
This iPhone Case Model is a Whale with a Mouth to Store Small Objects
Sci-Fi Tech Accessories
Sci-Fi Tech Accessories
The Star Wars Death Star USB Wall Charger is Perfectly Designed for Fans
Artisanal Smartphone Sheaths
Artisanal Smartphone Sheaths
The Just Mobile Quattro Back Case is Crafted from Superior Components
Professional Video-Making Apps
Professional Video-Making Apps
This Mobile Application Helps Business Create Impactful Videos
Brain Tai Chi Apps
Brain Tai Chi Apps
This Relaxation App Was Designed Using EEG to Lull Users into a Calm State
Shoppable Interior Design Apps
Shoppable Interior Design Apps
This Inspiration Platform Allows Users to Purchase What They See
Children's Sleep Trackers
Children's Sleep Trackers
'REMI' Learns Your Kid's Sleep Routines and Tracks Their Sleep Progress
Rolling Device Dividers
Rolling Device Dividers
The Rolo Charge Allows You to Carry All Your Gear Easily and Efficiently
Smartphone-Charging Parkas
Smartphone-Charging Parkas
This Heated Jacket Has the Ability to Charge Digital Devices
Snore-Reducing Pillows
Snore-Reducing Pillows
The 'Nora' is a Device That Gently Turns Your Head to Prevent Snoring
Illuminating Smartphone Shades
Illuminating Smartphone Shades
The 'Luzy' Turns Any Smartphone Into a Pleasant Source of Light
Data-Powered Costume Finders
Data-Powered Costume Finders
This App Uses Google Data to Find the Best Halloween Costumes
Gamified Money-Saving Apps
Gamified Money-Saving Apps
This App Teaches Young Children About Financial Literacy
Habit-Changing Apps
Habit-Changing Apps
This App Encourages Users to Develop Productive Habits
Power Bar Device Docks
Power Bar Device Docks
The Most Modest Niko Power Dock Puts Power and Pencils Within Reach
Ghost-Hunting Apps
Ghost-Hunting Apps
This App Helps Users Detect Paranormal Activity in Their Home
Auto Upgrade Apps
Auto Upgrade Apps
This Connected Device Can Help Consumers Upgrade an Old Vehicle
Helpful Travel App Charts
Helpful Travel App Charts
This Infographic Shares Helpful Planning Apps for Sharp Travellers
Hand-Shaking Selfie Sticks
Hand-Shaking Selfie Sticks
These Selfie Stick Designs Look as Though You're Greeting Someone
Woven Storage Smartphone Cases
Woven Storage Smartphone Cases
The iPhone 6/S Wallet Case by jimmyCASE Keeps Everything in Place
Wizardly Diary Phone Cases
Wizardly Diary Phone Cases
This Tom Riddle Case Design is Inspired by the Second Harry Potter Film
Activity-Based Companion Apps
Activity-Based Companion Apps
This App Helps Users Find Others to Partake in Social Activities
TV Robot-Inspired Chargers
TV Robot-Inspired Chargers
This Knight Rider K.I.T.T. USB Car Charger Adds a Touch of Pop Culture
Temporary Video Effects
Temporary Video Effects
These Snapchat Video Tools Let Users Make Slow Motion and Backwards Clips
Educational Programming Toys
Educational Programming Toys
The 'SPRK Edition' is Designed to Make Coding More Accessible
Feline GPS Systems
Feline GPS Systems
This Pet GPS System Lets Users Track and Chat with a Cat
Inexpensive Virtual Reality Gear
Inexpensive Virtual Reality Gear
The Freefly VR Headset Utilizes Your Smartphones Capabilities
Smart Screen Protectors
Smart Screen Protectors
The HYPER GLASS by LVWRKPL Screen Protector for iPhone 6/6S Adds Functions
Miniature GPS Trackers
Miniature GPS Trackers
The LightBug is the World's Smallest Tracker that Can Be Affixed Anywhere
Secondhand Furniture Marketplaces
Secondhand Furniture Marketplaces
'Move Loot' Will Transport Heavy Secondhand Goods for You
Smart Meat Thermometers
Smart Meat Thermometers
The 'MEATER' is a Wireless Cooking Tool That Connects to a Smartphone
Kickstand Smartphone Wallets
Kickstand Smartphone Wallets
The Just Mobile Quattro Folio Provides Functionality and Protection
Smart Thermos Designs
Smart Thermos Designs
The Thermos' Smart Lid is Digitally Connect to Track Water Intake
Limited-Edition Smartphone Cases
Limited-Edition Smartphone Cases
The Stay Slim iPhone 6/6s Case by Supr Good Co. is Expertly Made
Avid Adventurer Smartwatches
Avid Adventurer Smartwatches
The Suunto Kailash Collection Provides a Multitude of Travel Features
Palm-Sized PCs
Palm-Sized PCs
The MagicStick Computer Packs Impressive Features in a Tiny Design Frame
Diabetes Data-Tracking Apps
Diabetes Data-Tracking Apps
'Fjord Fido' Combines Information from All Patients to Form a Database
All-in-One Device Protectors
All-in-One Device Protectors
The Fibonacci by Dreem iPhone Wallet Case Offers Flexible Function
Beacon-Guided City Walks
Beacon-Guided City Walks
Amsterdam's Beacon Mile Directs Tourists to Points of Interest
Manicure Phone Cases
Manicure Phone Cases
This Smartphone Case Flips Out into a LED Nail Dryer for at Home Nail Art
Cordless Wireless Earbuds
Cordless Wireless Earbuds
The Skybuds are Small, Cordless and Charge Up in Your Phone Case
Self-Healing Phone Cases (Update)
Self-Healing Phone Cases (Update)
These iPhone Screen Protectors Repair Themselves in One Second
Wireless Payment Rings
Wireless Payment Rings
The Second Generation NFC Ring Will Feature a Plethora of New Features
Button-Embedded Gaming Tablets
Button-Embedded Gaming Tablets
The JXD Singularity S192 Provides a Seamless Experience for Gamers
Antique Smartwatch Jewelry
Antique Smartwatch Jewelry
The Horn Charm Pendant Necklace for Apple Watch is Retro-Chic
3D Printer Photocopiers
3D Printer Photocopiers
The Eora 3D Scanner Allows Items to Be Scanned for Copying in Minutes
Smart Multifaceted Coffee Brewers
Smart Multifaceted Coffee Brewers
The Bruvelo Coffee Brewer Grinds and Filters Different Javas
Emoji Hotel Services
Emoji Hotel Services
'Text It Get It' by Aloft Hotels Lets You Text the Front Desk
Cheeky Tech-Free Smartphones
Cheeky Tech-Free Smartphones
The NoPhone Zero Humorously Helps Technology Addicts Disconnect
Chromatic LED Smartphone Cases
Chromatic LED Smartphone Cases
The Glowme Smart Case Glows Different Colors for Different Alerts
DIY Smartphone Kits
DIY Smartphone Kits
The RePhone Create Kit Allows for a Completely Customized Phone
Demure Feminine Smartwatches
Demure Feminine Smartwatches
The Shammane Smartwatch Features Fantastic Style and Functionality
Selfie Vending Machines
Selfie Vending Machines
This Japanese Beverage Dispenser Offers a Complimentary Portrait
Military-Grade Computer Cases
Military-Grade Computer Cases
The Dux Case For Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Provides Optimal Protection
Eco-Friendly Gadget Chargers
Eco-Friendly Gadget Chargers
The Solocharg USB Solar Charger Offers Energy, a Flashlight and More
Message-Sending Friendship Bracelets
Message-Sending Friendship Bracelets
This Light-Up Jewelry Flashes Coded Signals Between BFFs
Tool-Equipped Smartphone Cases
Tool-Equipped Smartphone Cases
This Multi-Functional Phone Case is Also a Beer Opener and Lighter
Accessible VR Viewers
Accessible VR Viewers
A Variety of Knoxlabs Cardboard Viewers for Varying Budgets and Preferences
Window Cleaner Phone Cases
Window Cleaner Phone Cases
This Moschino Phone Case Mirrors the Look of a Windex Spray Bottle
Smart Indoor Herb Gardens
Smart Indoor Herb Gardens
This Pot and Plant App System Makes It Easy to Grow Food Without a Yard