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35 Convenient Chat Bots

From Cash-Conscious Messenger Bots to Social Shopping Concierges

— July 14, 2016 — Tech
Friends are great: aside from the obvious benefit of companionship, friends can help with everything from financial advice to style to literary taste and more -- but where friends don't succeed, there are probably Facebook Messenger bots that can help out too. Implemented directly through the chat service that so many millions of people already use to text with their friends, these Messenger bots turn service into a friendly experience in a way that no previous marketing outreach programs could.

Since these chat bots operate using AI, they require very little human maintenance once they're active, yet they give off a distinctly human touch (especially since a properly formatted piece of text from a chat bot is virtually indistinguishable from that of a real person).

The services and recommendations that these Messenger bots provide may not be able to replace human friendship, but they can certainly help users out in areas where their real-live friends might be absent.
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News-Filtering Bots
News-Filtering Bots
TechCrunch's Facebook Messenger Bots Suggests Personalized News Content
Interactive News Bots
Interactive News Bots
The Wall Street Journal's Facebook Messenger Bot Delivers News On-Demand
AI Admin Assistants
AI Admin Assistants
The 'Pegg' Digital Assistant Takes Care of Business Admin
Restaurant Recommendation Bots
Restaurant Recommendation Bots
'Where Bot' Offers Restaurant Options Through Facebook Messenger
Chat-Based Printing Bots
Chat-Based Printing Bots
HP's Facebook Messenger Bot Prints When Engaged in Conversation
Video Game Chatbots
Video Game Chatbots
Activision's Facebook Messenger Bot Teases 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare'
Sports Trivia Bots
Sports Trivia Bots
Australia's NRL Sporting League Has a 'SOO' Trivia Bot on Facebook
Flower-Ordering Bots
Flower-Ordering Bots Makes the Experience of Ordering Flowers Conversational
Adventure Story Bots
Adventure Story Bots
Sequel Stories Uses Facebook Messenger for Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Stories
Social Shopping Concierges
Social Shopping Concierges
Operator on Facebook Uses Both Human and AI Expertise for Finding Items
Cash-Conscious Messenger Bots
Cash-Conscious Messenger Bots
Chat with Monty Frugal Through Facebook Messenger to Track Expenses
Humanitarian Advocacy Bots
Humanitarian Advocacy Bots
UNICEF's Facebook Messenger Bot Offers a Place to Chat About Issues
Object-Identifying Bots
Object-Identifying Bots
The New Facebook Messenger Bot Can Identify Objects in Photos
Advocacy News Bots
Advocacy News Bots
Mic's 'Offsite' Encourages Readers to Take Action After Reading a Story
Purchasing Chat Apps
Purchasing Chat Apps
Facebook's Businesses on Messenger Expands the Social Service
Political AI Chat Bots
Political AI Chat Bots
The Donald Drumpf Bot From ChatPrime is Coming Soon to Facebook Messenger
Curated Book Suggestion Services
Curated Book Suggestion Services
Curation Service ShelfJoy Suggests Daily Reading Recommendations
Cognitive Chat Bots
Cognitive Chat Bots
Microsoft's 'Tay' AI Uses Conversations to Collect User Data
Organizational Messaging Apps
Organizational Messaging Apps
The Snowball App Harmonizes Your Messaging Apps
Beauty Advisor Bots
Beauty Advisor Bots
Modiface's Bot Suggests Makeup and Gives Virtual Try-Ons Within Messenger
Chat Bot Ad Exchanges
Chat Bot Ad Exchanges
Startup BotRevenue Will Let Chat Bot Owners Expand Their User Base
Weather Chat Bots
Weather Chat Bots
The 'Hi Poncho' Facebook Messenger Bot Reveals Forecasts in Conversation
Accent-Ameliorating Chat Bots
Accent-Ameliorating Chat Bots
ELSA is a Virtual Pronunciation Coach and Mobile App for Accents
Financial Messenger Bots
Financial Messenger Bots
The Amex Bot on Facebook Provides Info on Transactions and Purchases
TV Show Chatbots
TV Show Chatbots
Fans Can Interact with Their Favorite Silicon Valley Characters Via the Luka App
AI Travel Bots
AI Travel Bots
The 'Sure' Facebook Messenger Bot Acts Like a Digital Travel Guide
Medical Messenger Bots
Medical Messenger Bots
HealthTap Uses AI to Answer Questions on Facebook Messenger
AI News Bots
AI News Bots
The CNN News Facebook Bot Summarizes Stories for Readers
Burger-Ordering Chatbots
Burger-Ordering Chatbots
Burger King's AI Chatbot Takes Menu Orders Via Facebook Messenger
Smart Banking Bots
Smart Banking Bots
Kasisto's Personal Finance Bots Use Conversational AI That's Truly Intelligent
Chatbot Finance Apps
Chatbot Finance Apps
'Abe' Offers Finance Tracking Capabilities Through Real-Time Chat
Flight-Booking Bots
Flight-Booking Bots
The SkyScanner Facebook Messenger Bot Helps Travelers Book Flights
Chat-Based Adventure Games
Chat-Based Adventure Games
'Humani: Jessie's Story' is Told Through the Facebook Messenger App
AI Finance Assistants
AI Finance Assistants
'Personetics Anywhere' Helps Banks Offer Guidance Via Facebook Messenger
eCommerce Chatbot Programs
eCommerce Chatbot Programs
'Mr. Chatbot' Supports eCommerce Companies with Sophisticated Chatbots