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Top 100 Gadget Trends in March

From Hologram Tablet Technology to Digital Boxing Gloves

— March 29, 2015 — Tech
Augmented reality, wearable tech and green appliances are some of the awesome concepts included in the top March 2015 gadget trends.

In terms of augmented reality, we're seeing a wide-spread proliferation of the technology across all industries. No longer limited to gaming and entertainment, AR capabilities can be applied to the realms of education, business and even travel. Wearable tech, on the other hand, is optimized for fitness capabilities. Users are not only interested in tracking their data -- heart rate, calories burned, etc -- but sharing it with their social network. The ability to make fitness progress public amongst friends and family is a great motivator to continue working out.

Overall, the top March 2015 gadgets trends are fulfilling consumers' needs for enhanced experiences that can be shared socially.
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Crowdsourced Music Speakers
Crowdsourced Music Speakers
Crispin Porter + Bogusky's Music Speaker Takes Requests from Twitter
Eye Care Screens
Eye Care Screens
This Interactive Flat Panel Includes Eye Care Technology
Sumo Rocker Commercials
Sumo Rocker Commercials
Domoco Healthcare Promotes Its Health Gadget in an Unlikely Way
Remote Control Cords
Remote Control Cords
This Versatile Power Cord Doubles as a Remote Control
Adaptable Portable Speakers
Adaptable Portable Speakers
The Soen Transit XS Can Be Mounted on Anything to Bring Tunes with You
Oiled-Up iPad Cases
Oiled-Up iPad Cases
The Phorm iPad Mini Case Includes a Futuristic Oil-Based Keyboard
Flying Saucer Speakers
Flying Saucer Speakers
The MartinLogan Crescendo Wireless Speaker System has a Spatial Feel
Driver-Assisting Discs
Driver-Assisting Discs
The CarVi Brings Futuristic Technology to Older Cars
Interactive Braille Tablets
Interactive Braille Tablets
The Tactalis Tablet is the Innovative Tablet That Touches Back
TV Tour Bracelets
TV Tour Bracelets
Fans on Foot is a Jewelry Piece That Highlights Filming Spots on Walking Tours
High-Performing Mobile Cases
High-Performing Mobile Cases
This Camera-Enabled Phone Case Boosts Speed, Control, Lens & Mobility
Precise Induction Cooktops
Precise Induction Cooktops
The Paragon Precisely Monitors and Nurtures Your Culinary Creations
Surround Sound Speakers
Surround Sound Speakers
The Theatre Box Fills Large Rooms With 3D Surround Sound
Easy-Input Outlets
Easy-Input Outlets
A Sculpted Socket Makes it Really Simple to Insert the Prongs of Your Devices
Hybrid Headphone Speakers
Hybrid Headphone Speakers
This 2-in-1 Sound System Transitions for Personal to Communal Emission
Augmented Toy Apps
Augmented Toy Apps
LEGO X Adds a High-Tech Element to Building Block Play
Tactile Texting Devices
Tactile Texting Devices
The Tactpuck Will Help You 'Text' Vibrations, Lights and Temperatures
Password-Protected Thumbdrives
Password-Protected Thumbdrives
Encrypted Flash Drive Only Lets You Access Files with the Right PIN
Call-Recording Headsets
Call-Recording Headsets
The Bluewire Can Record 1,000 Hours of Phone Calls
All-In-One Internet Devices
All-In-One Internet Devices
Eero Provides Net Access and Doubles as a Router and Extender
Hot Rod Water Warmers
Hot Rod Water Warmers
This Stick Kettle Efficiently Heats a Single Teacup in Seconds
Hands-Free Automotive Speakers
Hands-Free Automotive Speakers
These Plantronics Bluetooth Speakerphones Help You Get Work Done
LED MP3 Players
LED MP3 Players
The Billet Personal Music Player is Lit with Lights, Unlike the Common Touchscreen
Tandem Tech Devices
Tandem Tech Devices
Neptune Duo is a Small Wearable That Doesn't Rely on a Phone for Operation
Real-Time Training Gadgets
Real-Time Training Gadgets
The PEAR Fitness Training System Offers Real-Time Coaching
Smartphone-Controlled Vaporizers
Smartphone-Controlled Vaporizers
Storz & Bickel's Crafty Vaporizer is Made for Tech-Savvy Users
Gesture-Controlled Speakers
Gesture-Controlled Speakers
Sugr Cube Sound System Responds to Taps, Pats and Tilts for Commands
Eco-Friendly Firestarting Fuels
Eco-Friendly Firestarting Fuels
Fire Dragon is a Solid Fuel That Lights Up Even When Wet
Auto Audio Receivers
Auto Audio Receivers
The GOgroove Lets You Seamlessly Stream Your Music and Host Hands-Free Calls
Gadget-Powering Purses
Gadget-Powering Purses
This Device-Charging Bag Lets You Charge Multiple Devices at the Same Time
Compact Car-Starting Gadgets
Compact Car-Starting Gadgets
Mobile Jump Starter Gives Vehicles a Boost When No Mechanics are Near
Synced Skipping Ropes
Synced Skipping Ropes
The Sophia Fitness Tracker Stores Your Stats and Encourages Live Challenges
Blood-Circulating Robotic Socks
Blood-Circulating Robotic Socks
This Robotic Sock Will Help Treat Deep Vein Thrombosis
Hair-Disappearing Devices
Hair-Disappearing Devices
Iluminage's At-Home Hair Removal Tool is Suited to All Skin & Hair Types
Sleek Audiophile Speakers
Sleek Audiophile Speakers
The Fluance Fi30 Offers Generous Sound in a Compact Design
Automotive Travel Routers
Automotive Travel Routers
Autonet Mobile Turns Your Car into a Roving Wi-Fi Hub
Techie Kicking Games
Techie Kicking Games
This Hi-Tech Shuttlecock Tracks Players' Activity and Shares It
Hospital-Based Wearable Tech
Hospital-Based Wearable Tech
The Apple HealthKit Helps Monitor Chronic Conditions
Handheld Guitar Sustainers
Handheld Guitar Sustainers
The Vo Wand Helps Guitarists Produce Sustained Harmonies
Indestructible Bluetooth Speakers
Indestructible Bluetooth Speakers
The Portable Photive Hydra Brings Music to Showers and Beaches
Sleek Helicopter Drones
Sleek Helicopter Drones
The AR Drone 2.0 Elite Edition is Controlled by a Smartphone
Tiny Wheel-Testing Gadgets
Tiny Wheel-Testing Gadgets
Motorists Can Always Keep This Keychain Tire Pressure Gauge on Hand
Virtual Reality Concerts
Virtual Reality Concerts
Visualise's 360-Degree Virtual Concert is Headlined by Kasabian
Portable Paper Shredders
Portable Paper Shredders
This Portable Paper Shredder Lets You Destroy Documents On the Go
Construction Industry Infographics
Construction Industry Infographics
This Infographic Details Technological Progression
Screw-In Smart Projectors
Screw-In Smart Projectors
The Beam Smart Projector Can Be Screwed Into a Light Socket
Tablet POS Systems
Tablet POS Systems
Elo's PayPoint Pro Register Handles Cards, Cash and Receipts
Touch-Control Guitars
Touch-Control Guitars
The Jane Guitar Uses LED Touch Sensors to Switch Between Pickups
Seamless TV-Streaming Devices
Seamless TV-Streaming Devices
Mohu Gathers All of Your Video Entertainment Without the Cable
Consistent Coffee Grinders
Consistent Coffee Grinders
The EvenGrind Coffee Grinder Lives Up To Its Name
Filter-Free Vacuums
Filter-Free Vacuums
The Dyson Cinetic Range Saves You from Ever Having to Change a Filter
Futuristic Snowboard Bindings
Futuristic Snowboard Bindings
The XON Snow-1 Provides Feedback On Snowboarding Performance
Lightbulb-Shaped Projectors
Lightbulb-Shaped Projectors
Beam Screws into Stands to Project Smartphone Screens onto Any Surface
Bike-Tracking Tail Lights
Bike-Tracking Tail Lights
The BTrack Tail Light Lets You Track Your Stolen or Lost Bike
Recording Caterpillar Probes
Recording Caterpillar Probes
RoboWorm Can Shimmy Through Tunnels to Scope Out Anything of Interest
Age-Defying Lasers
Age-Defying Lasers
Tria Beauty Offers a Game-Changing Skincare Product for Fast Results
Contactless POS Systems
Contactless POS Systems
Proxama's Units Offer Solutions for NFC Marketing & Loyalty Platforms
Retro Virtual Reality Devices
Retro Virtual Reality Devices
Mattel Partners with Google to Bring Back the View-master
Digital Graffiti Phone Accessories
Digital Graffiti Phone Accessories
A Spray Can Smartphone Add-On is a Nozzle for Your Audio Jack
Digital Boxing Gloves
Digital Boxing Gloves
The Puncho Tracks the Strength of Its User and Shares Stats Through an App
Bag-Tracking Beacons
Bag-Tracking Beacons
BeeQyn is a Smart Luggage Tracker That Keeps Travelers Informed
Portable Fuel Cells
Portable Fuel Cells
This Design is Easy to Deliver and Works in the Harshest Conditions
Playful Electricity Generation
Playful Electricity Generation
A Skipping Rope Lamp Uses Daytime Games to Power Light at Night
Feature-Loaded Toolboxes
Feature-Loaded Toolboxes
The Coolbox Toolbox is More Than Just a Toolbox
Self-Propping Pliable Tablets
Self-Propping Pliable Tablets
Bend Tablet Physically Self-Supports and Technologically Impresses
Rolling Digital Rulers
Rolling Digital Rulers
This Smart Measuring Implement Helps You Draw Lines and Make Calculations
Stylish Medical Monitors
Stylish Medical Monitors
Embrace by Empatica Tracks Epileptic Episodes in a Chic Way
Tactile Guiding Cuffs
Tactile Guiding Cuffs
Vibrating Wristband Helps Navigate the Visually Impaired Through the City
Pharmacy Beacon Technology
Pharmacy Beacon Technology
The Duane Reade App Vastly Improves Customer's In-Store Experience
Kid-Safe 3D Printers
Kid-Safe 3D Printers
Bonsai Labs' 3D Printer for Kids Operates at a Lower Temperature
Dining Smart Devices
Dining Smart Devices
The Owl Enables Establishments to Offer Better Restaurant Customer Service
Audio-Visual Walking Aids
Audio-Visual Walking Aids
Hi-Tech Cane Attachment Helps the Blind Navigate Through Indian Streets
Many-Lensed Videography
Many-Lensed Videography
An Action Camera Set Lets You Capture Multiple Angles with Minimal Effort
Indoor Location-Based Services
Indoor Location-Based Services
GE Lighting and ByteLight Roll Out Next-Generation LED Lighting
Home-Heating Computers
Home-Heating Computers
Project Exergy Aims to Heat Your Home with Your Computer
Minimalist Smart Wallets
Minimalist Smart Wallets
The Where’s Wallet Is Easy to Find When Lost
Handlebar-Flipping Bicycle Attachments
Handlebar-Flipping Bicycle Attachments
FlipCrown Makes It Easier to Cram Your Bicycle Anywhere
Lifesaving Mountain Equipment
Lifesaving Mountain Equipment
The Climber Shield Provides Heat and Oxygen to Ascending Sportsmen
Lantern-Like Projectors
Lantern-Like Projectors
This Portable Video Projector Has Been Thoughtfully Designed to be Carried
Safe Storage Rubbers
Safe Storage Rubbers
This Condom USB Stick Holds Your Backup Files for Suggestive Data Protection
Off-Grid Charging Devices
Off-Grid Charging Devices
NanoGrid Lets You Charge Your USB Devices Off the Grid
Meticulous Coffee Makers
Meticulous Coffee Makers
This Scrupulous Coffee Grinder Prepares Beans Slowly and Precisely
Segmented Washing Machines
Segmented Washing Machines
The Triple Spin Features Smaller Compartments for Clothes Washing
Virtual Reality Airlines
Virtual Reality Airlines
Qantas and Samsung Collaborate to Offer Virtual Reality in the Air
Dew Drop Teapots
Dew Drop Teapots
This Steamer Kettle Reimagines the Ritual of Preparing Green Tea
Adaptable E-Ink Bracelets
Adaptable E-Ink Bracelets
Tago Arc Lets You Do You Own Jewelry Design within One Techie Accessory
Wind Turbine Trellises
Wind Turbine Trellises
The Innovative Windflock System Unites Eco Energy and Ornamentation
Crab-Legged Steampunk Clocks
Crab-Legged Steampunk Clocks
Nixie Machine Fuses Vintage Digital Tubes with Modern Manufacturing
Smart Whiteboard Markers
Smart Whiteboard Markers
Equil Creates a Product to Capture Notes and Ideas in Real Time
DIY Laptop Stands
DIY Laptop Stands
Mike Davis Forewent Typical Laptop Mounts in Favor of His Own Stand
Eco Wilderness Grills
Eco Wilderness Grills
The Burnie Portable Campfire is Self-Contained and Chemical-Free
Hedgehog-Inspired Airbags
Hedgehog-Inspired Airbags
The i Gel Full-Body Airbag Acts As a Personal Protective Coccoon
Scroll Solar Chargers
Scroll Solar Chargers
Rollable Eco Gadget Harnesses the Sun's Energy to Keep Your Phone's Power On
Holographic Fishing Technology
Holographic Fishing Technology
The Hunter-Gatherer Lets You Virtually Catch Your Food for Delivery
Lucid Smart Lamps
Lucid Smart Lamps
Multi-Functional Smart Light Facilitates Alarms, Calls and Vivid Illumination
Hologram Tablet Technology
Hologram Tablet Technology
This Holocube Case Creates 3D Projections of On-Screen Animations
Tiny Drone Toys
Tiny Drone Toys
SKEYE Nano Drone Buzzes Like an Electronic Insect, Navigating Nooks and Crannies
Hi-Tech Briefcases
Hi-Tech Briefcases
The Gcase Fashionably Keeps Track of Your Schedule and Records Meetings
Wheeled Walking Sticks
Wheeled Walking Sticks
'Take Me Away' is a Smart Cane for Guiding the Visually Impaired
Home Farming Boxes
Home Farming Boxes
The Mini-Farm Grow Box Lets You Easily Grow Greens At Home