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21 Belieber-Worthy Creations

In Anticipation of Justin Bieber's New Heartbreaker Single

— June 4, 2013 — Pop Culture
Justin Bieber's new Heartbreaker single was dangled in front of dedicated fans by the Biebs through his Instagram account yesterday. "Coming soon," the singer wrote, "Tell a friend to tell a friend." Fans have begun speculating as to whether the song is a message to Bieber's ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez. Whether Heartbreaker is a bitter message to an ex or not, these Belieber-worthy creations are enough to keep even the hungriest Bieber fan satiated until the release of the King of Pop's newest single.

For Beliebers who also love the HBO hit, Game of Thrones, there's a fantasy character mash-up blog that combines pictures of the Biebs and Game of Thrones's King Joffrey, leading to some hilarious tongue-in-cheek posts. Younger Bieber fans can feel as if Bieber is right there with them by playing with tween pop star toys that look exactly like the Biebs himself.

Until Justin Bieber's Heartbreaker single is released, Beliebers will have to make do with these witty, tributary and often cheeky Bieber-inspired creations.
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