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85 Gift Ideas for Toddlers

From Safety-Conscious Building Blocks to Interactive Teddy Bears

— November 27, 2015 — Life-Stages
These gift ideas for toddlers are perfect for the stressed out parent on your holiday shopping list. Although many people think that caring for a newborn is the most difficult task a parent will undertake, toddlers can be equally as challenging. These gifts will provide parents will all of the tools they need to keep their toddler happy and healthy.

Although it may seem like a simple task, getting a toddler to eat their food can be quite a challenge. In order to avoid messy accidents, parents are constantly on the lookout for items that will make mealtime go more smoothly. Some toddler-friendly gift ideas include interchangeable sippy cup accessories, ergonomic infant cuisine makers and even toddler-accommodating kitchen tables.

Beyond making sure their child is well-fed, parents are also eager to keep their toddler engaged. Toys not only provide a form of entertainment, but they can also lay the foundation for learning critical skills. Some of these education toy ideas include plant-based paint sets, playful programming books and personalized puzzle stools.

With so many options to choose from, these gift ideas for toddlers are guaranteed to spark some shopping inspiration.
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Toddler-Targeted Phone Games
Toddler-Targeted Phone Games
Baby Toy Phone Features Bright Colors, Animations and Nursery Rhymes
Stimulating Baby Phones
Stimulating Baby Phones
The VTech Touch and Swipe is a Smartphone For Babies and Toddlers
Stackable Coloring Tools
Stackable Coloring Tools
These Stackable Crayons Feature an Unusual Shape That is Easy to Grip
Spill-Proof Art Supplies
Spill-Proof Art Supplies
These Paint Cups from Melissa & Doug are Less Messy for Toddlers to Use
Stuffed Superhero Teddys
Stuffed Superhero Teddys
These Plushies are Designed to Look Like Members of the Justice League
Playful Programming Books
Playful Programming Books
This Educational Series Introduces Infants to Computer Science
Fishy Fairytale Blankets
Fishy Fairytale Blankets
This Mermaid Tail Blanket Adds a Whimsical Touch to Your Living Space
Child-Centric Tablets
Child-Centric Tablets
The LeapPad Platinum is Designed For Young Children
Illuminated Giraffe Toys
Illuminated Giraffe Toys
The Soothe & Glow Giraffe From Fisher-Price Calms Infants' Senses
No-Squeeze Food Pouches
No-Squeeze Food Pouches
This Food Pouch Provides a Mess-Free Way for Children to Feed Themselves
Orchestral Audio Toys
Orchestral Audio Toys
The Mozart Magic Cube Stimulates a Baby's Senses
Monstrous Children's Books
Monstrous Children's Books
This Children's Book Series Tells the Origin Story of Classic Monsters
Track-Powered Mini Vehicles
Track-Powered Mini Vehicles
The Fisher-Price Kawasaki Lil’ Quad Model is Sold with a Track System
Animal-Saving Plush Toys
Animal-Saving Plush Toys
This New Beanie Baby Helps Raise Awareness for Wildlife Conservation
Toothy Traveling Toodler Totes
Toothy Traveling Toodler Totes
The Toothy Ruthie Snuggle Duffle is the Cutest Carry-on Ever
Edible Children Paints
Edible Children Paints
This DIY Edible Finger Paint is Fun and Safe for Kids
Pickup Truck Wagons
Pickup Truck Wagons
The Step 2 Ford F-150 Kids Wagon is Inspired by the Heavy-Duty Vehicle
Mini Toddler Combat Boots
Mini Toddler Combat Boots
The Mini Dr. Martens SS14 Boot Collection is Made for Stylish Kids
Sci-Fi Sippy Cups
Sci-Fi Sippy Cups
This Doctor Who Travel Cup is Great for Journeying Through the Galaxy
Dual Compartment Kiddie Cups
Dual Compartment Kiddie Cups
The MOMease is the Sippy Cup Reinvented with Room for Two Drinks
Dotty Marker Sets
Dotty Marker Sets
These Markers for Toddlers are Less Mess for Parents of Creative Children
Sci-Fi Learning Books
Sci-Fi Learning Books
Sci-Fi Shapes and Nerdy Numbers Encourages Higher Learning
Sippy Cup Accessories
Sippy Cup Accessories
The SipSnap Lid Turns Almost Any Drinking Vessel into a Spill-Safe Container
Playful Kids' Computers
Playful Kids' Computers
The Leaptop has Educational Basics Integrated for Interactive Learning
Animal Bowling Pins
Animal Bowling Pins
Haileymarley's Plush Bowling Pins Take Inspiration from Cute Land & Sea Life
Sleep-Enhancing Owl Lights
Sleep-Enhancing Owl Lights
The 'Light My Way' Nightlight Calms Toddlers Before Bed
Geeky Baby Blocks
Geeky Baby Blocks
These Blocks Gets Children Started Early with Geeky Pop Culture References
Plant-Based Paint Sets
Plant-Based Paint Sets
eco-kids' eco-paint is Made from Natural, Kid-Safe Powders
Transforming Hybrid Bikes
Transforming Hybrid Bikes
'LegGo' is a Modification Bike That Takes on Eight Different Forms
Tactile Teething Toys
Tactile Teething Toys
Fat Brain Toys' pipSquigz Figurines Create a Sensory Experience for Kids
Interactive Toddler Tales
Interactive Toddler Tales
Storybook Blocks Allows Children to Actively Play with Favorite Books
Car-Themed Modular Toys
Car-Themed Modular Toys
The Mega Bloks First Builders Fast Tracks Raceway is Fun and Affordable
Child Chair Boosters
Child Chair Boosters
The Kaboost Portable Chair Booster Brings Kids Up to the Perfect Height
Toddler-Friendly Blenders
Toddler-Friendly Blenders
The Baby Bullet Helps You Make 7 Days Worth of Nutritious Baby Food
Personalized Puzzle Stools
Personalized Puzzle Stools
One Step Ahead's Stools for Kids are Personalized by Name
Tech-Integrated Teddy Bears
Tech-Integrated Teddy Bears
This Stuffed Animal is Powered by Artificial Intelligence
Safety-Conscious Building Blocks
Safety-Conscious Building Blocks
The Ouchless Baby Blocks are Designed to Prevent Infant Injuries
Soothing Owl Toys
Soothing Owl Toys
Cloud B's Nighty Night Owl Guides Babies and Kids Back to Sleep
Infant-Cradling Wagons
Infant-Cradling Wagons
The 'Comfort Embrace Wagon' is Designed to Comfortably Carry New Babies
Deceptive Wooden Phone Toys
Deceptive Wooden Phone Toys
This Personalized Phone Toy Encourages Play Time over Screen Time
Weight-Monitoring High Chairs
Weight-Monitoring High Chairs
This Adjustable High Chair Features an App-Connected Built-in Scale
Eco Rattle Toys
Eco Rattle Toys
Re-Think It's Organic Cotton Rattle Encourages Sustainability
Plush Sheep Rockers
Plush Sheep Rockers
This Plush Animal Rocker is Inspired by Wooly Wildlife
Medical Sippy Cups
Medical Sippy Cups
This Children's Medicine Dispenser is Also an Easy-to-Use Sippy Cup
Kid-Friendly Airline Kits
Kid-Friendly Airline Kits
This On-Board Activity Kit Features Games, Puzzles and Art Supplies
Jigsaw Dining Sets
Jigsaw Dining Sets
The Puzzle Dinner Tray by Wendy Boudewijns is Designed for Kids
Evolving Baby Rockers
Evolving Baby Rockers
The Nuna Leaf Curv Bouncer is a Product That Grows With Baby
Bathtub Artist Kits
Bathtub Artist Kits
ALEX Toy's Paint in the Tub Playset Makes for an Easy Clean Up
Stacking Wooden Toys
Stacking Wooden Toys
The Wandering Workshop Challenges Toddlers in a Stylish Nautical Way
Ergonomic Infant Cuisine Makers
Ergonomic Infant Cuisine Makers
The Deluxe Food Mill Combines Fresh Food with Efficiency
Toy Track-Printed Shirts
Toy Track-Printed Shirts
The Playmat Railroad Printed Shirt is an Adorable & Fun Piece of Clothing
Robotic Bird Pets
Robotic Bird Pets
The 'Little Live Pets Clever Keet' are Robotic Parakeets for Children
Life-Size Lego Mugs
Life-Size Lego Mugs
This is an Upscaled Version of the Coffee Cup Used by LEGO's Little Yellow Men
Bear Cub Coveralls
Bear Cub Coveralls
This Baby Bear Onesie is an Adorable Addition to Your Baby’s Wardrobe
Plush Wellness Toys
Plush Wellness Toys
The Doodle Toy Monitor's a Child's Health and Wellness Through Play
Eco-Friendly Children's Bikes
Eco-Friendly Children's Bikes
This Lightweight Balance Bicycle is Made to Grow with the Child
Delectable Animal Toys
Delectable Animal Toys
Lucky Squid Studios' 'Fruitimals' are Fun Plush Food Animals
Toddler-Tracking Teddies
Toddler-Tracking Teddies
Tedi is a Hi-Tech Toy That Keeps an Eye on a Child's Development
Split Sippy Cups
Split Sippy Cups
This MOMease Double Sippy Cup Fits Two Drinks into One Mug
Interactive Teddy Bears
Interactive Teddy Bears
The Smart Toy Bear Connects to an App to Teach Kids Lessons
Sustainable Rubber Toys
Sustainable Rubber Toys
Whole Foods is Selling these Eco-Friendly Toys Just in Time for Christmas
Interactive Race Car Beds
Interactive Race Car Beds
This Hot Wheels Race Car Bed Has a Built-in Toy Car Track
Ethical Artisanal Plushies
Ethical Artisanal Plushies
These Handmade Plush Toys From Dsenyo Help Empower Female Artisans
Smartphone-Connected Stuffed Animals
Smartphone-Connected Stuffed Animals
The Oliba Attachment Turns Any Toy into a Smart Object
Lush Leather Booties
Lush Leather Booties
These DIY Leather Baby Boots are Perfect for Fashion-Forward Parents
Interactive Children's Tables
Interactive Children's Tables
Land of Nod's Sand & Surf Table is Designed for Outdoor Play
Stuffed Animal Seating
Stuffed Animal Seating
Restoration Hardware Kids' Chairs Resemble Plush Toys
Fishy Infant Sleepers
Fishy Infant Sleepers
These Baby Bites Sleeping Bags Will Hungrily Keep Your Young Ones Warm
Retro Toddler Taxi Toys
Retro Toddler Taxi Toys
The Retro NY Taxi Toy Will Make Toddlers Smile
Superhero Nursery Decor
Superhero Nursery Decor
Etsy's Cute Baby Superheroes are Perfect Accessories for Newborn Bedrooms
Rubberized Rainbow Sneakers
Rubberized Rainbow Sneakers
These Toddler Nike Shoes are Made With Colorful Neoprene Uppers
Hipster Baby Apparel
Hipster Baby Apparel
Cheeky Face Creates Fashion-Forward Clothing for Toddlers
Artisanal Stuffed Animals
Artisanal Stuffed Animals
These Aquatic Toys are Handcrafted and Distinctive
Tot-Sized Inflatable Beds
Tot-Sized Inflatable Beds
This Inflatable Bed by the Shrunks is Made Specifically for Kids
Transformative Activity Tables
Transformative Activity Tables
The 'Extracurricular Play Table' Doubles as a Desk and Coffee Table
Toddler-Tailored Prams
Toddler-Tailored Prams
The Growing Stroller Evolves with the Needs and Abilities of Your Child
Cabin-Inspired Children's Beds
Cabin-Inspired Children's Beds
Restoration Hardware Kids' Cabin Bed Doubles as a Playhouse
Modular Evolving Movables
Modular Evolving Movables
The Stokke Steps System Transforms with Your Growing Child
Preschooler Programming Toys
Preschooler Programming Toys
The Primo Play Set Teaches Coding Before Reading
DIY Tent Bedding
DIY Tent Bedding
This Terrific Teepee Bed Tutorial From Hello Bowser is Appropriate for Toddlers
Age-Adapting Bicycles
Age-Adapting Bicycles
The 'Infento' is the First Convertible Bike That Transforms into 18 Rides
Infant-Accommodating Tables
Infant-Accommodating Tables
The Baby In Table is a Playful an Family-Friendly Hybrid Furnishing
Chromatic Rocker Toys
Chromatic Rocker Toys
The DIY Rainbow Rocker is a Great Way to Get Little Tots Active
Paper-Made Kid's Furniture
Paper-Made Kid's Furniture
These Animal-Mimicking Chairs Use Recycled Materials and Zero Toxins
Playful Geometric Domes
Playful Geometric Domes
This DIY Cardboard Playhouse Provides Inexpensive Playtime for Children